My Doll

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Woooooo! ❤🙏🏻
Think we can make it??


Nightmare pushed open the door to the bar, only having interest in it due to one reason. Negativity. Grief, sorrow, despair, fear. All of it, coming from one place. The bar was called 'Doll Maker's Tavern', an odd name indeed. Nightmare sat down and instantly a few skeletons came over clumsily, one of them speaking up. "My name is Cross..I'll be your server tonight." 'Cross' wore a long tailcoat, the outside being white whilst the inside being black with a large X accompanying it. He wore black leggings that had rips at the bottom, making Nightmare scoff. Cross wore a white dress shirt underneath, a faint but large stain towards the bottom, near his pelvis. "Sir..? Your order?" Cross murmured and Nightmare cleared his throat. "Jack Daniel's Fireball." The skeletons quickly scampered off and into the back, quickly preparing the drink. Nightmare leaned back in his chair boredly, his icy blue eye roaming his surroundings. He saw more skeletons stumbling atound, only some walking properly, but had long gloves on. Once more..odd. Cross came back, setting the whiskey down and bowing. "Anything else Sir?" He asked. "Nah. Not right now." Nightmare took a sip and Cross stumbled off. He paused. There was a small note at the very bottom of the glass, on the outside of course. Nightmare glanced up to see a few skeletons talking to Cross and occasionally glancing at him. He took the note off and unfolded it, reading the two words scribbled on it. His eye widened slightly.

Help us.

