Chapter 3||Resting

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Somebody commented that I should make this a book-
Ill just add chapters here until you get bored them

Nightmare POV

Killer was humming softly and washing dishes. I told him repeatedly that he didn't have to clean or anything while he was staying at my house, but he completely ignored it and did it anyway. I went into the kitchen and hugged his waist from behind, making him squeak. "Good morning Nighty~" He leaned into my chest and looked up at me. "Morning~" I nuzzled him and he purred. "Thank you again for letting me stay here.." He turned and kissed my jaw. "You've said that like...a million times in the past 2 days Killer.." I chuckled. He shrugged and continued doing the dishes. "So? Wouldn't you if you lived with my dad?" He said kind of sharply, but I knew he didn't mean to. "I'm sorry Kills.." I kissed his cheek and rubbed his shoulder. "No need to apologize Night.." He nuzzled me and finished up the dishes, drying his hands. "Y'know..." I traced my finger along his shoulder. "Joku is out tonight...aaaaand my brother is at Cross's place. Wanna do somethin' today?" He turned at my question. "You mean it?" I chuckled and nodded, making him squeak in excitement. "Like what?" He bounced slightly. "I was thinking I could get you something from the mall and then we could watch a movie. A heard there's a good horror that came out a few days ago." He looked thoughtful and hugged me, giggling. "You're so good to me Nighty.." He purred and put his chin on my sternum, smiling up at me. I kissed his nose and hummed. "Why wouldn't I be? You're just so perfect." I hugged his waist and pressed our foreheads together slightly. I went to kiss him but he put a finger on my 'lips'. "Nnnope. I still have to clean and if we kiss, we both know there is a high chance of me getting pregnant within 20 minutes." He made a fair point. "Fiiiiine." I groaned and let him go. "Don't be such a baby Nightmare." He chuckled and started to clean off the counters. "I'm not a baby!" I crossed my arms. "Says the one that's pouting." He snickered and I huffed. "I hate you." I grumbled. "Love you too babe." He chuckled and threw a wet rag at me. "EW-" I shrieked and reared. "That's so disgusting!" I kicked it and wiped my face furiously and my sleeve. 


I stuck my tongue out at him and giggled. "It only has water and soap on it, sheesh." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, and like a billion germs from the stupid dishes!" He shuddered. I turned at him while crosses my arms. "So you're saying that you could fuck me any time and any where, such as a alleyway and be perfectly fine..but a few dishes I washed with a rag bothers you??" I raised a brow. He opened his mouth to speak, but hesitated and closed it right after. "Again, I win." I grinned and wished wiping down the counter. "Give me a moment, go watch porn or somethin." I joked but squeaked when I felt arms snake around my waist. "You wanna make a little video for me then~?" He purred and I smacked him on the arm and shooed him away. "Not in a thousand years. I was joking about the porn thing, you nasty. Go away til I finish." I shooed him out of the kitchen, listening to him laugh as he shuffled upstairs. Once I heard his door close I stopped. I bent over and rested my forehead on the cool countertop. I let out a slow breath, squeezing my eyes shut as my head throbbed with pain and pressure. I glanced up at one of Nighty's cabinets and opened it. Bingo. I pulled out a bottle of ibuprofen, dumping teo pills into my hand. Then two more. Then one more. I nodded and took them with a swig of water. I put it back but another bottle fell. I picked it up and my eyes widened slightly in shock. 'ANTI-ANXIETY||ANTI-DEPRESSANTS||NIGHTMARE JOKU', the bottle read. I put the bottle away and closed the cabinet. I put the rag in the dirty closthes basket in the laundry room but went back to the kitchen. I leaned against the fridge, the cold metal relaxing my aching bones. I slid to the floor and hugged my knees to my chest, letting my head rest in between them. I heard some footsteps and felt someone sit down next to me. Nightmare wrapped an arm around me and I hugged his waist. "My head hurts.." I murmured and he stroked my skull softly. He kissed my cheek and I looked up at him. "Does a nap sound good?" He asked and I nodded softly. He gently scooped me up and took me upstairs, laying down with me in bed. He pulled the blankets over us and used a tentacle to push the door shut and pull the curtains closed. "You're head feels warm.." He told me quietly. I only hummed in response. "Do you have a fever?" He asked and I shrugged. "I dunno..I don't wanna ruin your plans though, if I do." I looked up at him. "It's fine, you won't ruin anything babe. Just get some rest." He peppered my face in slow, gentle kisses, letting me relax and nuzzle into his chest and warmth. "I lo-ahhhhhh-ve you.." I yawned sleepily, closing my eyes. "I love you too Kills.." He whispered and nuzzled me. I purred softly, quickly falling asleep afterward.

Have some fluff. :3

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