Last day

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Sasha's pov

"School time bitches" Josh hollered walking down the hallway.

"Shut up!" I groaned.

"Liam remove your body please" I said trying to get out of his grip.

"Noooooooooo let's stay at home" Liam groaned.

"We can't it's the last day of school" I said and finally got out of his grip.

"I'm gonna go shower" I grabbed my clothes and started walking to the bathroom.

"Can I join?" Liam asked.

"Yeah sure" I shrugged. He jumped up and followed .


I walked downstairs and headed to the kitchen.

"You should really soundproof your room" Jen said as i laughed and walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"I can't believe today's our last day of high school" Lexi sighed.

"Yass thank heavens" Josh yelled grabbing my water.

"Seriously get your own" I growled.

"Nah" he shrugged and drank it.

I narrowed my eyes at him and turned to grab a strawberry.

"Ready for the laaaaast day?" Liam yelled walking into the kitchen.

"Don't be so loud geez" miguel glared.

"What's up with you" I asked.

"I have a splitting headache." Miguel groaned.

"Good luck with that one" I said and patted his shoulder.

"Can we get this day over with?" Ethan asked yawning.

"Yes" we all agreeded and headed to school.


Walking into school there's no sign of Samantha or bren. Thank the heavens.

"Wanna head to dance class?" I smirked looking at Jen.

Her eyes widened and she nodded.

Jen and I walked over to dance class and Lexi tagged along.

We walked in and saw people dancing around and laughing.

"Can I join" I yelled walking in. Making everyone hollar.


"Mrs walker?" I knocked on the door of my favourite teacher's office before opening it and walking in.

"Let me guess little Sasha came to say goodbye" she guessed accurately.

I nodded and smiled.

I lunged at her and crushed her into a big hug.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, thank you for always being like a mom to me" I said tears pickling my eyes.

She hugs back and I feel tears on my shoulder. "You're welcome little Sasha"

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