Storm pt 2

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(This is gonna be SO bad,but i just wanna focus on getting it published-)

Nightmare's POV

My eye fluttered open, but quickly squeezed shut at the bright light that was displayed above me. I groaned and whimpered. My body ached, and my leg burned and throbbed. I slowly opened my eye, and let myself adjust. "W-where..?" I spoke, but my voice was rough, scratchy and it burned my throat. I swallowed and panted. It was like it took all of my energy just swallowing. I sat up slowly, wincing as pain shot through my back like a strong bolt of lightning, streaking across the dark sky. Just the thought of lightning and I went into full, ballistic, panic mode. "K-KILLER?!" I screamed and looked around wildly. My tentacles slithered and sprang out like snakes, weaving around in the air. My body burned and throbbed, the feeling of daggers attacking my body flared across my every bone. I tipped my head back and screamed in agony, hot tears, feeling like boiling water flowing down my face. I screamed for what felt like hours, my body and throat, being washed over by a wave of unimaginable pain. The door in front of me flew open, but I barely payed it any attention, as I screamed and choked on tears. I felt myself being pushed down, and I arched my back and screamed several octaves higher, which should have been physically impossible. Several weights pushed down on my body, holding me down. I went limp, sweat and tears pouring down my face, as I heaved for air, shaking tremendously. My tentacles slammed against the floor as they went limp, twitching and wiggling on the cold, tile ground. Something poked at my neck and I passed out almost instantly..and to think that this all started because of a walk into the woods....

~Time Skip~

I opened my eye slowly, not trusting the bright light like last time. But this time, it was dark in my room. I sighed, and blinked a few times, a soft glow to my left catching my attention. I turned my head, and gasped as my neck popped a few times. I tried to sit up, but found that I had been tied down and restrained. I growled, and coughed, the mere action sending a burning coarse through the back of my throat. I sat up as much as I could, and looked around. There were a few chairs, a small table, an incredibly large window, and a boxed tv in the top right corner of the room. I looked over, and almost cried out in relief. There, on the table next to my bed, was a small tray, with a glass of water on it. I went to grab it, only to remember that my wrists were tied to the bed. I lifted up my tentacles, to find that they had been loosely tied to the bottom of the bed. I twisted them and they easily slipped out of the restraints. I grinned. They twisted and twitched freely, weaving around in the air. " your magic.." I mumbled to nobody in particular. I regretted talking, because it only came out as a wheeze, making me cough and my body jolt. I groaned, but focused on my task. My tentacles wrapped around my wrists and twisted unevenly and disorientedly, and a loud crack echoed throughout the room harshly. The restraints fell to the floor in a heap and I swung my legs over the bed. 'What the hell did they give me??' I thought as I slowly felt the feeling return in my legs. I touched my feet to the floor and huffed. It was icy cold and I didn't like it, not a fan of it. I wobbled around the room, the strings to my nightgown trailing behind me like tails as I gripped onto the glass of water. Savoring the taste. I set the empty glass down and poked my head out the door,p glancing around. The coast was clear. For now at least. I took another step and pain shot up my legs and I almost fell over. I gripped onto the door and wheezed. I wobbled down the hall slowly, peeking through the windows of the doors to try and find Killer. I made the mistake of peeking through a window, and spooking a human who was in the middle of childbirth. She shrieked and I instantly turned and hobbled down the hall as fast as my legs could manage. I doubled over and leaned on the wall. My energy was diminishing fast, and I didn't have a clue as to where Killer was. I looked up and a small glint caught my eye. Black slime was dribbled onto a door handle to room 163. I managed to get to the door and peek through the small window. I cried out in relief and swung the door open. There he was! I wobbled to the bed and collasped onto the chair next to the bed. I gripped onto Killer's hand and cried. I pushed myself up onto the bed and layed next to Killer, holding his limp body to my chest. I peppered his skull with kisses and cried happily. Here he was, alive in my arms..! Killer groaned and shifted, sticking one of his legs out from the blanket. My heart dropped and I froze. His was anything there. Just..a little nub. I leaned over and brushed my phalanges against the banaged bone. Killer whimpered and pulled his leg back under the blanket, curling up. "I-I'm so sorry Killer..i-i-i never meant for any of this to h-ha-happen.." I croaked weakly next to Killer's skull, ignoring the burning feeling in my throat. The water had helped a little bit, but it felt as though I needed gallons of water to make the burning go away. I closed my eye and nuzzled into Killer's warmth, hugging him close.

~Time Skip~

I was awoken sharply by being shoved off the bed and landed harshly on the floor. I yelped loudly and rolled onto my side, clutching my wrist. "N-N-Nighty.....?" I heard a whimper from above me. I stood up slowly, still holding my wrist. I reached out and cupped Killer's cheek. "I-Im so sorry..." Tears flowed down my face and I trembled. I sat down and hugged Killer, and he clung to me, sobbing into my jacket. After a few minutes, we had managed to calm down and we just sat in each other's arms mutely. "Nightmare..?" Killer asked quietly. I looked down at him. "What is it baby?" I cocked my head. "I-I...cant feel my legs..." Killer whimpered and I froze. I slipped off the bed and placed my hand on his leg. "Im sorry Killer...the was on your legs too long and.." I pulled the blanket away and Killer let out a sob. "M-MY LEGS!" He screeched.

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