"You Scared The Living Shit Out Of Me!"

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Sasha's pov

I finished the coffee Anne had waiting for me when I finished my shower.

Anne's phone rang as we were talking and she quickly excused herself.

I sat on the balcony in slinece until Liam came in and sat next to me.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Hey" he smiled back.

"So is the creep still alive?" I asked looking at him.

"Nope , We did some digging and found out he's been harassing people and got multiple rape charges, he covered it up when he hired him, I thought removing him from this earth would make it slightly less fucked up" Liam fumed out.

I just nodded and drank my coffee.


I wasn't sure when I fell asleep but I woke up on liam's bed.

And I was alone. Yay

Liam was not here. Where did he go? How long had I been asleep and how did it happen.

One minute I was talking to him and next I was waking up alone and a little scared. The fact that a dead rapist is downstairs doesn't put me totally at ease.

"Liam" I called out.

I got up from the bed and wandered down the hallway.

"Liam?" I called out louder this time.

The house was dead silent as I walked down the long corridor which turned towards another dark corridor that was pitch black and deathly quiet. Where are the people in this house?!

Where the hell is Liam?
Why was he not answering and why the fudge pop was the entire house pitch black and people less.

I took a long breath and steadied myself. My mind was racing. I kept envisioning jackson hiding in the darkness somewhere.

"This is ridiculous!" I said to myself. Why was i letting everything get to me? I am stronger than that.

I turned the lights on and marched down the hallway.

"Liam?" I called.

Still no answer. I walked into the kitchen and then the living room. Moving through these rooms and still finding a huge empty house all to myself.  These dicks left me alone? Ooooouuu they gonna get ittt...

"Liam!" I called out again, this time shouting.

I heard nothing but my own voice.

Heading past the living room and into another hallway. The only other places I didn't check was the movie room and the gym.

I was just reaching for the doorknob to the staircase that led to the lower level when the door opened infront of me.

I screamed and punched the unknown person making them groan in pain.

Liam was hunched over in pain wearing headphones and no shirt. I noticed he's body is sweaty.

"What the fuck babe that hurt" Liam groaned looking at me through one eye.

"You scared the living shit out of me" I growled feeling slightly relieved that I'm not alone.

"I didn't mean too" Liam raised his hands in surrender.

I sighed and calmed down a bit.

"Where are the guys?" I asked.

"They decided to go clubbing" Liam replied.

I nodded and walked back down the hall towards the living room and Liam followed me.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked.

"No" I said sobbing into my hands.

Liam moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's going to be fine" he whispered into my ear.

I looked up then right into his beautiful, rugged face. I moved up and he moved down almost simultaneously and our lips met hard and passionate.

"Wanna head to bed?" Liam smirked.

I laughed through the tears and nodded. He grinned and lifted me up and carrying me bridal style to our bedroom.

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