#23 - Ruthlessness Activated

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"Hello, this is a prepaid collect call from John Watson Sr. An inmate at The Freeman Correctional Center Facility. This call is subject to recording and monitoring. To accept charges, press 1."

Sighing, I quickly removed the phone from my ear and hung up. It was only a matter of time before shit hit the fan, and I would have to deal with the backlash that came with receiving almost all of Watson's clientele. It's been a couple of days since the whole ordeal with John, and I've been laying low despite all the greatness that have been coming to me. I didn't want to get too excited about the sudden achievement, because knowing John Watson, he was probably trying to find some way to snatch it from under me. He didn't seem like someone who took losing well at all. John Watson Jr was more than likely working overtime to get his father back to where he once was.

"Baby, where you going?" murmured a half asleep Bryson. "The bed's empty without you."

I smiled wearily at Bryson. When I got that phone call from jail, I quickly moved out of bed. At first, I was going to answer it but my fingers wouldn't let me. I don't know, but I knew I had to do something about Watson, and quickly. He was in the pen now and only Lord knows what he could be thinking. After all, he surely had a lot of free time on his hands now.

"I'm about to head out." I answered. "Chloe's having some kind of issue."

Bryson yawned and nodded his head understandably. "I'll be here when you get back. Drive safe."

My husband shifted and turned, backing me. It was only seven in the evening, but the amazing rounds of sex we did had us both exhausted. I've been loving the home body Bryson. We spent the last few days planning the revival and just catching up with each other. It felt good having him all to myself. We were fully back to us and our marriage was thriving. I just needed to put this whole Watson thing to bed, and we could all move on with our lives.

Pulling a hoodie over my head, I quickly fled the Harding mansion. I knew meeting with John could either go really right, or stupidly left. As nervous as I was about it, I came to the realization that I had to face the situation head on, and not allow Watson to create his own narrative. I've been keeping this whole thing from Bryson for the longest, and now that Watson was behind bars and facing serious time, I didn't need him trying to take me down with him. He knew directly how much I cared about my family. Misery loves company. And I wasn't about to be apart of his circus.

"Hi. My name is Nova Parker, and I would like to visit Mr. John Watson Sr. He's expecting me." I said when I finally reached the prison.

"Visiting hours ended hours ago." a police officer at the front desk responded. "But hold on, I'll see what can be done."

Damn, look at power. John probably was holding these officials by the balls. I nodded as the police officer disappeared to go consult with whoever he needed to. I rubbed my hands on my pants and looked around. I was a real wreck, and I just wanted this meet up to come and pass. I honestly hated this sneaking around and hiding shit. It did something to my nerves. And as the officer returned and gestured me a direction to go, I honestly pondered if this was all worth it.

Clearing my throat, I sat in a lone room. It looked like one of those rooms you see on television when the detective is questioning someone. It was tight knit, and there was only one other chair across from me, which was divided by a huge table. I was about to come face to face with John Watson Sr, and that really had me on edge.

"Mr. Watson will be with you momentarily." the police officer said. "Please turn your phone off."

I swiftly did as I was told, and by the time I looked back up again, John Sr was in my presence. I tried to keep my breathing intact as I watched him walk around to the other seat. He was right in front of me now, and he actually looked the exact same. You would expect someone that isn't used to any type of struggle to be all sweaty and scared, but John looked like he hasn't missed a beat. And as off topic as this was, orange was so his color.

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