Floofy Nightkill

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Special thanks to MrsStabby puppydog1030 and BlueRose161 for the idea.


Nightmare was making his was down the street. Surprisingly, he was in an actuslly good mood! He turned a corner and let down his hood, letting a cold air whip around his skull. He smiled a big goofy grin as he fiddled with the felt box in his pocket. He turned another corner and stood in front of the bar. He opened the door and glanced around. What he saw shattered his soul. "C-C..?" He asked nobody, staring horrified at his lover....lean in and plant a long, loving kiss on another skeletons lips.(?) Tears swelled in Nightmare's eyes. No...that's impossible..C..He wouldn't do that! R-right? Nightmare whipped around and ran put the building, instantly opening a portal and ran through to his castle, where his gang was waiting to congratulate their friend. Little did they know, that this was not the case. When Nightmare reached the entrance, he threw open the door with tears streaming like rivers down his cheeks. Instantly the small group of skeletons realized that something was wrong and went to comfort their friend. "He fucking cheated!!" Nightmare roared, tears still streaming. Nightmare went into full rage, screaming at his team over completely irrelevant things. He couldn't even begin to control his temper. He only stopped when he realized that his friends were cowering in fear, daring to say anything. He sighed and rubbed the arch of his nose, trying to rub away the ever growing migraine. He wiped the tears from his face and marched upstairs slamming the door which rattled the walls. Instantly everyone turned to Killer, because when things got to out of hand with Nightmare, Killer knew what to do. "Jackasses.." The skeleton muttered to the small group, before making his way up the stairs. He stopped at Nightmare's door and listened closely. His eyes widened and tears pricked at his eyes when he heard his friend sobbing and cursing himself. Killer let out a breath he had apparently been holding and knocked on the door gently. "GO THE F-FUCK AWAY!" Nightmare acreamed and sobbed harder. Killer knocked again and opened the door. He hated seeing his friend like this...in this state...broken. Killer slowly walked over and opened his arms up and cooed. Nightmare instantly latched on to Killer and sobbed. "Shhh...shh it's okay..let it out..shh.." Killer rubbed aoothing circles on Nightmares back and Nightmare let the waterworks fly, sobbing and coughing into Killer's jacket. Nightmare just sobbed and soon started to hyperventilate because he couldn't catch his breath. Killer pulled back and cupped his cheeks. "Hey..hey..breathe..shhh look at me, breathe.."Killer cooed as Nightmare continued to sob and choke. "B-bu-t I-I ca-ant.." Nightmare choked. Killer continued to stroke Nightmare's cheek and coo softly. "Nightmare shh breathe baby breathe.." Killer's eyes widened at what he said but it seemed to calm his friend down. Friend. Killer was questioning that word now, but it didn't matter at this time. "See baby? You're doing great! Just calm down and breathe for me okay? Shh baby breathe.." Killer pulled Nightmare close to his chest and stroke his skull. Nightmare, as expected, was able to catch his breath and started to calm down. Killer planted a soft kiss on Nightmare's skull, causing Nightmare to purr and calm down even more. Nightmare sat up and wiped his eyes, blushing at the fact that Killer had actually..kissed him. "Did...did you mean it?" Nightmare asked quietly. "What..?" Killer tilted his head, puzzled. "You...you called me..b-baby..and kissed me.." Nightmare blushed now that he had said it out loud, which made Killer blush. "W-well...It's...I..." Killer struggled to find the words. (Warning:a fucking make out session will take place soon. If you don't like that kind of stuff then I recommend not continuing this chapter) "fuck it.." Killer muttered and smashed his lips against Nightmares. Nightmare was indeed shocked, but quickly wrapped his arms around Killer's neck and kissed back. It started as a slow and passionate kiss, but quickly grew into a heated makeout session. Nightmare slowly went to his passive form, a rare sight really, and Killer licked Nightmare teeth, asking for an extrance. Nightmare stubbornly refused, just to tease Killer. Killer pulled back and smirked, leaning down and licking Nightmare's collarbone and neck. Nightmare stiffled a moan, as Killer continued to search Nightmare's neck and shoulder for his sweet spot. A small cry escaped Nightmare as Killer moved over the sensitive location on his neck. Killer grinned and bit down on the spot, earning a sweet cry from the taller skeleton. Killer smirked again and continued to attack the spot. "Kill- ah~! N-no- AH~" Nightmare moaned out. Killer grinned proudly as he pulled back to see the mark on the skeleton. Killer then moved back to Nightmare's mouth, once again asking for an entrance. This time, Nightmare opened his mouth to let Killer's tongue snake through. Their tongues swirled snd fought for dominance, but Nightmare quickly lost, allowing Killer to search every spot of the wet cavern. Nightmare moaned again as their tongues danced and swirled. They soon parted for air, a trail of saliva linking their mouths, which Killer quickly licked away. "Ready to come downstairs now?" Killer asked leaning his forehead againat Nightmare's. Nightmare nodded and Killer lead him downstairs, not before Nightmare changed to his corrupted form. When the pair reached the living room Dust clapped Killer on the back and let out a loud whoop. "Hope ya didn't go too rough. Then again, boss sure was loud!" Then The rest of the group all burst out laughing. Cross and Horror were rolling on the floor and Error couldn't bresthe he was laughing too hard. A bright blue blush dusted Nightmare's face. "Shut up dammit!" Nightmare roared. Instantly, the laughter died down. "Why don't you numbskulls go out so we can have some peace and quiet??" Killer growled to the group, who all exchanged glances before shrugging and leaving. "Hih..didn't think that would work." Nightmare stated, completely shocked. "They may be immature, but they're not idiots. They know when to listen." Killer shrugged. Nightmare nodded thoughtfully and pulled Killer onto the sofa. Killer sat on Nightmare's lap and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. They both purred contently. "Killer....will you do the honor of becoming my boyfriend?" Nightmare asked, in almost a hush whisper. Killer purred. "Of course you big dummy...love you.." Killer concluded and slowly drifted to sleep, the sound of rain pattering on the roof acting as a sweet soothing melody. Nightmare thought about some...before he drifted to sleep. What if...this ring will come handy if the future..? He purred.

(This took my mind off things, and I absolutely LOVED writing this chapter! 1176 words for you guys!)

Edit:When he says 'C' in the beginning, he isn't talking abiut Cross, he's talking about CCino Sans.

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