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(Edit:Fixed Typos)

Nightmare's POV

It was a nice day. That, was my first mistake. "Nighty! Cmon! You promised that we would go on a walk on the trail today!" Killer pushed on my arm, trying to get me up and out of bed. I yawned and rolled over to see his pouting face. "I know I knowwww. Ill be up in a few. Why don't you go start break-" He crossed his arms and huffed. " I already made breakfast you dork! It's getting coldd!" Killer pushed on my arm some more. I chuckled and sat up, popping my back in the process. "Okay okay, im up." He beamed up at me and hopped out of bed and out the bedroom door. My brother had rented a cabin in the woods for he and Cross, but Cross got sick so Dream said that me and Kills could stay for a few days or more, which I was grateful for. As annoying as my brother can be, he's a good guy, and I love him. I slipped on a black tee shirt and a pair of my signature black shorts with white stripes. I pulled on my dark blue jacket and walked down the wooden hallway. Killer was sitting on the couch, munching on some eggs and a pancake, when I walked in. "'Bout time sleepyhead." He huffed and shoved another fork full of eggs into his mouth. "Well I fell through the closet and ended up in Narnia. The queen was a real bitch so I decided to come back to my lovely boyfriend." I cooed sarcastically. "Sounds fun." He mused and ate some of his pancake, now finished with his eggs. I chuckled and walked into the small kitchen, pouring myself a cup of steaming coffee. I hummed in satisfaction as the hot liquid coated my throat. I walked back over to Killer and sat down next to him, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. He closed his eyes and hummed quietly while he lifted up his hand and stroked my cheek. He turned to me and glosed the small gap between us. I set my cup down and wrapped my hands around his waist, pulling him closer as we kissed each other with equal passion. We pulled back and rested our foreheads together, him still gently petting my cheek. "I love you." I cooed softly. "I love you too baby." He hummed and pecked me on the 'lips' before standing up and taking his plate to the kitchen and rinsing it off in the sink. I finished my cup of coffee and stood next to him, putting my mug in the sink. I turned and lightly tapped his butt before disappearing back into the living room. I chuckled, hearing his squeak and whip around as I sat back on my previous spot on the couch, leaning back and closing my eye. I sighed contently and cracked my eye open, feeling him sit and lay on my chest, his own chest rising and falling steadily. I kissed his skull and rubbed his shoulder gently. "Wanna start that walk now?" I asked. He hummed. "In a minute. I still wanna cuddle for a bit." I chuckled and closed my eye again, the room falling into a comfortable silence. I felt him shift and I smiled lightly. "Okay..time to walk." He mused and stood up, stretching. I nodded and stood up with him, going to the door and grabbing Killer's coat off the coat rack. I slipped it on him and opened the door, bowing. "Ladies first." I winked at him. "Such a gentleman." He giggled and walked out the door. I closed it and quickly followed, walking next to him. We interlaced our fingers and took in the scenery around us, listening to the sound of birds and the wind rustling up the leaves. "I love it here." Killer stated, smiling and looking around. "Me too. Its quiet..peaceful..and, I get to spend some quality time with the love of my life." I nuzzled Killer. Our little moment was interupted by a clap of thunder and the bright flash of lightning. Killer whined. "Noo...today was going so well.." Killer huffed and pouted. "It's okay, maybe it'll clear up in a little bit and we can try again, if it's not too muddy or anything that is." I nodded thoughtfully. "Mm..okay, lets go back." Killer gripped my arm and hurridly walked back. He wasn't a fan of storms. Often, whenever there was a light rumble of thunder, he would dive into my side with a blanket wrapped around his small figure, trembling. We would sit like that for hours until whatever storm passed. We were about halfway back to the cabin, when it started pouring down rain. I growled and held Killer close. Another loud clap of thunder and Killer shrieked. I squinted my eye, trying to see through the rain. A bolt of lightning flashed and struck a tree, and it collasped. We dove out of the way, the tree just barely missing us. I felt a sharp pain in my back and turned and I could make out the faint shapes of 2 of my tentacles, squriming like a lizard's tail under the tree. The damn thing had decapitated my tentacles! But a loud shriek interupted my thoughts. "KILLER!? WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed through the rain. Another flash of lightning and I could see Killer on the other side of a ledge. The tree had crushed part of a giant rock and had cut off me and Killer completely. "NIGHTMARE! H-HELP ME!" Killer screamed in agony. I squinted again and I saw Killer, his lower body was crushed by a boulder, and he was screaming and crying in pain. I stumbled forward and attempted to climb over the tree. Another loud clap of thunder and a strike of lightning hit the tree and it exploded into flames. I was blown backwards and I hit my head on a rock. The last thing I heard before passing out, was the deperate shrieks and cries of Killer. Then it went pitch black.

