Shatter and Separate

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Special thanks to The_Trans_Pans for allowing to me make this oneshot! It was great inspiration, so show them some love!

(Sequel-ish thing to Praise)


Killer purred as I stroked his skull, his chest slowly rising and falling gently as he slept peacefully. Our session had worn him out greatly, and he was passed out cold. There was a short knock on the door and I lifted my head. "Hun? What do you want for dinner? I need to know before your brother comes home." My mother, Joku, asked. "Not now mom!" I hissed. I heard her scoff and she opened the door. She gasped and looked at me with utter disbelief and anger. "You had sex while I was gone? What the hell is wrong with you?!" She roared. "Mom I almost 18 for fucks sake!" I sat up. "That is no excuse and you know it!" She growled. "It doesn't matter! I love him okay? Isn't that a good enough reason?" Her eyes narrowed and she spat. "Not in this house it isn't." At her words, i froze, and my eyelight vanished. "Get him dressed..i'm taking him home. And you are not seeing that boy again. Do I make nyself clear?" 
I nodded numbly and she left, closing my door. I hugged Killer to my chest, feeling a tear run down my cheek. I kicked the blankets off and put some shorts on. I scooped Killer's body up and took him to the bathroom, turning the bathwater on. He shivered and whimpered, slowly opening his eyes and looking up at me. "Nighty...what's wrong babe..?" He looked up at me frowning, reaching up to cup my cheek. "N-" "Don't you dare say nothing." He huffed. " mom..." I mumbled and his eyes widened in fear. "She's downstairs...she came home about half an hour ago...she said..that since we had sex in the house, we can't...*hic*...even see eachother..." I trembled, setting him down. I turned off the water and hiccuped, taking a shakey breath. "Mum is taking you home...I wanted to make sure you were cleaned up before you left.." I mumbled and he hugged me from behind. I sighed, turned and hugged him bsck, both of us completely disregarding the fact that he was naked. I helped him into the tub and sat on the floor by him. He washed off slowly, hicupping every few moments as tears fell down his face. "I'll find a way Killer...I promise..she can drag me millions of miles away..but we will still be together, okay?" He hiccuped and nodded. I gave him some spare clothes and put his old ones in the washer after he was done. We went downstairs hand in hand, both of us wincing at my mother's sharp glare. We got to the front door and Killer hugged me tightly, hicupping. "It's's okay Killer..." I whispered and he  clutched onto my hoodie tighter. I kissed him and touched my forehead to his. Tears were streaming down both of our faces. "Okay..time to go." Mo....Joku said sternly. I didn't consider her as a mom right I wouldn't call her one. My brother had come home a while ago, and was upstairs, but I knew he was watching us, finding a way to undo my problems and mistakes. I kissed Killer's skull and gave him one last hug before he was ripped away from me, forcefully pushed into Joku's car as he tried to get back to me. I went to run to him but Dream held me back. We both had one arm reached out, but our fingers were never close to touching. We cried each other's names before Killer was taken away to him house. I fell to my knees, letting out a sob and turning to clutch onto my brother. I felt the slime melt away, and I felt myself grow weaker..and even shrink a bit as I returned to my body that had been cursed all those years ago. I sobbed and even screamed for Killer. I felt my brother grow a bit weaker, and I knew that I was the cause of it. My negativity was over powering him. "H-h-he's *hic* g-gone..." I coughed and cried louder. Dream kissed my temple softly and I felt a bit better, but the warm feeling soon vanished. "Brother..." He whispered softly and I curled up in his lap. An hour passed by within seconds it seemed..and I was still curled up in Dream's lap as he sat on the couch. The front door open and I flinched and hiccuped, starting to cry again. "He was almost asleep!" I heard Dream snap. "Brother...I-I...I-I don't even k-know.." I mumbled and he sat me up so he could easily hug me. I hugged him back and hid my face in his neck. I felt Joku's hand on my shoulder and I whipped around, growling, feeling the horrid slime flow over my body, blinding my right eye. My ribs cracked and my tentacles reformed, thrashing angrily. Joku stumbled back, bumping into a wall. I felt strength wash over my body and I grew back to my original height. My eye glowed brightly and slime seemed up from the floor, forming into disturbing creaturs, a harsh gurgling sound emitting from them as they all turned towards Joku. "BROTHER STOP IT! LEAVE MOTHER ALONE!" Dream cried frantically, running in front of here. I blinked and glared, before teleporting to my room. I ripped my sheets off the bed and threw them to the bathroom, growling. I sat on my matress, holding my head in my heads, bouncing my knee. Tomorrow was Monday..which meant that school was tomorrow...which ment that I would be able to see Killer. "Joku will send me somewhere...or lock me in the house..she'll never let me see him.." I mumbled and unnoticeably started to pace back and forth. My phone rang and I jumped before running to my dresser and snatching it. The caller ID said 'Killer🖤' and I quickly answered. I heard quiet sobbing and hiccups and my soul shattered. "Killer...i'm's okay.." I told him gently. "N-Nighty...