#24 - That Was Unexpected

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Having no concrete proof of this whole situation was so troubling and annoying. I felt like I was walking on eggshells around my husband, and I didn't like that feeling. I was careful, just like I intended to be, but I knew I couldn't keep this up for long. If Bryson was indeed trying to play me for a fool and plotting against me, he surely was a great actor. Because this whole shit was tiring, and I simply wanted to get to the bottom of this. We were both too old for him to be playing this type of game with me.

"Here baby. Which one do you like better? