#17 - Break The Mold

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July 1st, 2017

That fucking dumbass Darius. I don't know why I even bother wasting my time with him. He was useless, and he proven himself so on plenty of occasions. I was too smart and way too fine for his punk ass to keep on playing me like this. Besides his good looks and bomb ass dick, he had nothing to offer me. And I don't know why it took me so long to realize that. I stomped down the busy street, angry at this ridiculous heat but even angrier at myself for meeting up with that twisted son of a bitch. Once again, another failed relationship on Nova Parker's roster.

I don't know why I even messed with that clown. He swore up and down that he was different from the rest, and the first couple of months his proclaim was actually factual. But then the lies started to form, the calls and texts decreased, and now a bitch was pulling up to my job demanding that I stay away from her man and let him raise his children. I agreed to go to lunch with him to cuss his ass out and give him a piece of my mind, but somehow he managed to make his whole fuck up my fault. Men, right?

Apparently in Darius' stance I was too needy, too accessible, and I was rushing the relationship. And normally these things would hurt my feelings, but this asshole spewing that bullshit only made me laugh. Some men could never take responsibility, and Darius was one of those men. I played my part, treated him good, fucked him even better. I felt as though we were really building something, that is until I found out he had a rather vicious baby mama, three kids and another one on the way.

Man, I was so angry it showed. People stepped out of my way, giving me questionable looks. I tried my hardest to keep it cute and show a good face, but it was clear that I was distracted. Why do I keep getting done dirty like this? I swear my friend Chloe and I had some curse on us when it came to men or something. We kept getting dogged out by these weak ass men, but enough was enough. I was done with relationships. Forever.

It was time to conserve my damn time and energy. I had just opened up my very own accounting firm and it was time to put all my eggs in that basket. Gone are the days where Nova Parker sat waiting for a man to treat her like the queen she was. Bad bitch Nova has returned. I wasn't going to let another man take me for granted. And that's a promise I was going to keep.

I paused my aggressive strut to admire myself in a store's window. I was snatched per usual and my ass was looking amazing. And it was then that I realized that I was too much of a woman for Darius. That I was too much of a boss. I had all my shit together, and I knew that threatened his weak ass. Hmm, maybe it's a good thing I got rid of him. The trash took out itself.

I returned my pace, having a new perception of my singleness. Gloating in my head about what a fantastic human being I was, I stride on, quickening my steps only to bump into someone and be knocked right over on the hard ass concrete.

"Hey man, watch where the fuck you're going!" I snapped, bouncing up quickly.

A handsome face looked back at me, puzzled yet amused. He had an incredible jawline, and some beautiful eyes. He eventually smiled back at me, licking his lips. I snapped into reality fast and shook my head. I was not about to go down this road again. I had to be strong. I don't care what his broad shoulders and attractive physique was doing to my vagina.

"Ah, I think it was you who bumped into me." the man laughed. "But it's all good, next time I'll look down to make sure no one's coming my way."

I cleared my throat and tried to put my mean face on. His laugh was so damn sexy. It was rich and deep, just how I liked it. This man kept smiling at me, making it hard to focus. He had such nice teeth, and as I analyzed his attire, I could tell he had good fashion sense. Not that it mattered though, I was banning myself from men until further notice.

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