part 25

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We both looked at the ceiling and sighed. "So you still going to bring your lover to the party"-V "Hope so. B.T.W do you have a lover"-B "Actually Yes"-V I looked back at the ceiling as my phone started to buzz. I answered it. "Hello"-B. I hopped off the stage and went over by the stairs. "Hey baby. Where are you"-J "I went to Pops-"-B I over at Veronica who was mouthing something but I couldn't tell. "Hold on" I mouthed to her. "I'm at Pops with Veronica"-B "Are you sure cause it sure doesn't sound like your at Pops and definitely not with Ronnie.. The hell is going on you've been acting so weird since we got back to riverdale"-J V came over to me and held her phone up to me. Which showed me a few texts from the girls from riverdale chat. "I think there's some drug dealing stuff going on. I saw Hiram and a middle aged woman walk into a trailer in lab coats and the trailer looked very odd."-C "Hello?"-J "I- bye"-B I was stunned by the texts. I shoved my phone in my backpack and pulled out the leather jacket I always kept In there. I tied my hair up and got out my camera and Bobby pins "OMG Queen this. This is look"-V she said putting on her jacket.

We met up with Cheryl, Josie, and Toni.
Cheryl showed us the trailer they were talking about and it was Jugs old trailer.. my phone kept buzzing but I knew I just had to let it buzz. We then went over to the trailer and put our gloves on. I picked the lock on the trailer and it opened almost instantly. The whole trailer was filled with drugs, drug power, other chemicals, beakers, etc. we looked around and took pictures of the place. We then called the police cause they knew about our little group. They took care of the trailer but we went back to the speakeasy for drinks to celebrate.
We just had a good time. We got a little tispy, Sung songs, Karaoke, danced, gossiped, and so much More. It was about 1:20 and we finished partying. I went back home and slowly opened and closed the door. I didn't want to wake anyone and my phone was dead to tell Jug I was home.
I then went over to the area we put our shoes and put them away. I turned around to see Jug "Hey sorry I'm home so late"-B he had anger and sadness filled in his eyes "What's wrong?"-B "Whats wrong?! You didn't answer me! What were you with your side hoe?"-J "Juggie.."-B I looked at him.. still tipsy.. also not knowing how to answer him "It's Jughead.."-J "I don't have a 'side hoe' i-"-B "You what?!"-J I closed my mouth. "Cool. Ok. I see how you wanna play this. This little game called love. I didn't think you'd ever think I'd be a cheater. From someone who's been cheated on I would never. Ever do that to someone I love. So maybe go find a new girlfriend if you think that way"-B I threw him his keys and left. I ran to the side of the house I would see kids playing over here when we were looking at houses and sat on a brick that fell off the brick wall when my mom and I were trying to bring in furniture this way when we forgot the keys were locked Inside.

I cried I cried my heart out.. but quietly so he wouldn't hear. I can't believe he'd think that of me.. I was with my bestie.. can't I have fun too since I don't have a damn family! "Betty.. I'm sorry.. I don't if your still can hear me-"-J he yelled from the front door as his voice broke from sadness. "I messed up..for good this time! She's not coming back! Look she even threw her promise ring on the floor!"-J he said talking to FP.. I looked at my hand. Idiot. I didn't throw that on the floor I promise..
Well at least I have more pool space at the party.. I giggled to myself trying to make a happy moment out of a sad one..
I then peaked over the wall and saw him sit down in the road but still close by the door. He looked up at the night sky and was mumbling something.
"God he looks so cute"-B I accidentally said aloud. "Fuck"-B I covered my mouth and fell back on the wall and hitting my head accidentally "Ow dammit"-B he then came over to the side of the house. "Hey.."-J "Hi.."-B "You look hot in this light"-B he chuckled and looked at me sitting down. "Did I mess up for good? Cause if I did I still wanna be your friend"-J "Really? Cause I was thinking about-"-B "About what"-J "Nothing.."-B he forced a smile at me and I smiled back.. but it slowly faded "Do you just wanna be friends?"-B "Do you just wanna be friends??"-J I looked at him then at the sky "Y-Yeah"-B "Me too.."-J we both smiled at each other and sighed. Even though we both wanted to just kiss each other till we got sick of each other.
He then took my hand and took my pointer finger and put the ring on it. "Best friends."-J
Just friends..

I went to Veronica and told her everything. I ended up sobbing.. more then I've cried in a long long time. Last time I cried barley as much was when my father was put in jail. Or when my mother put me in sisters of quiet mercy at the age of 10..
Let's just say.
I should buy water proof makeup and some chocolate.

I don't wanna be friends

I wanna be more than friends


We can't seem to see that


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