Alpha Males

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Sasha's pov

"Josh!! We gotta go right now let's bounce" I screamed from downstairs.

"I'm coming jeez woman" he yelled back and jumped over a few flights of stairs making him fall on his face. I burst out laughing .

He just layed there looking dazed and after a few minutes he shouted "Owww!!".

Making me jump at his Sudden loudness. Not long Jen came running down the stairs with a foam bat.

"what happened? " Jen asked making some weird ninja moves. Making me die of laughter.

"Nothing crazy pants Josh just face planted" I said recovering from my laughing debacle.

"Oh welp let's get going" Jen said putting the foam bat on her shoulder and walked out the door. I just shrugged and dragged Josh to the car.

"What are you gonna do with that foam bat Jen?" Josh asked flopping into the backseat while me and Jen got into the front.

"Well if anyone wants to mess with me baboosh" Jen said wacking Josh right in the face making him fall to the back. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

I started the car and we were off..

10 minutes later

Arriving at hell after we stopped for coffee.

We all got out and walked to our lockers but the guys stopped us.

"Hey guys" I waved.

Liam slung his arm around me and we walked down the corridor but got stopped by Josh's screams.

Liam and I turned to see what's going on. Matthew is punching Jacque!! Ohmygod.

Liam wanted to go help but I pulled him back. That's Matthew's fight and knowing jacque he probably deserved it.

Jen walked over to us and sighed.

"Can you go fetch your brother before he gets in trouble" Jen asked Liam. He nodded and walked over to the fight.

"What happened?" I asked looking liam break up the fight. Matthew looks like he's ready to kill.

"Jacque smacked my bum and winked at me, Matthew saw and went biserk" Jen said.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. Alpha males.

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