Empireverse Part 2:Eyes Open

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Nightmare's POV

He dusted in my arms...never...got to tell me that I loved him...that I wanted to spend my life with him..get away from the war and the fighting. Suddenly, someone called my name. The war around me grew silent and all I could hear was this...voice. "Nightmare, quick. Over here." It was a hushed whisper. "Nightmare...open your eyes." I looked around frantically. "Nightmare, get up." I didn't understand. Suddenly, the ground beneath me collasped, and I was taken by the darkness. "NIGHTMARE PLEASE! WAKE UP!"

Killer POV
His eyes shot open, and he gasped for air. He had tears streaming down his cheeks and beads of sweat on his forehead. He looked at me, and started to sob. "I-i thought I lost you.." I kissed the top of his head. He had been having these Nightmares frequently. Ever since the Sun empire caused the war sll those years ago, he had never been the same. I had nearly dusted right in front of his very eyes. I cupped his cheeks. "Nightmare, look at me baby." He was shaking, but he looked up. I pointed to the moon shape on my face. "You see this? This means that I will never leave you, our friends, and I will always stay loyal to the Moon Empire. It'll take a lot more than an arrow to the chest to dust me hun. You know that all to well." I added a slight chuckle to lighten to mood, which 100% worked. He smiled, and kissed the marking under my eye then kissed my lips(?) sweetly. I purred and hugged his neck, kissing back. He put back and rested his forehead on my own. "You always know what to say.." I smiled. "Thats why I was your second hand man before we got married." He nodded thoughtfully. "The gang is coming over to hang out, I told them that tou were having "a situation" so they wanted so cheer ya up." I stated, almost proudly. They always know what to do to cheer Nightmare up. Nightmare was their boss, but he was also their friend, and brother. "Think you keep your eyes open for a few more hours? Then we can go back to bed, so you can get a few hours of sleep in." He nodded, smiling. "Anything for you." I pecked him on the lips and stood up. "Lets go then." I beamed.

(Sorry this was short, but I needed some distraction. Hope you guys enjoyed.)

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