Carnival Shots

552 26 21

(Remake of 'le sad chapter' since it also was bad. I MIGHT remake all of them since my writing has improved and the beginning oneshots sucked. :] )


Killer hummed in delight, gazing around at all the thundering rides and brightly decorated booths that surrounded him.

"This is amazing Nighty! Thank you so much!" He hugged his lover tightly, smiling. Nightmare smiled and kissed his cheek. "You're welcome, my love."

As they wandered, Killer's gaze landed on a snack booth and he was then aware of how hungry he was.

"Hey babe?"


"Can we get food? I'm hungry."

"Hi hungry. I'm Nightmare. Though you do look a lot like the skeleton i'm dating. Short, devilishly sexy, smartass. Know 'em?"

Nightmare let out a bark of laughter when Killer smacked his arm, leaving him and marching over to the snack booth.

"'M not short.." He murmured and gazed around the seemingly endless amount of treats. "Sure." The smaller squeaked in surprise when he felt something snake around his waist and lift him up.

"N-Nightmare! Don't drop me!" He clung onto the tentacle, glaring cutely at Nightmare.

" promises."



"Nevermind. Just get me food." Killer pouted as his legs dangled a few feet in the air. "Cotton Candy sound good?" Nightmare looked up for approval.

"Sounds great." Killer smiled and wriggled around in the grasp of the tentacle.

The worker of the booth turned and went slack jawed to see a tall skeleton looming over him while holding another skeleton in the air with a slimy tentacle.

"One thing of cotton candy." Nightmare put a five dollar bill on the counter and the worker slowly took the money, still staring.

Killer was released finally and took the sugary treat, taking a bite and humming in satisfaction.

"Sugar won't fill you up y'know." Nightmare pointed out. "Shuttup. Let me enjoy this." Killer nudged him and took another bite.

After walking for a bit, the two skeletons sat down to take a short break, leaning on eachother and staring outward at nothing.

"I love you." Killer murmured softly. "I love you too." Nightmare nuzzled him, wrapping an arm around Killer's waist.

They shared a soft and loving kiss, pressing their bodies together as much as they could without sitting on top of one another.

Nightmare pulled away and smiled, grabbing Killer's hand softly.

The goopy skeleton jolted when he felt a small hand on his knee. He looked down to see a small child, maybe six or seven, peering up at him.

"Skeleman." The little boy said happily. Killer snorted and chuckled. "Where's your mom?" Nightmare questioned, poking the kid with a tentacle.

"Dunno where mommy went." The little boy answered shortly, quickly becoming distracted by the tentacle that twitched around him.

"What do we do?" Killer raised a brow at Nightmare, who shrugged. "Wait for the mom?" He suggested and Killer rolled his eyes.

"Well aren't you helpful." He remarked sarcastically. "You asked." Nightmare pointed out, still poking at the kid with his tentacles who giggled and tried to catch them. "Oh hush." Killer shoved him playfully.

The couple jolted on shock when the little boy was snatched away, an angry looking mother glaring daggers at the skeletons.

"What have you freaks done to my boy?!" She shouted, making Killer wince. Tentacles wrapped around Killer protectively.

"Nothing. You should really watch your kid more closely. We could have kidnapped him if we truly wanted to." Nightmare scoffed. "C'mon, let's go somewhere else.." Killer stood up and Nightmare was at his side as he walked off towards another area.

Killer took a bite out of the cotton candy and smiled. Nightmare leaned down and took an even bigger bite, making the smaller gasp. "Heyy! That's mi- mmf!-" His sentence was cut short when Nightmare kissed him deeply, silencing Killer's protest.

They separated and Nightmare grinned. " taste better than the cotton candy anyway.." Killer mumbled shyly. "I know~" Nightmare chuckled.

There was a noise that made the couple freeze.

A gunshot.

More fired and a large crowd of humans and monsters ran towards the exit, shoving past eachother. Nightmare grabbed Killer's hand and bolted, dropping the sugary treat and joining the stampede of people.

Someone pushed Nightmare over and the two skeletons separated, tumbling to the ground. Nightmare got kicked and he yelped. "KILLER? WHERE ARE YOU?!" He shouted, scrambling up.

He saw him huddled by a bench, occasionally getting kicked everytime he tried to get out. Nightmare pushed people out of the way and grabbed Killer with his tendrils and yanked him to his chest, scooping him up and running.

Another gunshot sounded and Nightmare ducked down, tripping and rolling. He covered Killer with his tentacles as he fell and went limp when they stopped moving. "N-Night-" Killer was shushed by Nightmare.

"Shh..just stay still..don't move.." He whispers, his tentacles covering the smaller. Killer kept his mouth shut as the remaining footsteps faded into silence. Killer was uncovered snd he slowly sat up.

Nightmare sat up with him, looking around. They hugged eachother tightly, letting out small cries. "I love you.." Nightmare whispered. "It was worth it..if it means..getting you home safely..then it will always be worth it." He murmured and Killer pulled away, confused.

His eyes widened in horror as blood seeped through Nightmare's jacket. "Nononono, we have to get you to a hospital!" Killer tried to get Nightmare to stand but he wasn't strong enough.

"It's okay.." Nightmare mumbled, blinking slowly. "You're gonna be're gonna go home.." He pulled Killer back down. "N-no.." Killer hiccuped.

"It's okay.." Nightmare cupped Killer's cheek and kissed him softly. "I'll be okay..I-i'm just..t-tired.." Nightmare slowly slumped forward onto Killer who cried out, laying him down and shaking his shoulders.

"Nonono, you have to get up..p-please.." Nightmare didn't reapond and his eye slowly glazed over. "N-no..y-you c-can't go.." He sobbed. Nightmare's tentacles stopped flicking and soon dusted, as did he.

"I l-love you s-so much.." Killer hiccuped and held his jacket. He let out a quiet sob and squeezed his eyes shut.

"S-so much.."


Carnival Shots


Since I make Killer to victim WAYYY to much, i did a little switcheroo!
This one is WAYYYYYYYYYY better than the original and EVERYONE CAN AGREE- DON'T EVEN LIE-

Hope you guys enjoyed!

1072 words

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