Haunted House Pt2...

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Sasha's pov

I ended up playing this stupid game.

"Is there anyone here that wants to talk to us?" Liam questions as all of us rest two fingers on the planchette.

Nothing happens for a minute or so before the planchette slowly starts moving and goes to 'yes'.

"I'm out" Ethan said about to pull away his fingers but Jen grabs his hand and holds it there.

"You can't take your hand off without saying goodbye". She said.

"Great let's say goodbye!" Eth said clapping his hands or attempts to, seeing as Jen has a death grip holding his hand in place.

"You guys didn't move the planchette, did you?" Josh questioned.

"Do I look like I moved that" I asked him.

He shook his head and looks at Matthew, Miguel, Ethan, Jen, Liam.

"My fingers aren't even touching it" Liam told him.

"Same" the rest of us said.

"So this place is haunted and possibly abandoned" Jen questioned. Lovely.

"Ask another question" Miguel urged.

Jen snapped her head to him. "Do you want to die tonight?!"

We all stay quiet before Matthew asked it a question.

"Are we going to die tonight?"

"Matthew are you stupid" Jen shouted quietly. "You little figlio di puttana"
Oh no Jen's angry side is making an appearance.

"Uhh.. Guys..." we all look at Josh who is looking at the board in fear and panic evident in his eyes.

We look at it too..

The planchette is on 'yes'

"Oh hell to the no!" I yelped trying to pull my hand away but liam kept it in place. Curse him.

"Uhm okay let's say goodbye". Miguel suggested as we all nodded.

"Yes! Please" Josh pleaded. We said goodbye and suddenly we hear loud a loud bang.

We all snap our heads over to the corridor and liam shines his flashlight over but we didn't see anything.

"Guys" I looked over meet Josh's teary face. "can we go home now? I'm scared" he whimpered. Aww joshy.

Jen and I give him a tight hug as he sniffles into my shoulder.

We heard another bang, louder and a little bit closer.

Josh, Jen and i jumped away in fear.

"okay we gotta go. Right now" liam pushed me forward.

"liam?" I whispered

"Yeah babe?" he answered gripping my hand.

"I'm scared" i said

"It's alright babygirl." he squeezed my hand. "I'm here".

We make it to a busted window we came in from and take turns climbing out the window.

When it's my turn I freeze

"Babe wha-"

"Shh." I hold my finger to his lips, shushing liam."

"I hear running"

"No" Ethan shivered hugging Josh.

"She's right. Someone's coming and fast!" Liam told  them.

He picks me up and threw me out of the window and into Matthew's arms.

Liam quickly jumped through and grabbed my hand as we all start running.

I don't know what possessed me to turn around and glance behind me but I'm so fucking glad I did.

"Run faster" I shouted

"Why what's wrong" Josh screamed and turned around and I see his eyes widened
"Run people"

Miguel, Matthew, Ethan and Jen all glance backwards before their eyes widen.

A few feet behind us Is a huge thing, it's so hairy it could be mistaken as Bigfoot.

We all speed up as we spot the gate a few meters ahead .

We all start running to the parking lot where the SUV is parked.

We see Bigfoot speeding up but somehow we sped up even more and simultaneously sigh in relief as we make it to the SUV.

Ethan hops into the driver's seat with Josh in shotgun as Miguel, Matthew, Jen, Liam and I get in the back.

I'm soo glad Ethan forgot to lock the SUV.

Ethan quickly started  the car. He changes the gear, reverses the SUV and high tails it out of the parking lot leaving Bigfoot in our dust.

"Next time Sasha suggests we go to a abandoned haunted house I'm going to kick her in the head" Miguel said.

"Uhm excuse me Mister everything was fine until y'all decided to bring the oujia board" I yelled back making him shut up.


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