#1 - He's Out

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It's been so long since I've held him, touched him, smelt him. Although he's only been absent in my life for six months, it felt like six years. What can I say? I was madly in love, and I would do anything and everything for that man.

I chuckled at my thoughts as I pulled up to Freeman's Correctional Center. I remembered once upon a time I declared that men weren't shit, and they all deserved to die a slow death. Now look at me, all in love and being extra.

Slamming the door of the Audi and securing my Chanel bag on my arm, I pushed my Celine glasses firmly on my face. I hated coming to these kinds of institutions. They made me feel classless and low. I can't imagine how the inmates felt, further more my amazing man. But my king had nothing more to worry about, for his queen was on her way.

These Louboutin's were killing me as I stepped, but I kept that pain to myself. I was so excited to see him, everything else was insignificant. I even had a little extra bounce to my rhythmic walk, which had all the male officers eyeing me with great intent. I smirked to myself and kept it pushing. Sorry boys, this woman was all the way taken.

I knew the procedure of how this place worked, yet I always got irritated at the process each time. These officers made things difficult just because they could, and hopefully this was the last time I would be dealing with them.

"Sign here, there, and right there." Gloria, a rather rational officer said pushing discharge papers in front of me. "Please make all writing legible."

I nodded at the feeble older woman and gave her a small smile. She was one of the few women agents I could tolerate, the others were on some hating, judging shit. Gloria dispersed to handle another matter, leaving me standing there alone. In a matter of moments, I would be able to see the love of my life again, and we'd be able to move on with our lives. All these lonely nights, unfed cravings for sex, and short visitations would be a distant memory.

"Nova? Nova Parker?"

I turned slowly, confused yet alarmed by the voice. To my great surprise, it was one of my high school teachers Madam Tuck. She was always one of my favorites, for she believed in me more than any of my parents ever did.

"Tuck? Oh my God, how are you?" I gleamed, rushing over to hug her. "It's been years."

"Oh, hush up child. You're gonna make people think I'm old. But I'm doing fine, how are things with you?" Tuck answered.

"Things are great. I've been doing well for myself."

"I see." Madam Tuck responded, inspecting my attire. "So, what are you doing here?"

I paused, trying to collect my thoughts so I could form words. Tuck has always been an exceptionally great inspiration to me. She saw so much potential in me, and aspired me to be the best woman I could be. She was practically the mother I never had growing up. How was I supposed to tell this woman who meant so much to me, that saw so much in me, that I was here to collect my other half from the pen?

"She's here to see me."

I knew that voice all too well and even gave a small smile. That was the man of the hour right there. That was the reason I drove a whole two hours in traffic on a regular to the Freeman's Correctional Center. That was him.

He brushed past me with ease, and slid his hand out for Madam Tuck to shake. My former teacher and mentor looked visibly impressed and shocked as she took in his whole demeanor and physique. Not to brag, but my man was the man. Period.

"Hello, I'm Bryson Harding, but you can call me Rocky. I'm a friend of Nova. Nice to meet you."

I glanced over at my husband as Tuck shook his hand with flirtation. Tuck proceeded to tell him about her volunteering at the prison and what she contributed to a program regarding men becoming better in society. My husband seemed thoroughly invested and even added his own points. Hmm, my husband. I haven't said that word in a while.

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