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Sasha's pov

"Ow, ow, OW!" I yell in pain as Jen tugs at my hair while straighting. My hair is naturally curly and I love it that way.

"That fucking hurts!"

"Oh, stop complaining" she says straighting one last bit of hair. "Done."

Jen's wearing a black dress with white heels. And I'm wearing a blue lace dress with my white heels. Since we hate heels were slaying in sneakers.

Sasha's outfit 👇

If u can't tell by now me and Jen are at my house while the boys are at liam's gang house. For prom!!!!

Ding Dong

"Must be them" Jen squealed. "yeah no shit" I muttered and walked down stairs with Jen by my side.

"Liam you have a key open the door yourself" I yelled grabbing fluffy and putting on her leash and grabbed her toys and treats.

The door opened and the boys rushed in.

"woah" they chorused. I giggled and turned around to face them.

"Hey boys" me and Jen chorused waving him. They are all matching wearing black suits with a red tie and vans or converse. Huh seems like were all wearing vans or converse... Squad goals!!!! Do people still say that?

Anyway liam's perents took our pictures and after that we were off in in our matching Lamborghini's.
"Guys can we get out of here?" I whine as Liam, Jen, Matthew, Miguel, Ethan, Josh and I sit at a table. After two hours of dancing we decided to sit down and rest.

"I'm down" Mathew, Miguel and Ethan says agreeing with me.

I smirked since Liam for some reason don't wanna leave and I know it's just to annoy me. Idiotic gangleader.

"babe" I whined kissing his neck. He closed his eyes and only grumbled. I rolled my eyes and straddled him, sucking and biting on his neck. I stopped by his hear. "Aww babe I thought tonight was our night" I whispered knowing he'll get the Hint.

I felt his little friend hardened. I smirked and got off him. He opened his eyes and glared at me.

"Fine let's go" he muttered and we all sprinted to our cars.

"your gonna pay for that" Liam smirks his grumpy mood gone. I rolled my eyes at him.

We high tailed and sped off to who now's where.
"Sasha" I heard through the radio which creeped me the fuck out.

"Matthew?" I questioned.

"Yes bitch Jen wants to talk to you" he answered back.

I rolled my eyes "you know there's something called a cellphone"

"let's go cliff diving by your favourite spot" Jen shrieks through the radio.

"Where we found you?" Liam asks me in confusion. But Jen answers for me.

"Yes shitface" Jen retorted making me chuckle.

"okay see you there and tell the others" I said. And there's was a slight pause.

"you nodded your head didnt you?" I questioned.

"maybe" she whispered making me roll my eyes.

"idiot" Liam muttered.

"heard that" I hear her say before hearing the radio music again.

"welp fast and the furious this car liam" I yelled and he stepped on the gas.
"CANNONBALL!!!" I yelled and jumped from the cliff into the water. The others following my actions.

"Omg I love this" Josh yelled swimming around.

"Same!" Ethan yelled and swam over to Josh.

We all swam around with our partners following suite except for Miguel who is still single... No surprise there am I right ladies?

We hang around the waterfall taking pics with our phones and playing Marco polo. And ended up having a camp fire and made smors.

That's a Good way to spend prom night right? 🙈

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