I'd kill for you..

843 32 15

Yandere!Nightmare x Killer requested by TheKawaiiShipperHB23


I closed my locker and turned around, heading to my math class. I was cut off by my boyfriend, Nightmare, who picked me up by my waist, grinning. "Niiiight..cmon I'm gonna be late." I huffed. "Aww, a few seconds won't hurt!" He snorted. "Seriously, the bell is gonna ring!" I struggled in his grasp. He put me down, rolling his eye. "Fiiine." He huffed. I quickly kissed his cheek and hurried to class. Lately, Nightmare had started to get clingier, easily irritable and even violent towards others. Not just to anybody, but to people who liked to hang out with me. I didn't understand it at all. I figured something had happened at his house, and he was just stressed. I felt bad, but I was also getting stressed with how he was acting. I sat down in my seat and sighed, putting my math book down. I rubbed my sockets and put my head down, sighing heavily. "Killer!" I heard Cross snap. I sat up. "Your asshole of a boyfriend cut me!" He roared. He was right. There was a deep cut under his right socket. A recent cut too. "He said that I simply need a matching scar! That jackass sliced my damn face with an exacto knife!" My eyes widened. "Control that bastard or there'll be a real big problem.." He growled and stormed off. "What the hell.." I murmured. The hour went by slowly, and I couldn't stop thinking about the cut. The bell rang and I hopped over my desk, grabbing my math book and bolting out the class. I slammed the locker shut after I tossed my stuff in. I rushed down the hall, glaring. "Kills!" Nightmare hugged my waist. I turned and slapped him harshly. "You cut Cross! What the hell is wrong with you?! Saying that he needed a matching scar..that is the biggest dick move you've pulled lately!" I growled. I saw a flash of anger in his gaze but dismissed it. "I'll talk to you later..but you better not pull shit like that again.." I mumbled and stormed to my next class. The day went by like a blur and sooner than I realized, I was on my bed at home. It was 7 pm and I couldn't stop thinking about today's events. "Maybe he'll snap out of it.." I told myself and slowly tried to go to bed. I found myself on the floor the next morning. I had rolled out of bed. I groaned loudly and threw a pillow at my alarm clock, knocking it off the dresser and unplugging it. I changed and made some toast after getting my bag together. I sat on the couch and watched the news boredly, but a news heading caught my eye. 'SKELETON WITH SCARS ON FACE FOUND STRANGLED TO DEATH IN HIS OWN BACKYARD'. My heart stopped and my breath caught and my world shattered around me. A picture of Cross' mangled body appeared on TV. His clothes were torn and barbwire was caught around his throat, blood still leaking from it. His locket was in his hand, blood tinting the golden jewelry. Tears ran down my face and I hiccuped, putting a hand over my mouth. Cross was dead. Cross had been murdered. The next thing the news reporter said made me want to vomit. Black slime was also dripping from the pocket, and the barbed wires. Cross's hands were cut and had dried blood on them, as if he were trying to pry the wire off. I shut off the TV and screamed into my hands, starting to sob. The next week was awful. Everybody stared at me. Whispered. Glared. Yelled. It was awful. Dream screamed at me, sobbing and telling me that I did it, since I had similar slime dripping from my eyes. I tried to reason with him but got my a punch in the jaw. Nightmare tried to comfort me but I screamed at him, yelling that everybody blames me. How Dream told me in was my fault how the love of his life was strangled to death with fucking barb wire. I avoided him for the next month, but that's when everybodies world crumbled. More deaths occurred. Dream had committed suicide, Fell had been drowned in the nearby creek, Lust had been stabbed, and Horror was found with his prized axe lodges into his jaw, splitting half his face. All crime scenes having traces of black slime. I stopped going to school. Even stopped leaving my  house. One night, Nightmare stopped by. "N-NO! A-A-ALL MY FRIENDS A-ARE DYING A-AND ALL YOU CAN S-SAY IS 'IM S-S-SORRY'?!" I shoved Nightmare. "Killer, is there nothing I can do to help you? I love you so much.." He said calmly. "I-I WANT YOU T-TO LEAVE!" I screamed. He pinned me to a wall, growling. "Killer, you know I love you. I can't just leave. I love you sooo much.." He tracrd my jaw with a finger. "So much...I would hate if someone were to ever get in the way of our love...but I love you so much..I would even kill for you.." His eye flashed dangerously and I gasped. He shushed me and chuckled. "Oh the looks on their faces...the screams and pleads...it was pathetic...I almost feel remorse. But they would have hurt you..don't you see? I'm just protecting you.." He kissed my skull. Something shiny glinted in the light as he pulled something from his pocket. It was a knife. He pressed it to the side of my neck and I froze, breathing heavily. "I want you to love me forever Killer...stay by my side..maybe we can even get married ine day~" He purred. "I-I will never love you.." I hissed. He pressed the knife futher. "I will make you love me." He growled and forcefully kissed me. I whimpered but he kept the kiss firm. He nibbled on my lip but I always denied him. He growled when I denied him a 4th time and he dug his teeth into my lip and I screamed, ripping my head away. Doing so caused part of  where he bit to rip out. I fell to the floor, blood quickly flowing from my mouth. He picked me up and pressed me against the wall again. He slowly licked the blood off my face before kissing my neck gently. I struggled in his grip but that made him angrier. He dug his razor sharp teeth into my shoulder and I screamed in pain as he tugged on it as if he were trying to rib the bone out. "I want to love you..and I want you to love me forever...you can be my pet..my lovely little pet. We can be forever happy together." He purred. He nicked my cheek with the knife and I hissed. I turned my head sharply and bit his hand, making his drop both me, and the knife. I picked it up and scrambled away but he grabbed my ankle, making me fall onto the floor face first and dragged me to him. He pinned me to the floor. "Don't be like that..I only want you to love me...you know I love you so much..or else I wouldn't have gotten rid of all those pests. He went down to kiss me but froze, blood dripping from his chin as I panted. Tears streamed down my face as I kept the knife buried into his chest firmly. He fell off of me limply, twitching. I ripped the knife out and stabbed him again, screaming. I stabbed over and over, screaming at his lifeless body. The door was thrown open and my head snapped up. The police marched in and knocked me backwards, pinning me down and cuffing my hands behind my back. "N-NO ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK I-I SWEAR!" I thrashed. "You are under arrest for the murders of the students of Underhigh! You will be sentenced the death penalty if said. Now you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." The officer growled as I was dragged out of the house. "NO IT WASN'T ME I SWEAR!
IT W A S N ' T M E!!"

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