*hic* m-my d-dad..*cough* h-h-he h-hit me a-again..*hic*" I froze and it felt like a dagger just impaled my chest. "I'm coming..i'll out of there." I opened my window and wrapped my tentacles around the frame. I climbed out and slid down the side of the house before breaking into a full sprint. "P-p-please...h-he's c-coming!" He choked and I heard him scream before the line went dead. I stuffed my phone into my pocket and teleported to Killer's road. I saw his house and I bolted, running up to his front door. I slammed my fist on the door, shouting Killer's name. I heard crashes and screams and I kicked the door open. "KILLER WHERE ARE YOU?!" I ran through the livingroom in a panic. "N-NIGHTMARE! H-HELP ME PLEASE!" He screamed as loud as he could and I ran down the hall and to his room. He was pinned to the ground by his drunken dad.  He pleaded for help before he was backhanded, his father screaming insults and curses. I ran and slammed into his side, knocking him off of Killer. We slammed into the wall and I barely dodged a punch. "YOU SSSSON OF A BITCHHH!" He roared  and I growled before punching him in the throat, making him choke and stumble back. I scrambled up and scooped Killer into my arms, holding him to my chest as I ran outside. I bolted down the street a little ways before managing to teleport to my room. I locked my door and sat Killer on the bed. He sobbed, curling up and trembling horribly. His clothes were torn slightly and he has bruises on his face and arms. I hugged him to my chest and sat on the bed, wrapped a blanket around him. Joku must have heard his cries because she shouted and attempted to open the door. She busted the door open and gasped before shouting. "NIGHTMARE WHAT THE HELL DID I TELL YOU!? THAT BOY IS NOTHING BUT-" She cut off as soon as she realized the state Killer was in. He saw her and sobbed harder, turning over to hide from her, trying to press his body closer to me. "O-oh god..should I call his father o-or?-" "N-NO P-P-PLEASE!" Killer screamed. "MOM NO! HE'S THE ONE THAT DID THIS TO HIM!" I roared and flinched as Killer winced and sobbed, coughing and choking on his own tears. "Please...leave until I can calm him down.." I mumbled and kissed Killer's temple softly. Without a word, she left and closed the door gently. I scooted back and layed down, covering both me and Killer with the blanket. He curled into my chest and I wrapped my arms around him protectively. "'s're safe's just you and me's okay.." I whispered and nuzzled him softly. He hiccuped, but slowly started to calm down. He was shaking terribly but he soon stopped crying. There was a soft knock on the door and Killer flinched. "Brother..? May I come in..?" Dream's gentle voice asked. I let him in and he shut the door. "Hello Killer..are you okay..?" He sat on the edge of the bed. Killer frantically shook his head and I rubbed his back slowly. "Is he terrible injured?" He asked, eyeing Killer. "I think so...c-can you heal him..?" I looked at him hopefully. "Of course." He chirped and stood up. "Kills...I need you to sit up please..Dream is going to al you..okay?" I asked him quietly. He nodded slowly and sat up. He winced and his arm wobbled. I helped him sit up and let him lean against me. Dream sat by him and slowly put a hand on his arm. Dream used his magic, which lit up the room in a soft and gentle yellow glow. Killer's bruises vanished and he relaxed. "T-thank you.." Killer smiled at him and Dream smiled brightly. "It's no problem! I'll let you guys rest now..buh bye!" He waved and left the room. Killer nuzzled me and I rubbed under his chin softly, making him purr. I kissed his cheek and he cupped my cheek, pulling me into a proper kiss. It was soft and gentle, neither of us making a move to take it further. We kissed..and kissed..and kissed some more before we.layed down and got comfortable, preparing for a nap. "Thank saved me Nighty.." Killer mumbled, looking at me with a gentle gaze. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't? I could never forgive myself.." I stroked his skull softly. " didn't leave saved my life.." He nuzzled me, purring quietly. I smiled and kissed his skull. "I love much.." I whispered. "I love you too Nighty.." He yawned and closed his eyes. I smiled softly before closing my own eye. It was then that I realized just how exhausted I was. Killer was asleep with seconds, snoring quietly. I drifted off right after him, hugging him to my chest. I guess it turned out okay afterall..although Killer had been hurt horribly..eventually he was safe in my arms..sleeping peacefully. I just wasn't sure what my mom would do after today however...but I could worry about it later...I didn't need to worry about anything right now..just that Killer was safe, comfortable and happy. And that was enough for me. That's all I ever wanted for him, and that's all that mattered..that's all that ever mattered.

(I loved making this! For more requests, or even suggestions for a part 3, you know what to do! Once again, show some love for The_Trans_Pans! I hope you all enjoyed! Word Count:2036)

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