Hoesika Prank Day

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"Wake up people it's hoesika Prank day" Jen yelled and woke up liam and i.

"Shut the fuck up Jen and go suck Matthew's dick damn" liam groaned and buried his head in my neck.

"Rude" Jen said throwing liam with a pillow and walking out.

I sighed and slipped out of liam's grip and headed to the bathroom.

I got in the shower and washed my hair and myself. I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. I walked out of the bathroom to see no liam. I shrugged and took out my clothes and put it on and brushed my teeth.

Sasha's outfit 👇

I walked out to my room and into the kitchen to see everyone sitting and eating.

"Hey people" I greeted grabbing a poptart.

"Nothing much what is the plan for the prank on thotty Poppins" Ethan asked with a mouth full of Nutella.

"First of all ewww close your mouth and second Jen and Josh is gonna explain.

"okay people you know how hoesika hookups with different people well guess what she hookups with the old janitor so I thought when they getting it on we catch them red handed and take pictures but before taking the pics we cover them in paint and bird feathers" Jen and Josh said in sync?

Me and the guys were Jaw dropped.

"How in the hell...?" Ethan started.

"did you say that so perfectly in sync" I ended.

"Beats me" they shurgged and continued eating.

After we all ate we got into our cars and headed to school.


"Okay everyone split up" Jen said.

"Why" miguel asked.

"So this thing can go according to plan" she said and rolled her eyes.

"Jen this isn't Charlie's angels it's still school and their usual hookup is during lunch" I said rolling my eyes.

"A girl can dream can't I" jen muttered .

"You can c'mon babe" matthew said and they walked off .

"How do you guys even know she hooks up with the janitor of all people" liam asked.

"Easy we caught her once and out of the goodness of my heart i never mentioned it to anyone but I've had a change of heart" i smirked.

"You could always take the high road" miguel said.

"Where's the fun in that that" i asked.

He just shook his head and walked off.

"So wanna head to class?" I asked liam.

"Yeah sure" he said and grabbed my hand and we walked to class.


"Finally im starving" i moaned dragging liam out of that boring math class.

"Your always hungry" he rolled his eyes.

"Im not always hungry sometimes im sleeping" i smiled innocently.

"Remind me why i like you" he asked in amusement.

"That i do not know" i shrugged as we finally reached the cafetria.

We spotted jen and the rest sitting by our usual table.

"Hey guys" i smiled and sat down.

"Hey" they said back.

"So when is this gonna start?" Ethan asked.

"When we see Sam leave" jen said and popped a fry in her mouth.

"Here sasha" jen said handing me a burger and fries.

"Im so lucky to have you in my life" i said dramatically.

"Hey i helped too" josh piped up.

"Thanks josh" i laughed and blew him a kiss.

"Guess who's dating?" Ethan smirked.

"Who?" We all asked.

"You have to guess" ethan whined.

"Okay jen and matthew?" I guessed making matthew choke on his drink.

"Are you crazy?" Matthew laughed.

I looked and saw jen smile sadly .

"Matthew we all know you like jen and jen likes you so kiss" i rolled my eyes and shoved my burger in my mouth.

Everyone looked at me in shock.

"What? Never heard of truth before" i asked sarcastically.

"You like me?" Matthew asked.

"Why dont you guys go talk somewhere else" liam said.

They nodded and walked out of the cafetria.

"So who's dating?" I asked casually.

"Josh and i" ethan said slowly.

"Omg what im so happy for you" i yelled and hugged him .

"Josh im so happy for you" i grinned and gave him a bear hug.

I turned my head to see jen and matthew heading back inside and Samantha heading out .

Its time.

We all followed behind Sam quietly as she made her way to janitors closet.

Matthew and miguel are in charge of taking the videos and photos. Liam is in charge of breaking the door open since its obviously gonna be locked. Ethan, Josh and i are in charge of throwing them with paint. And jen is in charge of throwing them with feathers.

"Okay liam NOW!" I yelled.

Liam kicked open the door and Matthew and miguel were snapping pics and videos of Sam and the crusty janitor. We're not gonna leak this , we will delete it after but she wont know that.

Josh, ethan and i threw them with buckets of paint. Jen threw them with feathers. Liam was laughing his ass off.

"What the hell are you doing" the principal boomed making us all freeze and stop what we were doing.

"Split up" ethan yelled and we all ran in diffrent directions.


"Okay thats it I'm done running" I panted and laid on the grass of the football field.

"Sasha let's go" liam said throwing me over his shoulder.

We got into his car and drove out of that school.

We finally arrived at home to see everyone here.

"that was awesome" Josh,Jen and i  said and high fived.


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