#19 - Like I Used To

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A delicious aroma woke me, and I smiled gleefully as I stretched away my sleepiness to see Bryson walking in with breakfast on a tray. My amazing husband stood over me shirtless and I gazed seductively at his tattooed upper body. He eased the breakfast on the bed and proceeded to climb on top of me, sliding my butt shorts down. Oh, this morning was starting off on a great high.

Bryson kissed all around my legs, thighs, and vaginal area, and then worked his way to my clit. I gasped in relief as his warm tongue massaged my honeypot, and I grabbed on his head as he continued sucking and slurping. It wasn't long before I came, and he glanced up to see a very satisfied expression on my face.

"You remember when we first got together?" Bryson asked, handing me over a glass of orange juice. "I gave you head almost every single day. Sometimes three times in the same day."

I sipped on the citrus drink and recalled the memory with a dazed smile. From the moment Bryson and I agreed to be together back in his car on the summer of 2017, his actions were matching his words. He treated me with so much love, care and affection, I started to wonder where he been all my life. He was like a dream come true in a relationship, being everything I've always wanted and more. And at times I'd even ask myself if this was a dream that was too good to be true, and that would eventually turn into a nightmare.

"We were so good back then." Bryson continued. "Everything we did just synced. I knew we had some kind of connection, and I wasn't ever letting you go."

I grinned at Bryson's kind words and took in his statements. We were fantastic back then. We fit like a glove, and were truly inseparable. And although we had a few bumps in the road since Bryson came home from jail, I honestly believed we could get back to that happy place.

"That's why I want to dedicate the day to us." Bryson announced. "To our relationship, marriage, and our vows. Get dress, we're going out. Please don't take forever."

I rolled my eyes, ignoring Bryson's sarcastic remark about the amount of time I took to get ready, but squealed at the thought he gave into this day. Oooh, what was he planning? What were we getting ourselves into? It actually didn't matter to be honest. As long as I was with him, I was good.

"Thirty nine minutes. Now that's a new record." Bryson joked when I met up with him inside his BMW. "And you look amazing."

I blushed at Bryson's compliment and buckled up. Boy was I excited. This man made me so damn happy, and now that we were back to working on being a better us, I felt like I was on cloud nine. This relationship shit wasn't easy, but there was no one else besides Bryson that I'd rather go through the trials with.

We glided along, onto the highway and headed to the city. It was absolutely astounding, and I watched people stroll the sidewalks and enter stores. They all looked at peace, and I figured it was because of the atmosphere the large town brought. The city had a vibe to it that could never be replaced.

"This area is underrated as hell." Bryson commented as he tried to find somewhere to park. "I wanna do something like this for my brother's locale. Put in some small boutiques, make the sector more business savvy and kid friendly."

I smiled at my husband's plans. There goes my ambitious go getter. Bryson hasn't been talking about the area he intended to buy for his brother as often as usual. But to see him bring it back to life with additional substance allowed me to know that he was still on track and ready to take action. And that meant he was moving further and further away from the drug game, which I was all for.

"Sounds great, babe." I answered. "I know you got this on lock."

Bryson smirked, and the car finally came to a stop. I glanced up at the building we were parked in front of, and noticed it was Maggie's Cupcakes. They not only sold the best desserts, but this was where Bryson and I had our first date. The business changed around its exterior decorations, but the feeling remained the same. Stepping out the vehicle to get a better view of the shop, I noticed the place was completely empty with a sign hung that they were only catering to a Bryson and Nova Harding.

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