~Dreadful Time Skip~

I groaned. My head and back trobbed and everything else just burned. I cracked open my eye and winced at the bright light. The smell of smoke clogged my nose and burned my throat, making me cough. I slowly sat up. The forest around me was no longer. The fire had scorched quite a handful if trees, but I guess the rain put it out before it burned anything else. I looked down. My clothes were covered in ashes and blood. Blood. My head snapped up as I remembered Killer's desperate cries as he was crushed under the huge rock. I scrambled up and regretted it instantly. My leg crippled and I fell into the muddy, ash covered ground. "F-fuck.." I wheezed. I fought to get up again, slowly this time. I limped forward, the smoke beginning to clear. Apparently, the strike that set the fire off, split the tree, making a narrow path for me to go through. "K-killer?! Are you there!?" I choked out. I heard a groan and a soft whimper. I limped forward and fell to my knees in front of the crippled body below me. "KILLER!" I cried out and shook his shoulder desperately. He whined and barely cracked an eye open. "N....night..y?" He croaked weakly. "Im here..im here its gonna be okay.." I fumbled with the words. Killer's lower body was still stuck under the rock, and he was lying in a giant pool of blood. If I didn't get him to a hospital soon, he would die of bloodloss! I looked backwards, and was relieved to find that my tentacles had regrown without any complications. "Im gonna get you out of here..just hang on for me baby okay?" I held his hand, and he weakly nodded. His breathing was shallow and I heard him wheezing desperately. I wrapped my tentacles around the boulder. "Im gonna move it okay? Im gonna get you out.." I looked back at the boulder. There was no way I was gonna be able to move it, but I had to try. I gathered up all the strength and energy I had, and attempted to lift the boulder. It shifted and Killer tensed and acreamed out in pain, and wailed. I felt bad instantly but I couldn't stop now. "N-NIGHTMARE! STOP IT IT HURTS!!" Killer screamed out and wailed louder. He clawed at my arm, but I kept my gaze on the boulder. I tried again and it shifted. Sweat was dripping down my face as I lifted up the boulder a little more. I ignored Killer's desperate pleads and gathered all the energy I had left. This would go one of 2 ways. Either I would be able to get the rock off of my poor Kills, or I would slip up and it would crush Killer more. I squeezed my eyes just and shook from the tension. I screamed out in frustration, but the rock lifted slightly off of Killer's body. I grabbed his arms and pulled him out before the rock slipped and crashed into the ground. I held Killer tightly to my chest. I looked down at his legs and almost screamed. From the ankles, down, the rock had crushed them completely. His feet, were g o n e. He wailed into my chest. I searched my pockets and cried out in relief when I found my phone. I picked it up. It had a lit of cracks but it turned on just fine. I called Dream and he picked up with a cheerful , 'Hi!'. "DREAM! GET AN AMBULANCE HERE! 2 OR 3, GET A CHOPPER HERE SOMETHING! JUST PLEASE HELP US!" I screamed desperatly. I heard him scream for Cross and shuffle quickly. "I-i-im on my way!" He stumbled with the words. "PLEASE! HURRY!" I cried into the phone. He told me to stay on the line with him while he got help. I clutched on to Killer as he cried and screamed inti my coat. He was losing blood faster than I could blink. It was gushing out and creating a bigger pool of blood. I felt him tremble, and slowly get limper. "Nonononono! Stay with me Killer! Dream is coming with help, JUST STAY WITH ME!" I held him closer if that was possible. I heard Dream shout some things and I heard sirens. "We're on our way brother!" Dream concluded, his voice thick with anxiety and worry. "HURRY! WE DONT HAVE MUCH TIME!" Minutes passed by, feeling like hours, but finally, I heard sirens and horns blaring. I cried out in relief, but that feeling of hope was short lived and overcome with dread as I noticed that Killer had completely gone limp. Ambulances, with firetrucks pulled up, sirens wailing loudly as doctors and firemen swarmed around us. I remember screaming for Killer as we were ripped apart, before I passed out again, possibly, for the last time.

~To Be Continued~

(Cliffhangers muahahahaha)

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