Nightmare looked back up, pausing when a rather large male stepped out of the back door. All the workers went stiff and quickly bowed, clasping their hands together. He went up to Nightmare, grinning. "Ah, a new costumer! Always nice to see a new face 'round here! Ink, Blue, get your asses over here." The gruff looking man turned for a moment before looking back at Nightmare, his grin returning. Two thin skeletons stumbled over, one of them dressed in a blue apron also had long gloves. "Yes Sir..?" One of them asked softly. This was Ink. He wore a dark brown apron, stained with something Nightmare couldn't make out. He had a burn mark on his cheek, and an ink splatter on his other. "Get me a stool, and tell Dust to get out here." He ordered and they quickly scampered off. "What's wrong with their legs? Everybody seems to wobble around like broken penguins around here." Nightmare looked around again. "Nothing of importance." The 'manager', Nightmare assumed, shrugged. Another skeleton returned, wearing a long black pants and a deep blue apron with a black shirt. He had tri-colored eyes, and bandages around his neck. He was carrying a stool and set it down, bowing his head. "Thanks. Took you long enough. Now scram." He mumbled and Dust quickly walked off, keeping his head low. "Is there a bathroom here?" Nightmare asked randomly and the manager nodded. "Killer! Escort this fine man to the bathrooms." He barked an order and a skeleton quickly limped over. He had black tears dripping down his cheeks, and a target floating above his chest. He had long gloves and pants that fell below his ankles. "Yes Sir." He said stiffly. Nightmare got up and Killer quickly lead him to the back. Once they reached the door, Nightmare grabbed Killer and yanked him inside the bathroom as well. "What the hell is going on here? What is up with this place?" Nightmare growled, his tentacles flicking impatiently. "I-I'm not sure what you mean, Sir." Killer lowered his head. "Don't play dumb with me. Why is everyone afraid? Why does everybody limp? What's going on here??" He hissed and his tentacles lashed, making Killer tremble in fear. "P-please..he'll p-punish us if w-we d-dare tell.." He pleaded. "I won't say anything to him. Not until you get out of this place. All of you. But if you don't tell me, things are going to get very ugly." Nightmare's eye narrowed and Killer swallowed dryly. Killer slowly slipped his glove off and rolled up his sleeve. Nightmare gripped Killer's arm, making him cry out even though he couldn't feel it. He had a wooden prosthetic arm that reached his elbow down to his fingers. "Did he do this?" Nightmare turned Killer's arm over, examining it. Killer nodded mutely. "And your legs are the same?" Another silent nod. "And the others..? All have prosthetics..?" Once again, a mute nod. "Why?" Killer opened his mouth to speak but paled with a bell started ringing. It was one of those small hand-held bells that you shake back and forth by the handle. 'The Summoning Bell', the workers called it. And were deeply afraid of it. It was never a good sign. "I-I must go. Master is waiting.." Killer hastily left the bathroom and Nightmare quickly followed. When they reached the main room once more, all the customers had gone. Nightmare ducked into the shadows, the black slime doing him a great favor. "Ah, my dolls, such a nice time to gather here." The manager smiled. A tense, very forced smile. "I must congratulate you. Today was a good day. Over seven-hundred dollars! Now, to the ending results." Everybody stiffened and quickly gripped onto eachother. "Ink, my lovely doll. You spilled some of my finest drinks today, with your clumsy stumbling." His smile vanished. "I-I'm so sorry Sir.." Ink bowed, trembling. Ink fell to the floor backwards, landing on his side as he was backhanded sharply. "Now Dust. You made my customers uncomfortable with your..appearance." Dust tensed and was knocked backwards into a table, gripping his throat as he silently choked once he was backhanded in his neck. He silently gasped, falling to his knees. Nobody moved even an inch, all shaking in fear. "My dearest doll, Blue." Blue tensed like a rock, a tear slowly slipping down his face. "Your stumbling ruined over two dozen plates. know the consequences. Give me your hand." The manager held out his large hand and Blue slowly reached out, crying out as he was yanked forward. The 'manager' brought out a knife, rolling up Blue's sleeve. Everybody looked away except Dust, who had purple tears running down his cheeks. He was held back by Ink and Killer. He silently begged, wanting to scream, yell, shout, anything to save Blue. But he couldn't. The knife was brought down sharply, and everybody froze in horror. A tentacle curled around Blue's arm, saving it from the knife. Blue was lifted and yanked away, more tentacles lashing out and stabbing at the floor by the 'manager'. Nightmare stalked out of the shadows, a deadly snarl spreading across his face. "You fucked up piece of shit.." Nightmare growled, releasing Blue by the others and walking in front of the group. The man growled and held up the knife. "Release my dolls and I'll spare you." He hissed. "They aren't your dolls, they are people." Nightmare's tentacles lashed and blocked the others who huddled together in both shock and fear. "They are my dolls and they will bend to my will. Ink, here. Now." He demanded and Ink slowly stumbled forward but Nightmare stopped him. "No. He doesn't belong to you anymore. None of them do. And now, you will let us all leave without a word, or you will regret it." Nightmare guided them with a tentacle to the door and they quickly stumbled out, nearly falling a few times. Nightmare left, shooting a tentacle towards the 'manager' and hearing a satisfying shout before a thud. The group all hugged eachother, crying softly. Blue ran up to Nightmare in tears, hugging him tightly and thanking him over and over again. Nightmare rested a hand on the smaller's head gently, chuckling. The group went up to Nightmare, thanking him dozens of times. Even Dust attempted to show his gratitude. "Okay okay, enough." Nightmare shushed the small group and they quickly shut their mouths. "We gotta get you all to of a sort. My brother loves to build things and I'm pretty sure he could put something together that would be a bit more comfortable than that cheap wood." Nightmare glanced at Killer, who smiled a bit before looking away, embarrassed for some reason which was unknown to Nightmare. "There's a motel down the road. You all can stay there for the night. Sound good?" He raised a brow and they all nodded enthusiastically. Dust scratched his neck a bit and Blue smacked his hand away. Dust dipped his head apologetically and Blue hugged him, giving him a quick kiss. "It's okay." He murmured and Dust dipped his head again. A tentacle wrapped around each skeleton and lifted them, making then panic momentarily before they realized what was going on. Nightmare teleported to the outside of a motel. Definitely nothing special. He set them down and quietly went to a door, trying the handle. It was locked, of course. He slammed his shoulder against it and the door swung open. Everybody quickly shuffled in, collasping onto the multiple beds and groaning. Nightmare pushed the door closed and flicked off the light. "G'night." Nightmare said boredly and flopped on the small couch, curling up. They wasted no time snuggling under the covers and falling asleep. Killer was the only one that remained awake. He slowly limped over to Nightmare and quietly cleared his throat, making the latter look up. "I wanted to say thank you again..for getting us out of didn't have to do that, not that I'm complaining." Killer shifted from side to side a bit and Nightmare pressed himself against the back of the couch, patting the spot in front of him. "C'mon, lay down." Killer's eyes widened. "A-are you sure??" Nightmare chuckled. "I insist. It'll be comfortable for both of us, plus you won't get cold." He smirked and Killer blushed a bit. He limped over and sat down grabbing his leg and swinging up onto the couch and doing the same with the other. He laid down and scooted back into Nightmare's chest, smiling contentedly. "Comfy?" Killer nodded and Nightmare smiled a bit. "Thank you again for getting my friends and I out of ther..anything we can do to repay you??" He turned his head to look up at the taller. "Mm..maybe something." He shrugged and Killer perked
"I'll do anything!" He did his best to keep his voice down, although he would have no trouble with that as Nightmare leaned down and kissed him roughly. Killer stiffened, but soon melted into the kiss, wrapping an arm around his neck as best as he could, kissing back desperately. Nightmare pressed his tounge against Killer's teeth and Killer slowly opened his mouth fully, allowing the other to slip his freakishly long tongue through. Killer moaned softly as the latter wrapped his tongue around his own, sucking on it and teasing it. They separated, a long trail of saliva linking their mouths. "That was you repaying me by the way." Nightmare murmured, tracing Killer's jawline with his finger. "I-if that's the case then I'll repay you any day of the week.." He said dreamily, purring happily as Nightmare rubbed under his chin.
Killer opened his mouth to speak but jolted when their was soft crying a few feet away. He slipped off of the couch, stumbling over to see Blue on the verge of sobbing. Nobody else was awake though, to see the smaller in pain. Killer gently shook Blue awake, seeing the other sit up quickly, breathing heavily and gasping softly. "What's the matter?" Killer asked gently and Blue held up his gloved arm. "Hurts again..?" He recived a nod. "There isn't anything we can do..none of us can.." Another nod in understanding. "I might be able to help." Killer and Blue both perked and looked up at Nightmare in shock. "You..can help his prosthetic?" Killer asked warily and Nightmare shrugged. "My brother can make a remote control car from a tin can. I know a little bit." Killer quickly dragged him over and slipped off Blue's glove. Nightmare froze, feeling his body go pale and stiff. He instantly understood why it was hurting. The wooden arm was bending and collasping with age, splittering everywhere, and not even the right size or shape. The bone where it connected was a deep purple and red with splinters sticking from all sorts of placing. The wood was even molding. "We need to get that arm off. Now." He brought a chair over and sat down, quickly getting to work. Two tentacles tore Blue's sleeve away, one of them wrapping around his humerus. Another tentacle wrapped around Blue's right hand, which squeezed the tendril tightly as he whimpered in pain everytime he shifted his other arm. "Killer, go into the bathroom and see if there's some tweezers or something." He murmured and Killer quickly stumbled off. "I need you to work with me here..when I move your arm I need you to stay very, very still." He glanced up at Blue, who nodded. He slowly turned his srm over and Blue whimpered, hiccupping but staying as still as possible. Nightmare jolted a bit when Killer returned. "I-I couldn't find anything but scissors.." He sounded heavily disappointed with himself. "Perfect." The scissors were taken away and Killer watched curiously. Nightmare used the very tips of the blades and slowly pulled the splintered wood out. Blue trembled, gripping onto the dark tentacle as tightly as he could. One he was done he stilled, taking a deep breath. A tentacles slowly snaked around Blue's mouth, and more wrapped around his arms and legs and torso, making the latter freeze in fear. Killer watched what was happening to his friend, and it made him feel sick to know that he was in pain. Blue glanced at Killer desperately, tears streaming down his face. Nightmare turned Blue's arm over again and froze. There was a metal rod keeping the prosthetic in place. "Oh..shit.." Nightmare let out a short breath. "W-why? What are you gonna do??" Killer limped over. "I need to get rid of the rod.." He mumbled. "Soo..why aren't you doing that?" He cocked his head. "I have no eay to get it out. It's been pierced through the bone. That's why he can barely move it." He turned the arm over again. "Im gonna try something, and I need you to stay as still as you possibly can." He looked up at Blue nodded shortly before freezing, realizing what Nightmare was going to do. He shook his head rapidly, his begs muffled. "One."



