Part 39-The fake death?

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I pushed open the door bumping into someone on my way. I looked up at the person"I-I-I-I'm so-So sorry I-I've Just-"-B I couldn't even finish my sentence before the words of Veronica popped into my head and I just started to sob more "Hey.. it's ok"-J I wiped my eyes and looked up at Jug.

I didn't care if we were fighting or not I needed comfort. I wrapped arms quickly around him sobbing into his shirt. He was surprised by my actions but put his arms around me anyways. He then picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him.
No one was around since it was still early. He took me to his car and we went back to the house.
I sat on the couch as my crying started to stop. But I felt very unwell. I rested my head on my arms that were on the arm part of the couch. I sniffled as Jug walked infront of me then sat down beside me. "You ok?"-J he said calmly. I nodded and he put his hand on my back. He then put a blanket over me but instead I just moved next to him since he had just laid down. I put the blanket over us and I tried to calm down. I just wanted to erase those words. I wanted to erase her.
Then an image of Veronica on a piece of paper popped up into my head. I was erasing her from the page. I smiled at the thought of her going away. "I hate Toni and Veronica they are total bitches"-B "Agreed"-J "Is it bad I kinnnda thought of ways they could die?"-B he looked down at me then started to laugh "Actually no. I've thought of ways Archie could die"-J "Killing three people one arrow"-B I giggled as he smirked at me and the we bursted out laughing "We are insane!"-B "Yes we are!"-J he hugged me tight and I sighed
"What time is it?"-B he then showed me his phone and I sat up. He grabbed my waist and looked at me "Lets go back"-B he nodded as I went to the bathroom and re-did my makeup but this time simple.
I then got my backpack and took Jugs hand. "Wait here for a second"-J I nodded as he went back over to the living room. "Here"-J I looked at him confused. He then put on of his favorite rings on my finger "If they come up to you, look at the ring or hold it or something and you'll be able to face them."-J I giggled at how cute he was being

As we arrived back at the school the first bell had just rung. I kissed him goodbye and went off to class.
The rest of the day was fine. Until it was English class, the class I had with Jug.
I sat down in my usual area and was early as always. I got out my things as Jug and his friends entered the room.
Hm he hasn't really come to this class ever so I've never seen him during the day/ during class. He then saw me and his face lit up. He then sat next to me and smiled "Hey"-J "Hey"-B "I usually would sit in the back but your here"-J I nodded and he took out a piece of paper "Can I borrow a pencil"-J I giggled and gave him one "Keep it"-B "Thanks"-J

We only took notes but Jug got bored halfway through. He was going to sleep but I made him take notes.
Then  over the announcements we heard "Elizabeth Smith And Forsythe Jones to the front office" we both stood up and looked at each other. Huh what could we have possibly done..
We left the classroom and I looked at him "What did we do?"-B "I don't know.."-J he took my hand and we went to the front office. Principal Weatherbee looked all sorts of emotions. Sad, mad, annoyed..
He then saw us and opened the door. We sat down and he looked at us.

"Elizabeth"-PWBI nodded slowly crossing my legs.
"Veronica and Antoinette  are your friend right"-PWB
I nodded even though both Jug and I both knew that wasn't true "Not as close as we used to be but we are still close"-B "Well"-PWB
He sat up straight in his chair and became pale.
"Veronica and Antoinette were found dead in sweet water river yesterday. We have just gotten the news they were found though"-PWB
"Wha- h-"-B Jug noticed my face become white and said what I was going to say "T-this morning they were at cheer tryouts.."-J "Oh that cannot be. They even took pictures of the girls."-PWB
He took out a picture and showed us. It was blurry and the quality of the picture was terrible. But that wasn't Ronnie and Toni..
"Veronica's" hair looked like it was colored in by a sharpie.. and Toni's hair was brown. Just brown.. and her hair is pink.
I opened a picture of them together on my phone. Then I saw so many things wrong with the two girls and the picture of Veronica and Toni.
"That is not Toni and Veronica. They're my best friends I know every single feature of them!"-B I said raising my voice hirer then I meant to.
Jug pulled my chair over to his and put his hand on my thigh. "Wow.. that's so odd."-PWB he said adjusting himself on the chair. "Jughead, Betty. I'm giving you a task. You can't tell a single soul about what has happened or what your going to do."-PWB
Jug and I both looked at each other then Weatherbee. "I need you to find out what happens to the two. And I'll pay you for finding them. I need this done by the most at the end of the week. And if you need time off of school, be my guest"-PWB

Investigating once again. With a mighty fine topic to do so on.
"Where to first?"-B
"Maybe sweetwater river to see any fishy clues"-J
"oh how funny jones."-B
I rolled my eyes as we walked out of the school.
*cue epic music*

-Our lovely investigative duo is back at it again with a fun topic.
What do you think is going on with Toni and Veronica?
Will they find out what happened?

Side note- the next couple of chapters will be about this investigation.

-This topic inspired me so much I'm very excited about this 😊

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