~Angst, Goth x Pallete~

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(Before you nag me, I KNOW this is supposed to be Nightkill oneshots only but I dont have any where to put this and I wanted to vent this. Again, I know this is supposed to be nightkill, but just accept it T-T)

~Pallete Roller's POV~

I sat on the couch, head rested in my hands. It had been a long day. Me and Goth had gotten into a fight and he had left the day before to spend the night at his parents house to calm down. I had sent him text messages, and left him countless voice messages, but he never responded. Soon, my mind was consumed by a cloud of darkness. I hadn't slept, hadn't eaten. Hell, I havnt even gotten up to go to the bathroom. My thoughts were clouded with guilt, self-loathing and sadness. My stomach growled but I simply ignored it. It didn't matter. Nothing did. I gripped my skull and felt a single tear run down my face. I fell to my knees and screamed in anger and remorse. I sobbed into my hands pathetically. This was all my fault, and I couldn't do anything about it. Well...maybe I could do..something. It seemed so stupid, but st the same time, what did I have to lose? I got up, wiping my eye sockets and nose. I hiccuped and slowly walked to the kitchen. Hell, I was terrified, but it couldn't hurt to try..right? I opened up the drawer by the fridge, humming an old tune me and Goth used to dance to. I remember how we would twirl around in each other's arms, laughing and only paying attention to eachother. We would spin and dance, not giving a care in the world. Oh where did the time go...? I reached a shakey hand into the drawer and pulled out a small kitchen knife, roughly the size of 2 toothpicks stacked end to end. I rolled up my sleeve and let out a long breath. I tried to steady my breathing as I pressed the knife to my arm. I squeezed my eyes shut and whipped the blade across. It stung and burned, and I opened my eyes to watch the red seep seep through the freshly made wound. The pain quickly subsided and I felt...so relieved. I pressed the blade to my arm again and whisked it across, watching as my blood seeped through. I sighed in relief. It was last me for now. But what about later? I put the knife in the sink and washed my arm quickly, using a good amount of soap. I went to bed after putting a few bandaids on my arm to stop the bleeding. The next day, I woke up groggily, and the memories of yesterday came flooding back. I threw off the covers and rsn down the hall, skidding to a hault at the kitchen doorway. I scrambled over to the sink and picked up the knife. I washed it off and rolled up my sleeve again. I peeled off the bandaids and stared at the incisions I had made the previous night. I pressed the blade to my arm again. I needed that relief. I had to get it back. I whisked the blade across and let out a pent up breath. I put the blade back in the sink after washing it, and went to the bathroom to rinse off my arm and bandage it up. I was content with what I was doing but a thought crept into the back of my mind. What if my dads found out? What if Goth found out? The 'what ifs' piled up. My thoughts came to a dead, screeching hault when I heard the front door click, and open. Shit. I put the banadges up and walked down the hall. "Gothy..?" I mumbled. I was instantly met with a pair of arms wrapping around me. "Oh Pally..im sorry for the things I said. I should have stopped..Im sorry!" Goth hugged me tightly. I slowly wrapped my arms around his small figure and held my breath. He's going to find out. I just know it. But maybe I can hold off..just for a little bit. I let out my pent up breath and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. Ill figure it out..I know I will. I don't need anybody's help. I don't need it.

To be continued??

What are your thoughts? Should I make a part 2?

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