The Park

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Sasha's pov

"Wake up Wake up Wake up!!" I heard someone yell jumping on my bed.

I groaned and turned making the unknown person fall off the bed.

"Bitch!!" They yelled.

I just buried my head in my pillow.

"Wake up it's 2 in the afternoon" the voice i now recognised as Ethan's.

"Fine sheesh" i groaned getting up and shoving Ethan out my room.

I took a quick cold shower and left my hair wet and curly.

I got dressed and walked downstairs.

"What's the plans for today" i asked and grabbed my Nutella and strawberries only to find my strawberry container empty.

"WHO ATE MY STRAWBERRIES?!!" I screamed and turned around and saw Miguel eating the last one.

"Why" i asked.

"It's delicious" he shrugged.

"But those were my babies" i cried.

"Geez are you on your cycle?" Miguel asked.

"No" liam and i said in unison.

Everyone looked at liam strangely.

"What i have to keep track for my safety" liam shrugged and continued eating.

"Why didn't i think of that?" Matthew asked.

Jen slapped him upside the head

"I want my babies" i glared.

"Fine I'll buy you more strawberries happy?" He asked.

"Ecstatic" i smiled.

"So park anyone?" I asked.

"I'm down" Jen shrugged and grabbed my Nutella. I gave her a death glare and she instantly put it back.

"Yeah me too" the rest agreed. We grabbed everything we needed and got into the SUV.

We arrived at the park and headed to our spot and set up our things. Me and Jen ran to the swings. I whistled for liam to come and push me and he obeyed.

"Babe your to old for this" Liam sighed.

I thumped him on the head and walked away from the swings.

I grabbed a cup of tequila and chugged and grabbed more and more and next thing you know I'm heavily intoxicated.

Liam's pov

Great Sasha, Josh, Jen and Ethan are drunk and Matthew and Miguel are stoned.

"Sasha stop fucking drinking" i yelled and grabbed the bottle from her.

"Baby nooo" she whined.

For fucks sake.

"Miguel help me get this idiots in the SUV" i said .

"Yeah okay" he said and helped me.

"Lonely im mister lonely" ethan signed and we dragged him.

"Shut up" miguel groaned.

"I have nobody!!!" He singed louder.

"Are we really related to him?" I asked  miguel.

"I have my doubts" miguel shook his head .

"You love meeeee" ethan said and hugged us.

"Okay that's enough" i said.

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