Part 29

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I sighed and tried to close my eyes but I just couldn't sleep.. I knew If I closed my eyes I would just open them again in a few seconds. I looked at the clock then fixed my pillow. I felt Jug hand on my arm and I sat up and looked at him "What?"-B "I didn't mean to snap at you"-J "I love you"-B "I love you too"-J. He opened his arms and I snuggled into them. I then kissed him and he looked at me. "Baby"-J I looked at him confused as he moved his hand to my butt. "I want to stay like this forever"-J "Like What"-B "With you"-J "Well no problem there. We will"-B "good"-J I smiled at him then rested my head on his chest and slowly fell asleep.

The sun woke me up but apparently didn't wake Jug. I sighed feeling out of place today.
I went downstairs and made some tea. Gosh.. what's wrong with me I-I feel so odd. Huh maybe I'm sick.
After I finished my tea I went and got the thermometer and checked my temp. A little high..

I went and put on a pink t-shirt that had nothing on it, some white shirt jeans, sneakers, my sunglasses, and I got my mini backpack too. I then put my hair up in a ponytail and left. I went to Pops and met Veronica. She met me outside "Hey!"-V "Hi"-B we then hugged each other and she took me inside "Guess what"-V "What?"-B "Oh uh"-V she took my hand and took me down to the speakeasy "TaDaaaa"-V "Wow. It's exactly how you were talking about that other day"-B she smiled at me and we sat down at the bar "Would you like a drink?"-V "Nothing with alcohol. Just- surprise me"-B "Ok."-V

We catch each other up on life and had some food. As we were eating lunch I got a text from Jug "Are you with Ronnie?"-J "Yeah"-B "Ok have fun. Ly"-J "Ttyl Lyt"-B. Veronica looked down at my phone "He's so cute"-V "I know right"-B "And so supportive"-B "Girl I bet you could list about 100 things you like about him but I don't want you to"-V we both laughed and she looked around "We should hang out with just our inner circle. Like you me, Jug,Reg, Cher,Kev"-V "Yeah. Maybe the day before school starts back up again"-B "Oh yess. I'll make a group chat and we'll plan something"-V I smiled at her and she sighed "Well I should get going. I really like these chats we have"-B "Me too"-V we stood up and hugged each other and I went back home. I felt much better after talking with Veronica.. maybe I needed to just tell her everything that happened.
I opened the door and I didn't hear anyone. Then I went over to the living room and saw JB sitting on the sofa with FP and Gladys very mad.. I looked at them and then walked up the stairs. Jug was sitting on the bed on his phone. "Hey"-J "Hi..? What's going on downstairs with Jelly?"-B "So apparently"-J he said sitting up and sitting on the side of the bed. I closed the door and sat next to him "You know the other night she was 'out with her friend' well she was actually with a boy. And my parents told her she's not allowed to date until high school"-J "Oh no.."-B i exhaled deeply and bit my bottom lip "Yeah I know right. Sometimes she can be a pain"-J "But... she wasn't even going to date him she just went on a date. A simple date to the movies and pops!"-B "Wait you-"-J "Yeah I knew. And that's why I gave her the makeup and the cute outfit! She's like my little sister and I just wanted to make her happy. Plus it was no harm it was just a date it's not like she fucked the guy!"-B "Wait.. that's very true. I should tell-"-J "Don't tell them they'll hate me if they knew i knew.."-B "No they won't. They love you"-J I shrugged and looked down at my feet. He then kissed my head and picked my chin up. He kissed my lips softly

"Jug.."-B "What it it my love?"-J "I just- feel odd.."-B "Oh.."-J. He held my waist and kissed my neck then my cheek then my lips. I wrapped my arms around him as he fell back and I went on top of him.
We started to make out as he took my shirt off and I took his off. He unbutton my pants still passionately kissing me. He took off my pants and I took off his. I pulled away to catch my breath and looked at him. We then went back to what we were doing

After we were done I laid on the bed sweating and panting. He looked over at me as I went under the covers "You think your parents heard?"-B "No. I think they left.. plus this time you weren't moaning that loud"-J he said teasingly. I rolled my eyes then kissed his cheek. "Admit it. You love my dirty jokes and my teasing"-J "Fine Fine! I admit it. I love you or dumb jokes, your dirt jokes, and all of your teasing"-B he smiled as me and cuddled me. I wrapped an arm over him chest and rested my head on his chest too.
I sighed and closed my eyes as he stroked my hair "Jug"-B I said not looking up and just traced heart softly on his stomach. "Hm?"-J "I love you so much"-B "I do too."-J "I think the reason we kept breaking up is because we didn't think we were good enough for each other"-B "That's right for me but not for you."-J "No. it's true for me too."-B "Really?"-J "I'm a mess though.."-J "A cute mess. Your one of those people who can make any bad situation a good one"-B I said giggling and looking up at him. He kissed my lips softly and I went back and rested my head on his chest.

Who knew heaven was a place on Earth. A place named Riverdale. And in riverdale a small area on the northside. A small place with a boy with a leather jacket and a blonde haired girl with the face of an angel.

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