The End :(

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Sasha's pov

"Morning babe" Liam said as I turned to give him a kiss.

"Annnd My beautiful babys" he said turning to our two 1 year old kids. Leah and Luca

After college, Liam and I got married and went on honeymoon that's how leah and luca came into the picture.

Leah Alissa Stone

Was Born with liam's green eyes and my brown hair and with the cutest dimples. I made Jen and Lexi the godmothers. And Liam made Miguel Leah's godfather.

Luca Kai Stone

Was born with liam's green eyes and my brown hair with dimples.

I had my twins and Lexi also gave birth to twins, Jen and Matthew tied the knot but no signs of babies. Josh and Ethan are still going on strong and are thinking of adopting.

Jen, Josh, Lexi and I still have our crazy nights, which Liam kept on getting over protective . But you know he is my gangleader that I will always love.

"How about we get some ice-cream after?" Liam asked Leah and luca

"Yes!" They shouted. I laughed and Liam left them to finish their dinner.

"There's my queen" he said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and pecking my cheek before sitting down.

"The guys are coming over tonight right?" I asked Liam as I placed our plates on the table.

"Yeah" he nodded and began eating.

"Are the girl's coming over tonight?" Liam asked with a raised eyebrow.

"All we're gonna do is chill with a bottle of tequila" I said with a chuckle as he looks at me with eyebrows raised.

"Remember closets and strippers" Liam said his narrowing his eyes. I laughed at the memory of Josh locking all the guys somewhere in the house while we partied with strippers.

"Yeah that was fun" I sighed dreamily.

He drops his fork and stares at me surprised as I burst out laughing with Leah and luca who laughed at how he was looking at me.

"Don't get jealous I'm just kidding babe" I said putting our plates in the sink.

He pulled me into his arms and spinned me around.

"You know your mine baby" he said with a stern face. I rolled my eyes and laughed before kissing him.

"I know" I said pulling away smiling.

"I think I just puked in my mouth" Matthew yelled walking into the kitchen.

"Wassup Leah And Luca" they fist bumped and hugged.

"Where's the rest?" I asked as he grabbed a beer from the fridge.

He nodded his head to the door.

"Let's call the strippers!" Josh yelled walking in making Liam groan.

"No strippers, We have babies and husbands" Lexi shouted making Josh pout.

"Aww party pooper" Jen pouted making Matthew choke on his beer.

"Whose party pooping?" I heard Ethan ask before him and the rest walked in along with Anne and Aiden. (liam's perents).

"Pop pop" Leah and Luca shouted as Aidan and Anne also know as mami and pops, hugged them.

"Look what me and grandma bought you" he said taking out a onesie that say "Daddy's little Devil" and "Mommys little devil"

"Okay then let's get going my babies" Mami said as I kiss Leah and luca goodbye so did the rest.

"Bye mommy" Leah and luca shouted as I wink and blow them a kiss.

"Bye daddy" Leah and luca shouted as Matthew says bye back.

"They mean me dumbass" Liam said kissing their nose making them giggle. They walked out and headed to theirs.

"Well I am their favourite uncle" Matthew sa with a smirk as all the guys started arguing about who's the favourite.

"Wouldnt change it for the world" Liam said wrapping his arms around me and pecking my nose.

"Me too" I said and pecked his cheek.

"Okay let's go" Jen shouted grabbing me out of liam's arms. I let jen drag me upstairs.

"Here's to getting wasted" Josh yelled. I laughed and shaked my head. He will never change.

"No thanks" Jen muttered.

We all turned our heads towards her.

"Spill bitch" Josh said.

"I... uhm... I... im... pregnant" Jen smiled.

"But Matthew doesn't know" she added quickly.

"Well then there's goes the alcohol" Josh pouted.

I rolled my eyes and smacked him upside the head.

"Yay imma be a auntie" Lexy and I said in unison.

Jen rolled her eyes and smiled.

"C'mon you gonna tell him and then we're gonna have a Fiesta" Josh yelled grabbing Jen and walking downstairs.

Lexy and I shared a look before running after them.

"Listen up dipshits" Josh yelled and climbed onto the coffee table.

Oh God.

"Jen here has something to share" Josh smiled.

"Matthew rise" Josh ordered. Matthew raised his eyebrows before standing up.

Oh josh🤦‍♀️

"Matthew..." she trailed off.

"Your gonna be a dad" she said quickly as the guys gasp.

Then we heard a loud thump. Did he just? Oh he did! The big baby fainted.

"That's exactly how Miguel reacted when I said I was pregnant with twins" Lexy said having a short flashback..

"I'll get a bucket of water" Ethan said as he left the room. Jen leaned down on the floor next to Matthew.

"Matthew? Wake up!" Jen shook him but still nothing. After a few seconds of waiting for him to come to, Jen slapped him making me jump. Shit that sounded painful.

Still no response, well there was the sound of Josh chuckling.

"Alright I have the bucket, Jen you might want to back up or you'll be soaked" Ethan stated.

She quickly moved away and stood beside me. Ethan poured the bucket of ice water onto Matthew's face. Matthew shot up startled by the coldness.

"Big baby" Josh muttered making me giggle.

"You're really pregnant" Matthew asked in disbelief.

"Yes I am" Jen nodded.

Matthew laughed and hugged her.

"This is fucking amazing, I'm gonna be a dad fuck yes!"

"Mhmmm and that's why you fainted?" Jen asked rolling her eyes.

"I didn't faint" he scoffed. "I was just acting... For dramatic affect".

We all rolled our eyes at his lame excuse.

"Where do you people keep your tequila these days" Josh yelled dramatically making everyone laugh.

"In the basement" Liam replied.

"Thank the heavens" Josh yelled and ran off.

"I love our life" Liam said kissing my cheek.

"Me too babe" I said kissing him back.

THE END!!!!!!

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