Cookies And Sex

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Sasha's pov

I had just finished a long jog on the treadmill and took a hot shower when I heard commotion upstairs.

I ran upstairs and into the living room to see Liam and his parents arguing.

I cleared my throat gaining their attention.

"Ahh my favourite daughter in law" Anne gushed and rushed to hug me and i returned the gesture.

"Are you okay?" Anne asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm all good, this note thing really isn't a big deal" I shrugged.

"Of course it is this creep won't lay a single hand on you i promise you that" Aidan said.

I nodded and gave him a hug.

"So whatcha arguing about?" I asked.

"My so called son didn't tell us about this note thing we had to hear it from Matthew" Anne said glaring at Liam.

I turned to Liam only to see him narrowing his eyes at Matthew.

"Well I guess that's figured out how about I bake some chocolate chip cookies?" I asked.

"Omg yes!!!" I heard from upstairs and loud thud. Josh is laying on the floor and Lexi and Jen are still walking down the stairs.

"Oh dear lord" Anne exclaimed.

The rest of us burst out laughing.


Cookie time!!!

I grabbed two cookies for myself before calling the rest.

I heard a crash and loud footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

Next thing i know everyone is in the kitchen and grabbing as much as they can. Vultures I tell ya.

I walked out the kitchen and went straight to the living room and sat down on the purple couch and started watching some television.

Liam joined me a few minutes later. I leaned into him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You know I'm not gonna let anything happen to you right?" Liam whispered into my ear.

I turned my head to look at him and smiled.

"I know babe, plus you know I can handle myself" i smirked.

"I know it's just this stupid note that keeps bothering me there's some creep out their completely inlove with you and will do anything to make you love him back." He sighed.

"Well I will never love this creep because your the only man for me, I might be young but I know I wanna spend the rest of my life with you with you" I smiled pecking his lips.

He grinned and lifted me from the couch and walked upstairs.

"What are you doing" I asked.

"I'm gonna make love to you" Liam said casually.

"I heard that and btw gross" Ethan yelled walking past the staircase.

Liam grabbed the nearest thing he could find and threw it at ethan's head.

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