The Note Part 2

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Liams pov

"This doesnt make any sense" jen shouted.

"How could anyone get in here without triggering the alarm the alram system is rock solid" josh yelled.

"How could someone just waltz in here and do this? My girlfriend could have been killed by this psycho" i yelled at the police officer.

The cop held up his hand and spoke in a calm tone.

"Sir , i understand you are upset, but if you just calm down we will figure out how this happened"

I calmed down and went over to sasha who was sitting at the bottom of the stairs looking off into space.

"Babe do you know who could do something like this?" I asked.

"No! But can i stay yours for awhile?" Sasha asked and leaned against me.

"Yeah sure" i kissed her forehead and we both got up and walked up to her room and she started packing.

"I'll be right back" i said and walked downstairs to the rest of the group.

"Jen, josh go pack your stuff" i said. They nodded and walked off.

"Why" miguel asked.

"Until this creep is caught we're staying at my house, we dont know what this psycho is capable of" I replied.

Miguel nodded and took lexi too grab her stuff at her house.

"Excuse me" i heard a voice say behind me. I turned and saw a police officer.

"Could i ask your girlfriend some questions?" He asked.

I nodded and lead him to Sasha. I opened the door and let him walk in.

"Babe the police officer wants to talk to you" i said gaining her attention.

"Sure" she nodded and the officer began.

"So I'll ask you a few of the obvious questions that you're probably sick of answering" the officer said. "Did you see anyone?" "Anyone you might have made angry?"

"Welll there is Samantha but i don't think she would she send a note like that, she hates my guts i highly doubt she would send a creepy love note" sasha said.

Sasha shook her head to the rest of the questions the officer asked.

The police quickly obtained the security footage and left.

"Honey it's gonna be alright" Lexi said sitting down beside Sasha and wrapping her up in her arms.

"Thanks" Sasha said.

"Right let's blow this popsicle stand!" Josh yelled throwing bags down the stairs.

"That better not be the bag I put my makeup in" Jen yelled from downstairs.

Fear crossed Josh's face before he yelled out a quick 'no'

"Your fucked bro" Matthew said shaking his head.

I grabbed Sasha's bags and took them downstairs the rest following behind me.

We all got into the SUV and got seated. Ethan and Josh infront. Lexi and Matthew in the middle along with Jen and Matthew. Sasha and I sat at the back.

Ethan speeded off to my house after stopping at burger king.

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