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Sasha's pov

Yay its finally friday.

I got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, took a shower and did the rest of my daily routine.

Sasha's outfit 👇

I got into my lambo and drove to school

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I got into my lambo and drove to school.

Arriving at school. I walk over to Jen and Josh.

"Hola mi amigos!" I yelled slinging my arms around them.

"Since when did you become Spanish?" Josh asked removing himself from my death grip.

"I don't know depends on my mood I guess" i shrugged.

"Hey guys wanna have a sleepover?"
Jen asked.

"yeah" Josh agreed.

"Cool but where tho?"I asked jumping on my car's hood.

"We can make it at your house Sasha!" Jen and Josh said in unison.

"I swear y'all could be long lost twins" I muttered making them laugh
We walked to history and sat in the back waiting for the teacher to come in. Josh was telling us about his horrible childhood fillled with abusing perents and bullying all that drama just for being gay. Mean much.

Bren walked in and instantly glared at us.

Josh gave her the finger.

"Where's Liam?" Jen asked Bren

"How the heck should I know!" she hissed and turned to the front.

The teacher came rushing in and set his papers on the desk and started writing the work on the board. I sighed and wrote down all the notes while Jen and Josh were goofing off.

I was so buried in my work that I didn't realize liam is sitting next to me and Jen and Josh are sitting in the front.

"What are you doing here?" I asked looking at Bren who is currently  glaring at me.

"Let's just say we offered Bren's perents a deal they can't refuse and we got our dad's land back" liam grinned.

"That's amazing" I squealed and hugged him.

"Thanks babe" he smiled and pecked my nose.

"You guys wanna join our sleepover tonight" I asked touching his tattoos. There's so many I wonder how many does he have.

"Yeah sure" he agreed and the bell rang.

"Free period" I asked Jen and Josh and they nodded.

"Me and the guys have gym but we can ditch" Liam smirked and was about to go call the boys but Jen and Josh said they would go.

We shrugged and walked off to the car.

They rest soon joined us and we headed to the store and loaded everything we need for the sleepover and drove to my house.

We piled into my house and ran to the living room.

"Okay what are we watching?" I asked.

"Ooh let's watch supernatural!" Josh grinned.

I smiled and high-fived him.

Jen looked at us and back at the show and rolled her eyes, we smiled at her.

The boys groaned. I just laughed and cuddled with liam.

We watched it from season 1. Jen went and got us popcorn, snickers, smarties, chocolates, chicken nuggets, candy apples etc.

We spend the rest of the night eating and receiting words from supernatural, best sleepover ever ❣️.

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