Part 5

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After a while of crying I finally got myself together. I wrote a little note that said " Dear, Juggie. I'm hoping that you can tutor me again.. And possibly become something more then friends? Xoxo Betty~"-B I put a little bow on it and a little heart sticker to close it.
I then went to Jugs trailer I then knocked. But then I noticed it was open. I was about to say his name when  until I saw him with that pink haired serpent.. kissing. I dropped the letter and ran out of the trailer.. I dont know where to go so I just ran to Pops. I sat down at a booth.. I'm in love with him and I won't stop fighting. I won't stop trying to get him back!
I got the placemat and a pencil I had in my pocket. And wrote "Jug, I saw you and miss pinky in your trailer. But I don't care! I will not stop fighting. I will not stop trying to get you back.. Xoxo Betty"-B i folded it into a origami heart and wrote B+J. What does Betty and Jughead equal.. Bughead? That sounds weird.. but cute. Joni.. that's a terrible ship name.
I then went to the market and got a confetti ballon and tied it to the heart note. I then attached a weight to it. I added little drawings to the string of the serpent logo, His name, B+J, his beanie, etc. I then wrote one last thing on the ballon "To Jughead From Betty". I went to his trailer and put the balloon at his front door  and then knocked on the door and hid but I watched his come out. He didn't have his Beanie on and had a jumper on and some jeans. "Hello?"-J. He called out. I didn't answer he then grabbed the balloon and looked at the drawings. A little smile appeared on his face and then he opened the note and read it. "Betty?"-J. I was about to come out of my hiding spot but then Toni grabbed his shoulder and he threw the balloon. "What's that babe"-T "Oh it's nothing. Some weirdo dropped off a balloon"-J "Ok I'll be inside"-T "Ok I'm just going to-"-J. He then saw that I was hiding and I tried to cover my face as I was starting to tear up. "I'm just gonna throw this out. And my bike hasn't been working so I'm gonna take it to the shop"-J. He closed the door and came over to me. "Hey"-J. He then sat down beside me "I really liked the balloon"-J "And the drawings.. and the note"-J. I stayed quiet "Talk to me.."-J "So you're together now.."-B "Wha- me and Toni?"-J "I only got with her because I was upset.. but I'm gonna break up with her"-J "Really? Cause the other night you seem really happy with her"-B "Wha- when-"-J "Yes I was there."-B "How about.. You throw a party in the next 24 hours on Sunday .. if I don't break up with Toni by then... uh then you can.. become serpent queen"-J "Deal"-B. We shook on it and I left.

It was Sunday morning. I had everything planned. From the cakes to the confetti. I got on a cute little pink dress and curled my hair. Cheryl then told em whilst I was getting ready she could take over so I let her. I got to the party place and saw it was packed with people. I went up to my little hideout I had there and saw Jug "Hey Jug.. what are you doing up here?"-B "I remembered I don't fit in at parties"-J "Why? Cause you're a loner?"-B "Kinda yeah.."-J "They all say that. Then their on the dance floor.."-B "You've been hurt I see"-J "Yeah.."-B "Wanna talk about it?"-J "Not here.."-B.. he took me to his trailer and we sat opposite sides of his couch.. "This guy named Archie"-B "Sounds.. like a jerk"-J "He.. He- I liked him but we moved away before I could tell him how I feel.."-B "If he came to riverdale.. would you date him?"-J "If I was single.. yes"-B "Oh"-J "I should get going"-B. Jug rested his hand on my skirt "You should stay"-J "Stay"-J. I looked at his hand then looked at him.. (It's just gonna he the same scene as the show did it so I'm not gonna explain it.. but they were interrupted by Toni.. and then Betty was like "Juggie" and then she went back home)
I got home very tired.. I soon then got a call from Jug "Hey.."-J "Whats up?"-B "Oh I just wanted to say Goodnight"-J "Oh-"-B my mom then opened the door "Lights out missy!"-M.. I then hung up and went to bed.
I woke up on Monday morning.. i went downstairs and ate my breakfast. There was then a knock at the door. It was Jug "Hey?"-B "Hi.. I uh wanted to walk to school together."-J "Oh uh.. ok."-B. I quickly got ready and walked with him to school. And it was raining "So about last night."-J "If it wasn't enjoyable then I understand"-J. I then stopped and held the umbrella over him. "No.. it was amazing"-B "Oh!"-J "Just My is very strict"-B. We then started to walk again and he held my hand the rest of the way..

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