Let Me Hold Your Hands...

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The wind howled outside, the snow fell harshly. This blizzard had been going on for 3 days, no sign of stopping any time soon. The snow was like daggers to anybody who dared to attempt to travel through. A grave mistake to many, and tragedy to others. Nobody dared to leave the saftey of their homes. Nobody, except one.

??? pov

Cold. So...so terribly..cold. Everything hurts. With every flake of snow that landed on my bare bones, froze immediately, causing that much more pain, to my slowly freezing body. Nobody would help me now..no matter how many times I've tried to get people to let me in, nobody wanted to let me..a monster..inside their home. Their warm..gentle..home. I started to cry, but as fast as the tears fell, the cold froze them faster. I let out a desperate cry, hoping that just somebody, anybody, would hear me. "HELP! S-SOMEBODY PLEASE! HELP ME!" I fell to my knees. "HELP! SOMEBODY! ....a-anybody..." Then I collasped, letting the snow take me into it's treacherous arms. Help me...please.

Nightmare's POV
~In a dark, abandoned household~

We were all crowded in the small living room. Horror and Dust were passed out on the rotting matress in the corner, laying on top of each other and snoring loudly. Cross was upstairs, throwing knives at a picture of X Gaster, like usual. I was pacing the livingroom, boredly. We were snowed in, and theres nothing to do. I swear we're all gonna die of boredom. That was what I thought, until I heard something. What sounded like a voice? It was coming from outside? Who would be dumb enough to go outside in this blizzard? Whoever it was, wasn't going to last much longer. I heard the voice cry out for help and I stopped pacing. I kicked Dust and Horror awake. "OW! What the hell?!" Dust groaned and rolled off of Horror, who sat up and growled. "Shut up you numbskulls! Listen!" They growled but shut up. Another plead for help. "What was that..?" Horror whispered. "Thats what I'm trying to figure out.." I muttered and grabbed the door knob. "Woah woah! Dude! We have enough fucking AC as it is!" Dust stood up. He was right. The house was falling apart, and part of the roof was shattered. "Well then, guess we're gonna have a bit more." I threw opened the door and pushed myself through, pulling the door close. "HELLO?!" I shouted. The snow that landed on me burned like acid. But honestly, I couldn't care less. I trudged through the snow, ice already forming on my tentacles. "Mother fucking snow.." I growled. I thought about cutting my losses and turning back, but a figure on the ground came into view. "HELLO?!" I shouted, pulling myself through the snow. The snow was up to my knees and walking was extremely difficult. I could see the figurer barely lift their head, before reaching out a hamd and collaspe again. Shit. They weren't going to last much longer.  I shifted my tentacles to break the ice. I then shot my tentacles around the figure, and scooped them up. I brought the trembling, unconscious figure to my chest. "Shh..I got you now..you're gonna be okay..I'm gonna get you out of here.."  I cooed even though I knew they couldn't hear me. I mustered all the energy I could and managed to teleport into the old, decaying house. I panted and instantly the small group of skeletons surrounded me with blankets and Cross had even found our old portable heater, which I was thankful for to say the least. I grabbed the blankets and wrapped the freezing figure in them. I placed the skeleton on the couch and huddled them close to my chest. They soon stopped shivering, and curled up in my lap, snoring softly. I caught myself staring and found something else to look at. Unfortunately, Dust had come into view, wiggling his 'eyebrows'. I flipped him off, growling and he and Horror high fived, snickering. Horror and Dust really were best friends. Since day one. they were inseparable. I looked back down at the sleeping figure, only to find that they weren't sleeping. The small skeleton yawned cutely and opened their big eyes to look up at mine. The thing that snatched my curiosity, was the black lines, of some sort of ooze coming from the smaller's eyes. "H-hi.." They mumbled. "Hello..My name is Nightmare, do you remember anything while you were in the blizzard?" I asked softly. They whimpered. "M-my name is Killer..and I ran away..and I got caught in the storm.." So as far as I gathered, small male skeleton, frail, issues at home. Got it. "Why did you run away Killer?" I asked him. I felt like I was comforting a small child, even though Killer seemed like he was maybe in his early 20s. He was silent for a moment. "..My father..is a bad man.." And thats all he said. We all exchanged glances and stares before our gaze all landed on Killer. Horror whistled. "Nightmare, I think introductions are a bit overdue, hm?" We all quickly nodded in agreement. "Okay then, Killer if you would." I helped him sit up. "Those two, are Dust and Horror, the absolute idiots of the group, but they're good guys." Horror and Dust scowled muttering 'Im not an idiot..your an idiot'. "The one with the over grown knife there, is Cross. Dont get on his bad side, he may be small but he can hit a bullseye from a mile away." Killer nodded and took note, making Cross grin. "Lust is in the kitchen, probably passed out." I motioned to the kitchen, which Horror bolted to him, a smirk on his face. "Horror, if you guys are gonna bang at least do it upstairs!!" Cross scolded. Lust and Horror ran out hand in hand, bolting up the stairs giggling. "Jesus fucking christ where did i go wrong." I flopped backwards on the couch, making Killer laugh. Being snowed in may be a bit boring, but at least I get to spend my time with these dorks. I stood up and held out a hand to Killer. "Welcome to the family Killer. We'regonna take care of you now." I smiled warmly. I wouldn't change my family for the whole world, because they are my world. And nothing could change that.

And then we heard Lust moan. Just great.

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