Silent Lover

657 30 13

Mute!Killer x Nightmare
⚠️Mentions of molestation(Touching inappropriately)⚠️


Nightmare grumbled as he pushed open the doors to the bar, going to his usual seat. A scrawny skeleton hurried over with a notepad and pen, looking expectantly at the tentacled skeleton. "A John Crow. Put it on my tab." He waved the smaller off boredly. "And I swear to god if you bring me a goddamn cherry in it I will shove it down your throat until your vomit is red." He growled and the skeleton quickly scurried off and into the back room. "Tch, wimp." Nightmare rolled his eye and closed it, a scowl on his face as he 'relaxed'. In all honesty, his body hurt and was sore. His back hurt, his neck hurt, and his legs hurt. It bugged him to a large extent but he did nothing about it. 'Help is for weaklings' he always told himself whenever he was in any kind of pain. He jolted when there was a knock on the table. He opened his eye to see the skeleton with his drink. He sat up and took it, taking a sip. "You make this?" He questioned and the small skeleton nodded, becoming nervous. "I'll give you a tip. Twenty bucks. This is the best damn drink I've had in months." He sighed contently and the smaller skeleton's eyes widened. "What's 'yer name kid?" He asked and the latter quickly pulled out a note pad, scribbling his name down.


"Killer ey?" He glanced at Killer, seeing the other nod. "Well Killer, fetch me another drink, will ya?" He drank the rest of his John Crow, surprising the latter. Killer nodded and hurried to the back, preparing Nightmare's drink. "Odd kid. Not talkative, clearly afraid of something, skiddish..what's up with you." He mumbled to himself, eyeing Killer as he returned. Killer set the drink down and turned, starting to walk away when Nightmare suddenly grabbed his wrist tightly, making the other jolt. "What's wrong with you?" He narrowed his eye. Killer shook his head, tilting it. "Don't play dumb with me." He growled and Killer swallowed dryly. "Open your mouth." He mumbled and Killer looked almost offended if not shocked. "Do. It." Nightmare tightened his grip and Killer slowly opened his mouth. Nightmare froze and Killet quickly shut his mouth tightly. Killer had no tongue. "Who did that?" He loosened his grip and Killer shook his head rapidly, looking fearful. He held a finger over his mouth, silently telling Nightmare not to speak of it anymore. A door slammed open, but nobody else payed any attention to it besides Nightmare and Killer. A rather large man stepped out. He had tan skin, black greasy hair that was slicked back, a white button up that was heavily stained and far too small, along with black dresspants. He had a large cigar in his mouth and his gaze instantly landed on Killer, who started to tremble, his eyes widening. The man walked towards the two skeletons, stopping just a foot or two in front of Killer. "You wouldn't happen to be causin' trouble would ya?" He growled to Killer who shook his head rapidly. "Meet me in my office when yer' finished here." The man stalked off, a glare shooting in every direction. Killer shakily put his hands over his mouth to stiffle a barely audible sob. Nightmare's eyes widened as Killer cried into his hands. "What has he done to you?" Tentacles curled around Killer and gently tugged him over to Nightmare, setting him on his lap. Killer picked up his notepad and sloppily wrote down;


"He took my voice away..he cut my tongue off as a punishment.
Now he's going to"

Killer didn't finish, choking back sobs. "He's going to what? What is he going to do to you?" He asked firmly. Killer's hand slowly traveled down to his pelvis in between his.legs, almost in a protective manner and mouthed one sentence and drove Nightmare's blood cold.

He's going to touch me again..

"Again..?" He asked softly and Killer nodded lightly. "Is that why he told you to go into the office..?" Another nod. "How often dies he do this?" Killer held up seven fingers. "Seven..days?" Another nod. "Once everyday? Seven times a week??" Nightmare blinked when Killer nodded, wiping his eyes. "Is he the manager here too?" Once again, another nod and another sob. A door slammed open again and the manager came stomping out, not questioning Killer and Nightmare but grabbing Killer's wrist and dragging him away to where he was on his back on the floor, being dragged by his wrist. He kicked and inaudibly sobbed, and if he could he would scream and cry for help. Nightmare leaped up and ran to them, grabbing Killer's other arm and yanking him back, wrapping tentacles around his waist. The manager stumbled back a bit as he lost grip of Killer. Killer ran behind Nightmare, sobbing. "You dare take him from me?" The large man growled. "The correct term is, I dare save him from your disgusting habits. Molesting him AND cutting off his tongue? The fuck is wrong with you?!" He shouted, drawing everybody's attention instantly. "Touching an innocent skeleton forcefully, for what? A punishment??" He roared, curling his tentacles around Killer protectively. "You don't know what you're talking about." The latter growled and tried to grab at Killer, but Nightmare dodged, moving Killer with him. His tentacles released Killer and wrapped around the manager like vines. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. Instead of the police like Killer thought, he called he trusted cannibalistic best friend. "Horror, meet me on GravesEnd Road at the bar. Dinner's free tonight." He glared at the manager while having a sick grin on his face. "Yeah, see you in a bit." He hung up and chuckled. "Now, you will tell these people to go home, and sit down until my friend gets here to eat." Nightmare murmured and Killer looked up at him, puzzled. "Trust me sweetheart." Killer blushed a but at the nickname, but his blush died away when he realized that it meant nothing. Not too long after the call, another skeleton burst through the door excitedly. "Alright, where's my meal. I'm starving." The bloodied skeleton clapped his hands together, his large red pupil landing on Killer first. He teleported over, startling the smaller. "Are you the one Night was talkin' about?~" He licked his teeth and hummed. "No, not him. Him." He pointed to the manager and Horror's jaw went slack. "Aww, Night, thank you! Free dinner for a few days!" He grinned and the manager stood up, backing away. He let out a loud gurgled scream when Horror lunged on top of him, biting down upon his throat and tearing it out. Nightmare instantly covered Killer's eyes, who covered his ears to block out the horrific noises. "Lets leave him be.." He quickly left the bar, Killer right behind him. They got into Nightmare's car and Nightmare quickly drove off, sighing. He didn't notice how Killer was staring at him fondly however. Very, very fondly.

{Roughly a year later}

Cracking his eyes open to see sunlight pouring through the blinds, Killer smiled at the feeling of Nightmare pressed against his bsck with his arms around his waist, spooning him comfortably. Killer yawned and closed his eyes, only opening them when he heard and felt Nightmare stir. "Good morning Kills.." He yawned and Killed purred and blushed when he felt Nightmare press his teeth against his neck softly in a gentle kiss.

I love him so much..if only I could tell him properly..

Killer sighed and turned over , smiling at Nightmare. "Well somebody's in a good mood." The taller smirked and Killer nodded, nuzzling his lover. 'I love you' He mouthed and Nightmare nuzzled him back. "I love you too.." He smiled and kissed Killer softly. "I love you so much, you have no idea.." He smiled and Killer silently giggled, hugging Nightmare.

If only I could speak to him..tell him how much he means to me. I would do it in a heartbeat.

I would give my soul for him..

I would give up everything for him..


How's that for fluff with some drama? :]

Mr. Manager is backkk-

Poor Killer-
But hey, Horror got free dinner out of it. •3•

Get ready for Criminal Killer x Criminal Nighty-
It's gonna be g r e a t.
I hope.

1423 words-

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