Sick Day

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(I thought this would be fun, so lets gove it a shot :P)

Killer sat on the couch, flipping through channel after channel, finding nothing entertaining to watch. His husband was at work, so he really had nothing to do. He thought about calling one of his friends over, which honestly didn't seem like a bad idea. He picked up his phone and unlocked it. As soon as he went o click Call, his stomach turned in an unsettling way. A feeling of nausea swept over Killer like a tidal wave, impossible to escape no matter how hard you swim. Killer dropped his phone and scrambled to the couch, racing to the kitchen to find the trash bin. He latched onto it and threw up everthong he had eaten a few hours before, plus stomach acid and dark purple magic, all flooding out of hos mouth. He coughed and gripped the bin harder, almost knocking it and its contents to the floor. He gasped for air after he was done, and released the bin, laying on the cool tile of the kitchen. Suddenly, the click of the front door rang through out the house. What Nightmare saw, devastated him. The pillows from the couch, knocked down, Killers phone on the floor, the tv playing, and the sound of gasps and groans coming from the almost unconscious skeleton on the floor. Nightmare dropped everything he had, which wasnt much, and bolted to the kitchen. He gently lifted Killer head and panicked. "Are you okay?? What happened? Who did this to you?!" Nightmare's grip tightened, causing Killer to whine and shake. Killer's eyes widened as he pulled himself to the trashbin again and once again, puked out nothing but magic and non existant stomach acid. Nightmare understood, but was still a little panicky. " gotta stand up for me..okay?" Nightmare muttered softly, slowly lifting Killer off the floor. Killer clung to the trash bin and shook his head. "N-no! I cant!" Killer gagged and threw up once more. Nightmare sighed in defeat, and picked up his phone. "Hey...Killer's got a bug of some sort..he can barley go 30 seconds without puking and he can't stand. I need you to come over and held me out...Alright, thank you so much." The called ended and Nightmare put his phone down. Killer whined and shook, his body tense. "M-my stomach and head  h-hurt.." Killer whimpered. Nightmare craddled his lover and cooed. "I know, I know..Cross is coming over..he knows about these type of things and he'll make you better. Okay?" Killer nodded and layed partly 9f Nightmare and partly on the cool tile floor. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and Cross let himself in. "Jesus..who the fuck robbed your place and left.." Cross looked at the mess in the living room. "Very funny jackass, now get in here and help me help Killer." Nightmare growled. Killer whined, "Not so loud..." Nightmare stood up, laying Killer softly on the floor. "He's been like this since I got home." Nightmare sighed, going over to his friend. "Mild stomach flu." Cross concluded, not even stopping to thing about it. "Chara used to get it all the time, and Horror got it not too long ago from eating a corspe 5 days old."

*Time skip to when Cross actuay got on topic*

Killer was sleeping on the couch, which had a trash can by it in case...y'know. Cross was going over different treatments with Nightmare, which mainly consisted of drinking water, avoiding things like orange juice and milk, eating small lightly salted crackers and getting tons of sleep. "Works like a charm for X."(His nickname for Xtale Chara) He commented. Nightmare thanked him a billion times and they said their goodbyes. Nightmare sat next to his sleeping lover on the couch. He sighed and looked over. "Oh Kills....what am I gonna do with you?" He asked nobody with a soft chuckle. " can start by helping sit up.." Killer's voice was heaurrd..with was soft but raspy. Nightmare jumped up. "I didn't know you were awake love!" Nightmare was instantly by Killer's side. Killer let out a small chuckle. Nightmare helped Killer sit up, and sat down. Then Killer just layed down ontop of Nightmare and curled up into his side, purring contently. Nightmare smiled and wrapped his arm around the smaller. They both fell asleep, and both were smiling and purring in each other's loving arms.

(Sorry this was late, until i get ungrounded i wont be posting on the weekends. Its currently 10 pm and i got MAP testing all week so this is gonna be greeaaaat. When i move ill be late updating because of shiz sooo yea. Ill post as much as i can. Byyeee)

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