The Question

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"CROSS WHAT THE HELL!" Nightmare scolded, as Cross sunk back in fear. "I said I was sorry!" Cross motioned to the shattered plate on the floor. "Sorry doesn't fix the plateeee!" Nightmare swung his arms around, in the general direction of the once was plate. Dust walked in and yelled, "OKAY LADIES, YOU'RE BOTH UGLY, ILL GET ANOTHER DAMN PLATE!!" Nightmare and Cross both looked at Dust as he used his magic to pick up the pieces. When Dust finished, he marched up to Nightmare and scolded him. "1st, you're not even ready! 2nd, fighting over a damn plate? What are you, 2?? And 3rd, do you think killer would want to come home to you and Cross at each other's throats?" It was more of a statement than a question. Dust shoved Nightmare out of the room yelling "GO GET READY!" Cross edged out of the room, but Dust grabbed his hood. "Heh....heh...since when are you so responsible?" Cross turned his head slightly to Dust. "SINCE NIGHTMARE DECIDED THAT HE WANTED TO MARRY KILLER!" Cross blinked at Dust's sudden but understandable rage."Good point." Cross suddenly had smug face and he stared Dust in the eye. "Ohh Dustyyyy~. You get on to me about not being ready, but you and Horror don't even have suits. (Okay, So quick stop. Nightmare hasn't proposed to Killer yet, but Dust took this as an opportunity to plan the wedding. There ye go. I tried to clarify because I can be a very confusing person.) Dust's eyes widened, "HOLY SHIT,! HORROR GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE, WE'RE LEAVING." Cross rolled on the floor laughing at Dust's urgency, as Dust grabbed Horror's arm and practically flew out the door. Nightmare came downstairs, in his passive form, wearing a neat black suit, a white undershirt and a nice purple tie. Cross had never seem him look this decent, not since before he ate the Dark Apple. (Yes i capitalized it) Cross helped Nightmare fix his tie slightly, stepped back, and did a thumbs up. Nightmare let out a nervous sigh. Cross was still wondering what his friend was planning for Killer, but he didn't judge. It was nice to see Nightmare smiling again. "Cross.." Nightmare shook Cross out of his thoughts. "Yeah pal?" Nightmare fiddled with his tie. "What if he says no..or..what if he doesn't like my passive form as much...or...he gets too uncomfortable...or-" Nightmare was cut of by Cross grabbing his shoulders. "It's going to be fine. Hmyou know he loves you. And him saying no? Not likely. all. For him to pass up an opportunity like this? Pretty sure he would turn to dust before he ever made that decision."Nightmare had a look of worry on his face, and Cross quickly added, "I meant..that he won't say no, and he'll always love you for who you are!" So Nightmare let out a shaky sigh, and picked up his phone. "Killer? Can me in the park in 15 minutes?"


"So...will you marry me?" Nightmare was kneeled down on one knee, holding the dark blue felted box, revealing  beautiful diamond ring.
Killer lunged at his love, tears pouring from his eyes. "YES!!"

(Decided to finish this first before anything else. Hope you liked it)

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