Haunted House

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Sasha's pov

"Road trip bitches" Jen and I screamed waking everyone up.

"Shut the fuck up" Ethan screamed stuffing his face in the pillows.

"Ethan I have a spider and I'm not afraid to use it" I said holding a spider.

"I'm up! no need for the spider" he said slowly backing up and running away.

Me and Jen doubled over in laughter.

"okay Jen you get Josh, Ethan, Matthew and yourself ready" I said taking my keys and heading to liam's house.

It took probably 5 minutes since I went over the speed limit.... Yolo

"I'M HOME!!" I screamed only to have guns pointed at me. What a warm welcome.

"Hello to you too" I said raising my hands in surrender.

"Guys it fine this is the boss lady" Miguel said smirking appearing from somewhere.

"Where's Liam" I asked since everyone's here except him.

"Well... He's kinda in a meeting" Miguel said making the guys snicker.

I glared at them and shoved them out of the way and ran up to liam's office.

"Why are you in a mee-" I said but stopped when I saw bren and two older looking people must be her parents..

"Uhm liam what's going on" I asked walking slowly to his desk.

"Uh nothing can you wait outside please?" Liam asked trying to get me to leave.

"Yeah no" i smiled and sat on his desk.

"Soo what's going on here" i asked.

"Her parents wants to sell her to me for 10 mil" liam sighed and sat at his desk.

"You really think she's worth 10 million?" I snorted.

"Shut the fuck up" bren rolled her eyes.

"Shut doesn't go up only you on your orgasm" i smiled as her parents gasped.

"Aww you didnt know your daughter is a whore" i pouted.

"Bren tell me what she's saying is not true" Her mom said wide-eyed.

"Mom she's lying" bren yelled.

"Liam" i said.

"She tried to seduce my brother" liam shurgged.

"Thank you" i smirked.

"Bren we're leaving now" her father said and dragged her out of the office.

"Toodles" i waved .

"Was that really necessary?" Liam asked.

"Very" i said and got off his desk.

"Why did her parents wanna sell her anyway?" I asked.

"They're broke" liam said.

"Karma sure works well" i sighed.

He just shook his head.

"Get ready I am taking us on a road trip to that haunted house." I said and dragged him and Miguel to the car.

"Ethan said we must buy him tacos" miguel said as he got in.

Liam groaned annoyed.

"Ouuu i want tacos" i grinned.

"Thanks miguel you created another monster" liam sighed and started the car.

"She's a cute monster" miguel smirked and pinched my cheek.

"Watch it" liam said and drove off.


"This is so good" i moaned as i ate my taco.

"C'mon let's go inside" liam said and we all got out of the car.

"Ethan i brought tacos" i yelled.

"In the kitchen" he yelled back.

I walked into the kitchen and gave ethan his tacos.

"Thanks" he said.

"okay let's go people" Ethan screamed and went sit in the driver's seat of the SUV.

we all piled in,

Ethan and josh sat infront and then Matthew and Jen and miguel then right at the back is me and Liam.
Finally we're inside the abandoned haunted house.

Liam grabs my hand and I look at him questioningly.

"I don't want you to wander off" he states. "You've been doing that alot"

"I do not" I protest. He only gives me a pointed look. "Okay sometimes I do"

He only chuckled at my pout. "Let's go babe"

He drags me into the hallway and we shine our flashlights.

There are broken pieces of wood and broken furniture scattered everywhere.

We walked through the hallway avoiding anything that can hurt us.

We explore the house some more and found a large room with no windows and another corridor opposite the one we came from. I turn to see handcuffs chained to the wall.

"This is some kinky shit" Liam chuckled.

I slapped him upside the head. "get your head outside the gutter mister" I scolded him.

"Hey guys" We turn to look at Matthew to see a familiar box pulled out of his backpack. "Look what I brought"

"you brought the oujia board" I asked in disbelief.

"I threw that piece of shit in the fire" Liam said.

"We bought another one" Miguel states the obvious.

"No really? I thought it appeared out of thin air" i said sarcastically.

"You sarcasm is not appreciated" Miguel grumbled. Matthew nodded in agreement.

"Neither is your stupidity" I shot back, Liam nodded in agreement.

"Relax sasha" Josh said fear evident in his eyes.

"it's not like that shit works" Ethan said trying to act tough.

"That's what you little bitches said last time, but what happened? The goddamn planchette said me and liam are gonna have sex" I said throwing my hands in the air.

"Calm down Sasha" liam said rolling his eyes.

"Fine but just a fair tip never tell a woman to calm down"

"Kay" the guys grumbled.


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