Jock Nm x Nerd Killer (pt 1)

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(I know Nightmare is usually a teacher but desided i wanted to shake it up a bit. Chapter starts now)

Killer grabbed his books and closed his locker door. Suddenly, he was knocked over and practically crushed by a larger and heavier monster, which took all the breath he had out of him. The monster went to catch a ball and ran into the skeleton, so now Killer was squirming and trying to breathe. "ACK- WATCH IT!" Killer heard the monster shout. What a great way to end the day, Killer thought, as he tried to get the monster off. Killer's breath caught in his throat, as his airway suddenly closed completely. The monster got off of him and stepped back. "Oh shit-" The monster stared in horror as Killer franticly reached for his backpack. The team member slid to his knees and unzipped the bag. Killer wheezed and his face began to turn a light shade of blue from lack of oxygen. The monster whipped out the inhaler and stuck the end into Killer's mouth and pushed the button, casuing Killer's airway opened slightly. Killer began to claw at the monster's arm, for 2 reasons. 1 not being able to breathe and becoming frantic, and 2, he was never used to physical touch, the only physical touch he got was shoved around and picked on. The monster put a hand on the back of Killer's head and pushed the inhaler again, opening his airway completely. The rest of the monsters and students had left, due to the school bell ringing, so the hallway was completely deserted, all except for the 2 skeleton monsters. Killer layed on his side, his natural color returning to his face with each breath. "Hey, kid, you alright," The monster shook him slightly. Killer nodded and got to his knees. "Yeah...t-thanks." Killer gathered his things and shoved them in his back. "Dunno why you're thanking me, I nearly killed you dude." The monster stood up and helped Killer to his feet. Killer pulled his bag onto his back and looked up at the monster, when suddenly a light blue blush plastered his cheek bones. Killer looked away as the monster laughed. "Hey, im Nightmare, I'm the captain of-" Nightmare was cut off. "Captain of the football team? I know. Nice to meet you." Killer held out a shaky hand. "I'm Killer." Nightmare shook his hand before awkwardly rubbing the back of his skull. "I should get home.." Killer muttered as Nightmare didn't say anything. "A momma's boy huh?" Nightmare tried joking. Killer didn't say anything as he pushed past the taller and walked out the school. Nightmare watched in slight shock as Killer urgently walked out the building. He resisted the urge to follow him, but he wanted to know more. He was...fascinated by Killer. Nightmare shook his head slowly and went home.

*Super cool time skip*

Killer tossed his bag into his closet and let out a long sigh. The jock's words still echoed through his mind. A momma's boy, huh. Killer layed on his bed and stared at his cracked ceiling. "A momma's boy....I wish.." He muttered. He heard a door slam downstairs and he shot up from his bed. He shoved things under his bed and into his closet.  Before he could pick up the rest of the clothes on the floor, his dad came staggering in. (Trigger warning) Killer looked at his dad, beads of sweat rolling down his face. "H-hi da-" Killer tried to speak to his unstable father, but before he could finish, he was backhanded so hard, that he fell backward. "CLEAN THIS DAMN TRASH PIT UP! WHAT THE HELL DID I TELL YOU? YOU WANT TO END UP LIKE YOUR DAMNED BROTHER?!" His dad shouted and screamed in a drunked rage, waving a nearly empty beer bottle around. Killer held back tears as he shook his head violently. His dad turned and slammed the door. Once Killer was sure his father was gone, he touched his burning cheek, and sobbed. He hated being here, he wanted to go to a real home...with a caring family..but he knew that wouldn't happen.

*At Nightmare's House*

Nightmare listened to the clock tick...and tock...tick..tock..over and over. Today was not the usual Thursday. Almost killed a kid, and then...the face the smaller had given him when he said.."A momma's boy.." Nightmare muttered to himself.

(Dont read if you dont care

I cant deal with this much friends are turning against each ex is trying to get with me again...and I'm terrified...I don't know what to do. My arms legs burn and my head is pounding...I dont know how much more I can take of this....)

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