#5 - The Big Kahuna

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Now I wasn't no huge club goer, but I could appreciate a good event. And thanks to Divine's persistent ass, that's exactly what tonight's plans were. According to her, she's been feeling really bad about what happened at Aces and wanted to make it up to me. And I for one, would never turn down a free drink.

It definitely hurt my feelings that Divine didn't take up for me. We were friends longer, and she without a doubt knew me inside and out. She wasn't as critical about my marriage as Chloe was, but did advise and pressed me to see a pastor for counseling. I'm happy I did, because those different exercises and patience techniques that the pastor and I practiced were certainly coming in handy.

"Nova, come on. Baby, this ain't no fashion show! We're already late." Bryson called from downstairs.

Tuh. Sometimes I wondered if Bryson really knew me at all. I had to look exceptional every time I walked out of this house, I didn't care where we were going. For me, it was more than just dressing up. It was putting together a look, a statement. I reapplied my lip gloss once more before I gave myself another glance in the mirror. I was snatched.

"Damn, it took you long enough....."

"Mmhm." I answered, greeting my husband with a flirtatious smirk. "Pick your jaw off the floor and let's go."

"You look beautiful, absolutely stunning." Bryson commented once we made our way to the car. "I'm a lucky ass man, aren't I?"

"Hell yeah." I replied laughing. "I'm glad you're coming with me tonight. It'll help my family and friends warm up to you a bit more."

Bryson grunted in response and proceeded driving. He's only been around my people a couple times but he's always been an outcast amongst them. My folks were judgmental as fuck and didn't care to hide it. Everybody knew or had some idea of who Bryson Rocky Harding was. His profession rubbed people that were closest to me the wrong way, for they felt as though I should be with someone that could match my occupation. But I was happy with Bryson, and that's all that mattered.

"I'm just not in the mood to argue and fight with nobody today." Bryson expressed. "I ain't looking for nobody to accept me, but at least respect me as a man and as your husband."

"You're right, love." I agreed. "You know I stand with you. If things get hectic and you feel as if we should go, let's do that. Hey, that way you'll be able to get me out this dress faster."

"Oh word?" Bryson laughed. "Shit, we could turn around right now."

I giggled in return as Bryson pulled up at the spot for this event Divine was throwing. I really had no idea what was going on. When Divine called and begged me to come out and bring Bryson with me, I was a tad skeptical. What if this was a round two for these heifers and I was dragging my man into the mess? I would never forgive them for that, further more myself for being so naive when it came to my friends and mother.


I had to hold onto Bryson so I wouldn't fall. These people done jumped the hell out of me with their yelling. Glancing up at Bryson, I could tell he was alarmed and shocked at the gesture. After a couple moments I saw his face lit up and he was smiling brightly. I looked in the direction he was facing to see all of his friends huddled in a corner talking restlessly. Oh Divine did her thing with this one.

"So am I forgiven?" Divine squealed rushing up to me. "I know you see them men over there and sis getting his friends here was not easy. Give me my props."

I laughed reluctantly and rolled my eyes. "Okay, okay, I give it to you. Thanks for doing this, D."

"Yeah, thanks a load." Bryson continued. "This means a lot."

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