Part 3

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I got back home.. I told my mom that I spent a night at Cheryl's.. even though she didn't know who that was she was fine with me being at a girls house..
I then ran up to my room and took out my diary.

Dear diary.. so remember that guy Jughead.. Well we are partners in history.. We got a project together and so I stayed at his trailer. Then we worked for awhile and then fell asleep.. he had his arm around me and I think i like him!!

I then closed my diary quick and leaned back on bed as my mom walked in "Hey sweetie. wanna go out to eat?"-M "No thanks I'm not hungry"-E I said with a smile and she closed the door. I then remembered I had Jug in my contacts and texted him.
J:Hi :) what's up?
E:Nothing. Just bored :P
J:wanna go to Pops?
E:What's that?
J:Pops chock lit shoppe
J:I'll pick you up
E:Ok :D

I then took a quick shower and then did some light makeup and put on some clothes and did my hair. I got my bag and left. Jughead then came with his motorcycle "Oh no no! I'm not getting on that"-E "Well.. you can walk.. or you can call a cab.. or I can get your mom-"-J "Oh no"-E I then got on his bike and I got on his bike. we went to Pops and I really liked it. I got a vanilla milkshake which was delicious "We should go here all the time"-E "Yeah! Can I call you Betty?"-J "That was random but sure"-B

I then saw Veronica walk in and I just looked back to Jug.  I then got closer to him just to make her jealous. "So.. How much does a polar bear weigh?"-J "um I don't know?"-B "Enough to break the ice."-J. I started to laugh "Wait that is the best pick up line I've ever heard"-B "I mean jokkke.."-B "I think it was a pick up line"-J. I started to blush and my heart started to pound

 I started to blush and my heart started to pound

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"by the way you look really nice"-J "Thank you"-B. I smiled at him and then looked up at veronica who was now by our table "So your with this northsider?"-V "What?"-J "she just moved here she's basically not a northsider"-J "So What shes replacing me!"-V "Actually yeah! She's prettier,nicer,cuter, she's doing everything better then you"-J. I started to blush and then sipped my milkshake. He then put his arm around my shoulders and then put his hand on my arm..
"You are such a dick!"-V. She said leaving the diner.. I just looked down at the table. "Don't let her ge-"-J "Did you really mean those things?"-B.. I looked at him "Of course.."-J..
I looked at him and back down at my empty milkshake cup.. "I should go home.."-B.. "I'll bring you back"-J "O-okay"-B.

He took me home and I sat on my bed. I then dug my fingernails into my palms.. I didn't know what to do..
I then put my hair up and went on my phone. I then heard a knock at my window.. I then opened it to see Jug! "Hey Juliet.. I couldn't leave when I dropped you off"-J he then came in "Just not yet at least"-J "Why?"-B "Did you forget something?"-B "No.. I uh- I-"-J. I looked at him confused and he took my hands into his. I started to feel my face getting hot.. I bet my Face Is bright red.. my heart started to beat as he looked in my eyes..

He then got close and kissed me.. I then pulled away slowly and looked at him. "Juggie.."-B what the hell why'd I just call him that.. I then heard a knock at my door and my mom then asked why it was locked. I then pushed him to the window and he quickly went down the ladder "Sorry mom I had my earbuds in"-B. I then opened the door. "Yeeesss"-B "I was wondering if I could-"-M. I looked over at the window out of the corner of my eye. "Why is your window open?"-M "I wanted to let some air in"-B. I then closed the door. I went over to the window to see Jug on the ground "You ok?" I mouthed to him. He then gave me a thumbs up and blew me a kiss. I then grabbed my phone "I'll ttyl. Xoxo 💋"-B "Alright. I'll count the hours till then😉🖤"-J
I then fell to my bed.. I held my phone to heart and smiled..
I exhaled looking at my ceiling. I sat up and looked around my room. Umm. I kinda miss him now. I then sat on my window seat and wrote in my diary. As soon as I finished I got a text from Jug.. "Hey! Meet me at twilight drive in, in ten? x"-J I giggled then responded "Be right there!"-B. I then sat down and curled my hair.
I then went to twilight drive in and it was empty. Huh weird. Then jug out of no where jumped out "BOO!"-J. I then fell to the floor "You asshole!"-B. He then held his hand out and i took it and he helped me up. "Sorry I just couldn't help myself"-J. I rolled my eyes "Is that all you wanted?"-B "Actually no"-J  "I just wanted to hang out"-J. He took my hand over to his little hideout where he watches his movies. We both sat down on a couch he had.
We watched the movie and then jug said "Betts.. I uh wanna get to know you more"-J. He turned toward me and I sighed "Fine. What do you wanna know"-B "Well.."-J he asked me some questions about my dad and Cali.. just the regular stuff people ask me. Until he asked "How do you get such good grades"-J. I bit my lip thinking if I should lie to him or not.. "I don't"-B "What?"-J "I-I uh cheat. Cause I'm actually terrible at everything"-B "Don't say that."-J "You're probably better than I am.."-B "I can tutor you.. if you'd like"-J "Really?"-B. I smiled at him. I then leaned in and French kissed him. He held me tight and I pulled away from my phone buzzing. "I have to go. My friend Cheryl needs me"-B "Aw I'm gonna miss you"-J. I giggled and kissed him once more and left.
Wow I'm really falling for him.. He's not as bad as he was always explained as.

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