Saturday Nights

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Sasha's pov

"Wake up people" Jen yelled banging on my door and probably Josh's too. Jeez ever since these idiots moved in everyone can't stop shouting 🙄.

"Shut up!" I screamed back annoyed.

She quickly walked away and I sighed and got out of bed.

I did my daily routine and got dressed and straightened my hair.

Sasha's  outfit👇🏻

"Okay people what's for breakfast?" I ask walking down stairs in a better mood but that's ruined by Jen's cooking

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"Okay people what's for breakfast?" I ask walking down stairs in a better mood but that's ruined by Jen's cooking.

Burned eggs and black toast... Eww.

"Suzy's it is" I grinned and grabbed my keys and walked out the door and into my car. Josh and Jen piled in at the back.

I stopped at Suzy  and we all grabbed us stuff and I paid... Of course.

We got in the car and drove off to the gang house.
"Put down the gun Alfred" I muttered and walked past him.

I swear that Blad mf has a problem with me or something. Oh you must be wondering who's Alfred he's liam's step brother.

I walked up to liam's office.

"I'm gonna kill your brother" I shouted walking in to see liam and two older people who look like liam. Uh oh.

"uhm hi" I muttered my confidence slipping away.

"Hey sweetie" liam's 'mom' I guess, gushed and hugged me.

"nicely done son she's quiet the spitfire" liam's 'dad' said.

"yeah" Liam smirked.

"uhm I'm guessing your liam's  perents nice to meet you, I'm Sasha Thompson" I introduced myself.

"hi dear I'm Aiden Stone and this is my wife Anne Stone" liam dad introduced.

"Wait Thompson as in Blake Thompson?" Anne questioned.

"oh yeah that's my dad, did you know him?" I asked.

"Aiden and Blake were bestfriends in highschool aww hun I'm sorry for your lost" Anne whispered the last part and pulled me into a hug.

Tears stung my eyes and I removed myself from the hug and walked out. I got into my car and drove to my special place the only person that knows about it is Jen. I just hope she's doesn't tell liam where I am.
"Sasha!" I heard someone scream. I groaned knowing Jen reavled my secret safe space. Curse her.

"yes?" I answered like I haven't disappeared for several hours.

"Oh my god I'm so glad your okay" Jen said and hugged me.

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