#12 - Finesse Finesse

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"You know, I was so surprised when I received your call. Our interaction in the past hasn't always been the best, and I honestly thought your drug dealer has brainwashed you to the point of no return. But here you are looking as beautiful as ever. To what do I owe this date?"

I glanced up from the menu I was reading and tried to keep a smile on my face. John Watson Jr was without a doubt getting on my nerves, but I had to keep this dumbass date alive if I really wanted any scoop on his father. Watson Jr was the second in command, and was his father's go to for almost anything. This cheesy cornball was a world class instigator who was more than likely the cause of a lot of Watson Sr's problems. But he was a sucker for business talks, and an even bigger sucker for beautiful women. It was time to put all my skills to good use.

"Well I wouldn't necessarily call this a date." I said laughing lightly. "I am a happily married woman."

"Are you really?" John Jr asked sarcastically. "Because according to my father all you seem to do is run behind that husband of yours and make sure he's good. I know that shit gotta be tiring."

Strike one. Who did this bastard think he was that he could just speak on my relationship? He didn't know me, Bryson, or anything we've been through together. I should just tell him off and put him in his place. But instead, I just sat there and gave Watson Jr a small smirk. I wasn't leaving this restaurant without the tea on John Sr. I had to tolerate the disrespect.

"Well, I don't think so." I responded, sipping on the glass of wine that was ordered when we first arrived. "After all, I do work with your father now, chasing my dreams and building my own empire. Hasn't he mentioned that to you?"

"As a matter of fact he did." John Jr replied, closing the menu. "Best decision you could have ever made. You ready to order?"

This man's arrogance was so displeasing. No wonder all the relationships he ever had lasted a year the most. I knew this ignorant asshole looked down on my husband a lot, but one thing Bryson knew how to do efficiently was to care for a woman and her feelings. I pulled at my dress when John Jr wasn't looking so my cleavage was more pronounced. Time to kick in the sex appeal.

"Yeah, we can order." I said. "So tell me a little more about you. Where's the girlfriend?"

"Well Khya is out of the picture and Marlo is trying to make her way back in." John Jr said signaling a waiter. "Either way they're both annoying as fuck and I don't see anything lasting. They remind me of you."

The waiter rushed over and took our requests. I took that small break as an opportunity to pull myself together, and remind myself why I was there in the first place. This man did not deserve my time or presence, and he sure as hell didn't deserve my charm and good looks. I couldn't wait for the night to be over.

"Why's that?" I asked when the waiter disappeared. "What do me and the girls you dated have in common?"

"Well besides the fact that you all can't see a good thing right in front of you." Watson Jr said sternly. "You all look the same. The makeup, all that weave. You all look like a bunch of clowns if you ask me."

Strike two. It was time to start firing back. Watson Jr was far too calm and I could tell he enjoyed discrediting me. Treating him like he was treating me was the only way to go about this.

"Your father surely seems to like it so why not you?" I expressed. "Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't your father have like six or seven hoes on a roaster? I heard he's like Hugh Hefner's brother."

"His decision to pimp out these retarded thots are his actions!" John Jr snapped. "Don't bring that mess over to me."

Aha. Making progress before the meal even came. Watson Jr looked at me with slight embarrassment in his eyes. We both knew he said something he shouldn't have and I was going to milk this the very best way possible. Calling John Watson Sr Hugh Hefner's brother was definitely a stretch but I'm glad it struck a nerve for this idiot sitting across from me. I was just getting warmed up.

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