Part 45

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It was the weekend
And I had planned a party with the serpent, my girl friends, and his family.
It was going to be a surprise party and it was at our house.
I wore the most cute outfit

I took him out to the movies while everyone set up the party

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I took him out to the movies while everyone set up the party.
We arrived at the movies and we went in.
"You know you didn't have to bring me anywhere for my birthday"-J "Yeah but I wanted to"-B
We said sitting down as the lights dimmed
It was a good movie but then we went back to our house.
He opened the door as it was all dark "Where's ev-"-J "SURPRISE!"-everyone.
I could tell Jughead then became uncomfortable but I just wanted to surprise him.. it fine he's just.. excited?
I smiled at him but he didn't have a single bit of happiness in his face.
"I-I'll Get the cake"-B I said trying to distract myself
I went over to the kitchen and got the cake. I put he candles on and lit them. I looked at the cake and sighed..
God I guess I'm a terrible girlfriends since he can't even enjoy his party.
I brought the cake over to him as I sang happy birthday. I tried not to show that I was upset.. which worked.
We ate cake as the doorbell rang. I went over to the door and opened it "You thought you could have a stupid party without inviting the rest of the school"-Chuck
I looked at everyone waiting outside.
I tried to close the door but he pushed it open. "This isn't a party party this is just a birthday party"-FP "So. Jughead it's alright that we have a little fun"-C "No-"-J "Alright lets party!"-C
People started to flood into the house and I lost Jug in the crowd. I made my way to the stairs and went upstairs.
I went to my room and closed the door and locked it so no drunk kids could get in. I sat on the bed and rested my head in my hands.
Why couldn't it be a good birthday.
There was a knock at the door and I opened it. Jughead looked at me looking unhappy
"Hey, this was meant to be a good birthday! And yet I screwed it up"-B he came in and sat next to me on the bed.
"it's not your fault you didn't know I don't like surprises or my birthday"-J
"Oh.."-B "Love you.."-J "Love you too"-B
"We should party.."-B "I mean.. I guess so"-J
I grabbed his hand and we went downstairs.
We drank a lot and partied like never before..
I didn't remember much until one part.
I had been drinking when I lost my cup somewhere on one of the tables. I went to go get another cup when chuck came up to me "Looking for a cup?"-C I nodded not really able to spit out some words.
He handed me a cup and filled it up.
I drank it all as he took me over to the kitchen which was mostly empty.
"I- don't- feel- good"-B I said nearly falling before he caught me "Ill take you up to your room"-C
I nodded once more as he helped me upstairs.
I laid down on the bed as chuck closed the door behind him. He locked it and then went on top of me. "Get... off.."-B I said weakly
A smirk grew on his face as he started to undress me. "Betty?"-? I heard a voice say that wasn't chucks.
Chuck started to make me make out with him as my dress dropped to the floor.
I tried to push him off of me but it wouldn't work..
I looked over at the door as I opened "Get off of her!"-Jughead demanded.
I then heard downstairs "Everyone our!"-FP
Chuck left the room as FP took care of him.
Jug closed the door and looked at me "Are you ok?"-J I nodded slowly feeling disgusting.
"Here let's get you to bed"-J
He took out one of his shirts and put it on the bed.
My eyes felt heavy as I felt Jughead take off my bra.
I opened my eyes slowly and could tell he was blushing. He put his shirt on me and covered me in a bunch of blankets.

I fell asleep quickly and woke up with a minor headache.
Jug wasn't in bed then I noticed it was 10 am
I stood up and put some jeans on and tucked in Jugs signature S shirt into my jeans. I brushed my hair and curled it.
I went downstairs and saw Jug was sitting in the living room and watching tv. He turned around when he heard me. "How'd you sleep"-J "Pretty good"-B
He smiled and went over to me and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him and kissed him slowly.
I felt like we hadn't kissed in years..
he started to take my shirt off. I knew exactly what he wanted
And I gave it to him..

The End
Yes the story ended very badly but I don't have any inspiration. And no prom.. sorry but I just had to end this or else it would've been so boring.
Love y'all thank you so much for the support and I hope you liked it :)

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