Sasha And Caffeine

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Sasha's pov

"Here, Drink this coffee" Miguel said shoving me to the kitchen.

"why, what's happening" I asked shrugging him off.

"Nothing wrong it just there's new caffeine that my dad bought" miguel smirked.

"Fine. But I don't see how.."drinks coffee* This. Is. Fucking. Amazing! I want more."

"well I'll leave you with the caffeine" Miguel said and walked.

Liam's pov
I walked down stairs to see Miguel walking away from the kitchen with a smirk on his face.

I jogged up to him and grabbed him by the back of his shirt.

"why the smirk?"

"I gave Sasha that extreme coffee" Miguel laughed.

I chucked and rolled my eyes.

"that's loaded with caffeine"

"whats the worse that could happen" Just as Miguel said that we heard a crash and we sprinted over to the kitchen.

We see Sasha pouring out more of the coffee. I looked down to see the large empty container. Oh no.

"it's empty" Miguel said stating the fucking obvious.

"babe how much did you drink?"

"uh! Uh! I don't know! Five six nine cups!"

"What!!?" Miguel and i screamed.

"I don't know but I feel great!" Sasha said and started laughing crazily and running around the kitchen.

"Miguel!" I glared.

"I didn't know she was gonna react like this?!!"

"Wiiiiiiiiiiii I'm superman!"

"Who's superman" Ethan asked Stepping into the kitchen.

"whoa" he muttered.

Sasha runs out the kitchen and into the  living room, laughing like a maniac.

Oh God.

Ethan, miguel and i ran after her.

"This is terrible" ethan said

"Uh guys where's sasha" miguel asked slowly.

We turned to see Sasha standing on the display case.

"No!!" we all screamed.

"Wiiiiiiiii" she screamed.

She jumped off but Ethan caught her and put her down. She just started running around like a maniac again.

"Sasha shut the fuck up!" Miguel yelled.

"!" She said and continued running around .

Miguel started running after her, and finally caught her. She's kicking and trying to go out of his grip.

"I gotta go" Sasha said squirming.

"No" Miguel huffed out.

"I have to take a wee" Sasha yelled.

"Oh.... Ew." Miguel scrunched his nose in disgust and let her go.

"Ha! Ha! Sucker!" Sasha yelled running around again.

"Dang it" Miguel muttered.

"way to go" I said sarcastically.

"I'm batman!!!!!!!" Sasha yelled.

She runs into the wall and BANG!!!!

"ooooo that gotta hurt" Ethan winced.

Sasha turned around and fell face first  onto the carpet.

"well that takes care of that problem" Miguel smiled.

Ethan and i looked at him like 'seriously'

Sasha's outfit👇

Sasha's outfit👇

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