~The Beginning, You Did This!~

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(You all know how this story goes but i really wanna write it)

~No POV~

Many, many moons ago, 2 brothers, 2 princes, ruled over their world. Their soul purpose in life, was to protect, The Great Tree. A beautiful oak tree, wielding 2 types of apples. 1 side, held the Golden Apples, the apples that gave off hope, and dreams. The 2nd side, held, the Dark Apples, the side that emmited nightmares, and dispair, throughout the world. The brothers, known as Dream, and Nightmare, guarded the tree. Both loved eachother and cherished one another very much. But all was changed, one fateful day.

"Brother! Cmon! You promised to play with me today!" Dream laughed, trying to jump up and get to his brother, which sat on the large tree limb, reading a book. "Not now brother, im reading. After this chapter, I promise." Nightmare huffed and turned the page of his chapter book. Dream sighed and sat down, crossing his legs and arms. Suddenly, an idea sparked inside of his head, making him giggle. He leaned over and grabbed a handful of daisys, and started to weave them together. He picked at the blades of grass underneath him, and weaved them in with the flowers. One he was done, he held up the floeer crown proudly. "Brother! Brother look! I made another one!" Dream cheered happily. Nightmare closed his book and shifted over to where his legs were dangling off the tree limb. "Okay, im coming down!" He called and hooked his legs on the tree, falling backwards and doing a cherrybomb off the limb, landing in a swift crouch. "Brotherr! One day your going to get hurt doing that!" Dream huffed. "Nonsense little brother!" Nightmare pat Dream's skull. "Brother! Im not little! We're twins!" Dream crossed his arms. Nightmare chuckled and shrugged, sitting down beaide his brother in the shade of the tree. "I love you Nightmare.." Dream sighed and leaned on his brother's shoulder. "I love you too, Dream." Nightmare smiled lightly. Suddenly, something sharp, hit Nightmare in the side of the skull, making him yelp out in pain. "Brother? Whats wrong??" Dream sat up. "I...i dont.." Nightmare fumbled with his words as he felt the side of his skull. He pulled his hand away and his eyes widened. Thick red blood was dripping down the side of his head, and he looked down and in front of him, was the sharp rock that had hit him. "Freak!!" Someone yelled. Nightmare growled and stood up. "Monster!" "Idiot!" "Freak show!!" A small crowd of monsters and humans had gathered, and were shouting insults at Nightmare. "S-shut up!" Nightmare screamed, tears already swelling in his eyes. Dream had walked forward and was trying to get the crowd to leave. "Stupid skeleton!" A wolf monster had shouted. Nightmare scrambled up high in the tree, and crouched on the branch, gripping his skull and sobbing quietly. He looked to his left, his vision blurry from tears. He stumbled forward on the tree limb, and reached out. Suddenly, the branch snapped and Nightmare fell, shrieking. His body slammed into the ground, with an unsettling crack. Dream screamed and ran to his brother's body.

~Nightmare's POV~

I screamed as I fell through the branches and leaves. My body slammed against one of the larger limbs and bounced off and onto the ground. Everything hurt. It feels like everything is broken. I heard Dream's cries and shouts for me to be okay, and for my to get up. I landed on my arm, and I know its definitely broken. I opened my eye slightly, and I managed to push myself onto my back. I groaned and Dream's face came into view. I moved my hand ever so slightly, and thats when I noticed it. In my right hand, was an apple. A Dark Apple. I managed to move my other arm and push myself up. My left leg was shattered, but that didn't stop me from getting up and staggering to the tree. They did this to me. All the hate, all the abuse. Pushed me to this point. I couldn't hear right. All I could hear was a ringing around my head. I lifted the apple to my mouth and opened my jaws sligtly. I could faintly hear my brother screaming at me to stop. I didn't need him. I didn't need anybody. I took a bite, and that's when everything changed. I dropped the apple, and my eyes widened. My soul pounded in my 'ears' and I dropped to my knees. I let out a blood curdling scream as I covered my eyes. It felt like my whole body was heing stabbed and burned. My back especially. "B-BROTHER! HELP M-ME!!" I screamed. I could see Dream backing away. Black ooze filled my mouth and I threw it up, coughing and choking. My throat..no..my whole body burned. The black ooze poured out of my right eye and I was blinded. I could feel my ribs snap and shatter and something emerged from my back. Huge, slimy tentacles ripped from my back and squirmed in the air. I screamed out in pain as my body was consumed by the burning slime. That's when everything went dark.

~No POV~

Hours had passed, and nothing was left. The sky was red and black, smoke from the burning village filling the air with its toxic gasses. Countless bodies, all ripped apart and mutalated were scattered everywhere, litering the whole surrounding. Dream was on the verge of death, collasped to the ground, and bleeding heavily. Nightmare staggered forward, his body now intoxicated with the black slime, his huge tentacles swaying and twitching in the air, covered in blood. "You..did this..to me.." Nightmare groaned, lifting his brother in the air by the throat. His one good eye flashed darkly, as he growled. Dream gasped for air and struggled in the grasp of the taller skeleton. "P-p-please..dont...d-do this.." Dream wheezed, spitting out a good amount of blood. "Its too late...for that..B r o t h e r.." Nightmare roared. Dream screamed out in pain as his legs grew stiff, his bones turning to a dark stone. "BROTHER! PLEASE! H-HELP ME!" Dream screamed as his pelvis turned to the dark stone. "Now you will suffer...for..e v e r.." Nightmare threw his brother to the ground and watched as his movements ceased as he was turned to stone. Dream tookk his final breath, and was sealed to his fate, to remain a stone statue, for years to come. Nightmare roared out in agony, but he then..let out a lour, maniacal laugh. The laugh echoed for miles around. The golden apples on the tree, were replaced by dark apples. Nightmare teleported away, and left his world to suffer, as well as his brother, to be left alone as stone.


No Further Records of This Story.

Reading this story fills you with DREAD, and gives you a NIGHTMARE. A laugh
echoes through you mind. He. Has. Awoken.

(Hope you enjoyed!)

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