Being Miguel's "Wing-Woman"

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Sasha's pov
"Miguel Gibbs come here!" I yelled walking into their house.

"Do you always have to scream" Alfred grumbled walking past me bumping me in the process.

I lunged at him but someone pulled me back.

I turned around to see Liam and miguel right behind me.

"Can i kill him" i whined stomping my foot.

They both chuckled and shook their heads.

"Why did you call for me?" Miguel asked walking into the kitchen with me following closely behind.

Liam went to handle some business about a gang making threats or some shit.

"Usual?" Miguel asked taking out strawberries and nutella. I nodded and took it out his hand and dipped it.

"Anyway what did you wanna talk about?" Miguel asked.

"You need pussy in your life" i said bluntly making him choke on his strawberry.

"You good?" I asked since he's face was kinda red.

"Yeah" he choked out. I nodded and continued.

"Anywho do you fancie anyone perhaps?" I smirked.

He blushed... weird

"I mean... uhmm.... there's this girl her name is lexysmith" he stuttered out.

"Lexy Smith? Who's she... does she go by our school?!!" I questioned.

"Lexi Smith is a loner that's why you havent seen much of her she's always in the library and she gets bullied by Sam and her crew" he muttered.

"Oh well that's not gonna do" i smirked. Making Miguel's eyes widened.

"What do you have planned my demonic friend?" Miguel asked.

"You'lllllll see" i sang and slipped out of the kitchen.

On my way to Liam's office, i bumped into Alfred making me fall to the ground.

"Your such a dick" i glared at him.

"Your such a slut?" He said.

I growled and punched him square in the face and walked away.

"You have to do something about baldie" i groaned sitting on Liam's desk.

"Even if i do,my mom will kill me" Liam sighed.

"He's so annoying" i groaned.

"I second that" ethan sighed walking in.

"You were eavesdropping again weren't you" liam asked

"Guilty" he laughed and sat down next to me.

"But seriously alfred's gotta go" ethan said.

"Okay" i smiled.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Liam asked.

"Oh it's nothing see ya later" i said pecking his cheek and walking out.

I drove home and walked into the house to find everyone sleeping. Perfect.

I went into the kitchen and took out a permanent marker and started drawing on their faces. And posted it on Instagram.



"SASHA!!!" Jen and Josh yelled.

I shot out of bed and locked my door and grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

I did my daily routine and got dressed.

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