PlayGirl Killer x Bully Nightmare

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Requested by Kawai_Cactus, Not sure how this will turn out. (It will be extremely bad)

It was a sunny day, cheerful and such. It was a Tuesday, so school was in session. Just a normal day for a monster to be heartbroken. "You're just...not my type. Yknow?" The teenage monster stated(killer), with 0 hint of remorse or sadness in her voice. The slightly smaller monster was taken aback, soul completely shattered, metaphorically that is. Killer pushed the boy aside, him ramming into a locker. The monster was about to get up when the locker door slammed shut, trapping the monster inside. "Hehe, sorry buddy, ya snooze, you
L o s e." The taller sneered, leaning down by the locker. "Ill come get ya...lets say, before lunch? Dont want ya getting sick in there." Nightmare let out a loud laugh, which echoed throughout the halls. Other students quickly fled the scene, scattering to classrooms and such. A security camera focused on Nightmare, who flipped it off. He turned back to Killer, only to see her strutting off on the other direction. "That bitch.." He muttered, before going to his next class.

*Time Skip*

Killer's POV
I sat in class. The old fart was once again, teaching nonsense, or as I like to call it, total bullshit. I glanced over totally unaware that I was being watched, til I saw him. Ohhh what was his name again? Night somethin, I dunno and quite frankly don't care. But then again, I could use another...boytoy. I grinned and winked at him. A blue blush plastered his cheekbones. This was going to be fun.

*Time Skip*

I waited outside the door, waiting to see the taller skeleton emerge from the crowd of students. A growled when I didn't see him, but the growling stopped when I saw him leave the room. I quickly followed, not too far behind. "Hey!" I snapped, making him stop and turn, scowling. "What the hell do you want?" The taller growled. Killer smiled lightly. "You see, big boy.." She said, circling him slowly, running a hand along his shoulders and such. "I could use you. Big, strong.." She continued to circle, and Nightmare eyed her closely. "Handsome.." She purred seductively. "See you at lunch,big boy~" And with that she walked off, only glancing once to see Nightmare dumbfounded. He shook his head to bring himself back out of his daze, and went to find the locker he stuffed the kid in. The bell rung, and the halls were empty, which he was grateful for. It would be easier to find the wailing kid now. He came upon a locker, which wails and a few bangs eere emitted. "Heh, not even the teachers give a shit." He banged his fist on the locker and the door flung open. The monster inside scrambled out, tears streaming down his face. Nightmare grabbed his leg and dragged him back, so they were face to face. "Unless you wanna be locked in there again, I suggest you get these done before tomorrow." Nightmare growled, shoving a handful of papers into the boy's arms. "Thanks kid." He added, harshly patting the kid's head. He got up and turned away, only to turn back slightly and stare at the helpless monster on the ground. Guilt flashed in Nightmare's eyes, but it was quickly dismissed when he turned and walked down the hall to the cafeteria. 

*Time Skip*

Nightmare sat at his table, joking around with his buddies. Killer suddenly ran over and hugged his face, pushing his face deep into the creves on her ecto breast. Nightmare was taken back, but suddenly pushed her away blushing. "What the hell!?" "But Nighty~I told you to wait for me~" Killer frowned, but winked. Nightmare blushed, but none the less moved over for the teenage monster. The group of monsters all snickered and mumbled mocks to eachother. "Quit it dammit!" Nightmare slammed his fist on the table, shutting everybody up at once. Then one monster spoke up, clearly still  trying to be cocky. "Easy princess, calm your non existant tits. Look on the bright side, you'll get a decent fuck later." He sneered, looking from Nightmare to Killer. Killer grabbed onto Nightmare's arm and flipped the rest of the table the bird. Maybe this so bad. Killer thought to herself as she settled into his warmth. Suddenly, their table was dismissed to leave. Nightmare stood up, Killer still attached to his arm.

*Big Time Skip*

Students boarded the busses, and others got into cars with friends or family. Nightmare walked down the sidewalk, his earbuds plugged in. Killer appeared next to him, making Nightmare jump. "Jesus! God you need a bell or something!" Nightmare rolled his eyes and grabbed Killer's hand, leading her out of the school range. "So, you've taken me up on my offer I see?~" Killer grinned. "S-shut up.." Nightmare muttered. Secretly, Killer was afraid that Nightmare would push her away, call her a slut and leave her to the other hungry boys. Something about Nightmare fascinated Killer. His looks, the way he spoke, hell even the way his cologne smelled. Killer blushed and she snuggled into his grasp. "Your somethin else y'know?" Nightmare asked bluntly. "I dunno what it is, but do I put this..." He thought for a moment. "You..interest me." He concluded. Killer nodded thoughtfully, but on the inside she was screaming. It had been like he had just read her mind! Nightmare stopped in front of his house. "So...uh...I'll see you later?" Nightmare rubbed his neck awkwardly. Killer chuckled, and planted a kiss on his cheek. "See you around, big boy~" Killer cooed before starting on her way to her own house. Nightmare watched dumbfounded, before walking up to his front door, and entering. But now before a blue blush dusted his cheeks, and he let out a soft chuckle. It had been an interesting day.

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