The note

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Sasha's pov

"Jen bring my cheetos!" I yelled after her.

"No it's mine now" she yelled back.

"Why are you people always eating my food?" I asked.

"It's delicious" she smirked.

"Im done chasing you" i sighed and plopped down on the couch.

"Hey babe" liam greeted and sat next to me.

"Hey" i smiled.

"Owww fuck josh" We heard ethan yell.

Liam and i shared a look before running out of the living room.

"What the fuck happened?" Liam asked.

"Josh happened" ethan grumbled.

"Josh what did you do?" I sighed.

"Hey in my defense you don't sneak up on people" josh pouted.

"I wanted to surpise you!" Ethan glared.

"Sorry bae" josh smiled.

"And that's our cue" i said grabbing liam's hand and walking up to his room.

"My mom wants you to come visit" liam said .

"I'd love too" i smiled.

"Great I'll tell her later" he said .

"Liam we gotta go now" Miguel said barging in.

"Why what happened?" I asked.

"Someone stole our gun shipment" Miguel.

Liam quickly stood up from the bed and grabbed his gun.

"Let's go" he told miguel and they left.

I sighed welp i guess im going home.


Jen and josh decided to stay at the guy's house .

I decided to take a hot shower and a nap.

I walked into the bathroom and removed my clothes and got under the steaming water.

I sighed and washed myself and got out and got dressed into a tank top and shorts .

I sauntered into the bedroom. As i was drying my hair i noticed a note on my pillow.

At first i almost missed it . The envelope was the same colour as the pillowcase beneath it , a pale pink .

Across the face of the note was my name written in fancy cursive .

I tore the end of the envelope open and pulled the letter out of it . I read it through once and then i immediately read it again paying much closer attention .

"You really think your better than me?!! Is that what your loser friends say? Is that your dumbass boyfriend thinks too?!  They dont deserve you . We belong together and soon it will happen my love. I will come for you"
"Sincerly the love of your life"

I leapt away from the bed in panic.

I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed liams number

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