White Girl Wasted

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Sasha's pov

As soon as I open my front door Josh, Jen and Lexi came piling in arms full of candy.

"Woah" was I all I could say.

These people take sleepovers very serious.

"Whoa indeed my bitch" Josh grinned and ran outside again.

I shot the girls a confused look but they just giggled.

Minutes later Josh comes in holding bottles of alcohol.

"Your not of age to buy that" I stated looking at all the liquor.

"But your boyfriend is" Josh said wiggling his eyebrows.

I just rolled my eyes and grabbed some of the stuff and headed to the kitchen to set up. The rest following my actions.

"Okay so what's the plan?" Lexi asked looking at Josh who's mixing the drinks.

"We gonna get white girl wasted" Josh shrugged. I laughed at his words.

"Sounds good to me" Jen yelled and chugged a tequila bottle.

"Easy there tiger" I said and grabbed the bottle.

"Please tell me is anyone invited to this beside us" I asked and the girls diverted their eyes to Josh.

I raised my eyebrow and he smiled sheepishly.

"I invited the guys" Josh grinned.

I sighed and sacked Josh up the head.

"Good going buck" Jen muttered.

"What's the big deal?" Josh asked bewildered.

"I wanted a male stripper!" Lexi yelled all of a sudden.

Me and Jen looked at her and started cracking up.

"I have an idea" Josh smirked.

"Uh oh" us girls said in unison.

"Magic Mike 3D? Anyone?" Josh smirked.
I see from the corner of my eye Lexi's face light up.

"Sure" I rolled my eyes and grabbed the booze and walked off to the man cave.

The rest joined me and grabbed the candy and the rest of the booze and headed to the mancave.


Two hours and six bottles of vodka left. Everyone's white girl wasted.

"Sorry movie anyone? " Jen muttered swinging her hand to the movie compartment.

"I'm not getting up" I protested, I should not have drank so much.

"Fine!" Josh yelled and went over to the movie compartment.

"Your gonna hurt yourself" Lexi said still sober. The bitch ate all the candy instead.

"Do you think I care?" Josh cackled before falling over the purple couch landing on the floor.

"Instant karma" I snickered.

"Im still not getting up" Jen yelled from the place on the bean bag.

"Same" Lexi and I agreed.

"What the hell happened here?" Liam boomed. The fuck is wrong with this bubblegum thot.

Liam walked down the stairs of the man cave followed by Miguel, Ethan and Matthew.

" is there some left" Ethan asked holding up an empty bottle.

"Yeah over there" I pointed to the mini fridge.

Ethan ran and opened the door revealing all those bottles of vodka, tequila, Hennessy, Captain Morgan etc.

"The fuck happened to him?" Matthew asked looking at Josh's unconscious body.

"He got white girl wasted and tripped we were to lazy to help him up" Lexi shrugged.

"Babe you good?" liam asked sitting next to me on the couch.

"Good? Bitch I'm fabulous" I grinned.

"Alright party's over" Liam yelled yet again.

"Shush!!" Jen scowled. The guys raised their hands in surrender.

Liam slung me over his shoulder and I I I thumped him on the his head.

"Nooooooooooo I don't wanna goooooooooooo!" I whined banging on liam's back.

"Put me down you big fat gorilla!" I yelled.

"The only that's big and fat is-"

"Okay no-one wants to hear that" Lexi yelled interrupting him.

"Whatever" Liam yelled over his shoulder and we went to my bedroom.

Liam walked up the stairs and opened my bedroom door and threw me on the bed.

"Jeez no need to be rough" I growled.

Liam just winked and started removing his clothes, leaving him in his boxers.

"Who said you can sleep here?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Me" Liam smirked.

"Ughhhhh" I moaned.

"Let's have a strip show!" Josh yelled bursting into my bedroom making Liam let out a very girly scream.

Even in our drunken state, Josh and I started cracking up.

Josh shoved Liam into my closet and locked it, he grabbed me and dragged me downstairs.

We walked to the man cave to see male strippers dancing on Lexi and Jen.

"Where are the rest of the guys?" I ask.

"I locked them up somewhere in the house" Josh smirked.

Ooooooo shit Fiesta time!!!

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