Blue braced himself, but noting happened.


Nightmare twisted the wooden arm with a loud crack and Blue jolted, his screama heavily muffled. Blood slowly seeped from the wood and Killer tensed. Nightmare quickly removed the broken screw and detached the arm, slipping off his jacket and holding it over the gash. He tied the jacket around Blue's arm, who was softly crying, squirming around. The tentacles were removed and Blue collasped forward onto Nightmare, startling him. "Thank you." He whispered and hugged him with his good arm tightly. "I-i-it feels so m-much better..t-though it hurts now..a-a lot.." He got off of Nightmare and sat on the bed. He took the jacket off and shakily healed the gash slowly, occasionally hissing in pain. He laid down by Dust and scooted back, pressing his back into the mute's chest, feeling a of arms wrap around him. "G'night.." He murmured and Nightmare nodded. The taller suddenly felt exhausted. He didn't know why, but he did know that he wanted sleep. He shuffled back to the couch wordlessly and flopped down. Killer limped over and laid down too, purring as Nightmare wrapped his arms around his waist. "Good night.." Killer mumbled. He stiffened when he felt the kiss planted on his neck, soon relaxing. "Goodnight Killer." He breathed and closed his eye.



Can you believe I got motivation from a wooden mannequin :P

Hope you enjoyed this weird oneshot.

Have a safe pride month guys! 🏳️‍🌈❤

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