Part 1

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There once was a story of a small town. A blonde haired pony tail girl, a leather jacket boy, a raven haired girl, a red headed boy, a sassy red headed girl, a pink hair girl, and many others. This is there story. ;)
Hi. My name is Elizabeth. I'm the new girl in town. I moved to this odd town named Riverdale. I've never heard of it before.. it's strange.. Whatever we are just gonna move in a few months anyways. My mom is a widow. Well she was divorced but then my dad died so I'm not sure what to call it. It's already my first day in this weird town and i kinda like it. My room is super cute. My mom told me I already have to go to school tomorrow. Ugh whatever. Oh and I'm a straight A+ student. Back to my mom. She's always trying to find a new boyfriend but I don't want a new "dad" cause it'll just be some bulls-.. I should get my outfit ready though. I'm just gonna wear an iconic outfit of mine. It's a sweater with a collar and skinny jeans oh and some little sneakers.
I always wear ponytails! So I put out my brush and hair ties. Soon I was fast asleep.

>~< First day of school
My dream is to be a model,photographer, or writer. Buuuut my mother wants me to be a lawyer or a teacher! Ugh no!!! I already got dressed,ate, and brushed my teeth. She's not even up yet. That stupid bi-. I guess I'm gonna walk to school.
Am I there yet -o- I'm so bored and tired. At least I wore my trainers they are so so cute. (I like to say trainers instead of sneakers sometimes) I looked around me seeing if I was partly close to school. Until I saw a motorcycle coming down the road. I'm terrified of motorcycle I wouldn't ride one if I was given a million dollars.
It was a boy on the motorcycle. I noticed I was starting to slow down but I sped up. I tried to focus myself to look forward not back. "like what you see"-? I jumped not expecting someone to talk to me. "omg go away hobo"-E "Gee thanks"-? "leave me alone asshole"-E "Whats your name doll face?"-? I tried to walk faster away from him "Elizabeth now go away creep!!"-E. "Cute name. Catch ya round"-?.
Thank god he's gone. And thank god it's the schools I went in and looked around.. so this is Riverdale High. I went in class sitting next to a red headed girl. Wow she's so pretty.. but so much red.. maybe that's what red heads do..
i got out some supplies as I heard my name. "Elizabeth Cooper please stand so you can be introduced to the class"-Teacher. Eek totally nightmare! The whole class!! I stood up making a fake smile appear on my gloss lips.
"Introduce yourself"-T
I looked around the room and took a deep breath "Hello. I'm Elizabeth Cooper. A lot of my friends back in California called me Lizzy or Coop. My Instagram is BCooper. Add me if you'd like. And feel free to ask me any time for tutoring or help on assignments. As I did have a straight A report card every semester"-E. I smiled once more and sat down "Weird flex but ok!"-?. That voice. I looked back and saw it was motorcycle boy. He had his feet up on the desk and his friends were laughing. He then looked over at a raven haired girl who had a black dress on and a white collar. She also had sparkling pearls on. "I'm going to the bathroom  so settle down. Betty was it? Uh can you watch over the class?"-T. "Actually it's Eliza-"-E. The teacher then left. I then took down my hair.. I took out my mini brush and brushed out my hair making it curly. I tied a few pieces of hair back and pulled some in front of my face. I then looked back at the motorcycle boy who was now making out with the raven haired girl. I looked back at my desk.
The teacher came back and split the two up.

It was finally lunch I sat down at an empty table and started to eat my food "Hey"-?. I looked up and saw that pretty red head "Oh hi"-E "Betty right?"-? "it's Elizabeth but sure"-E" "I'm cheryl"-C "Nice to meet you"-E "I saw you eyeing little miss bitch and Jonesy"-C "Who?"-E "Oh the two who were making out In class"-C "Oh"-E "The girl is named Veronica Lodge. She's the biggest bitch in school! She bully's Eveyone for just breathing and the boy is Jughead Jones. The weirdo and Jackass who thinks he's all that. The two are in this gang called the Serpents. Pretty stupid name if you ask me but anyways. I'd suggest if you avoid them.. unless you're the type who likes bad boys"-C "Noo way! Back in Cali there was this boy named Archie Andrews. Cutest boy ever. He had red hair,was a football player, and was the most popular guy in school.. ugh I'd kill to see him again.. and we left right before I could ask him out! And I knew he liked me.."-E "Why'd you move?"-C "My mom is always moving. Because she just had a divorce like a few years ago and we had to move then cause we couldn't afford the house. But then my dad died so my mom got so upset she went out one night and just spent all her money so we couldn't afford that house either. So we say this town had cheap houses and moved here. It is pretty cool here though"-E "This town is wack! People in school are never acting like kids anywhere else!"-C "Damn"-E "Wait- I just remembered when I was walking to school that Jug-Head guy stopped and tried to flirt with me"-E "O.M.G what a player! And going after the new innocent girl! What a dick!"-C "Yeah. He seems like the type that would get suspended for doing something so stupid"-E "Whatever I just hate that guy."-C We both got up and threw away our trash and started to walk to the bathrooms "I should introduce you to Everyone"-C. Cheryl then grabbed two girls arms. "This is Josie. And this is Toni"-C "Hello! Nice to meet you two! I'm new here. My name is Elizabeth"-E "Nice to meet you!"-J "Yeah! I'll catch you guys around!"-T. bThe two girls then walked off. "Well everyone seems nice"-E "Most Of them are really nice"-C. I then looked in front of us to see that Veronica girl. She was wearing a black shirt that had a white color and a lace shirt and some heels. She was also wearing a leather jacket. It had words on the back but I didn't read them.
Wait did she change?

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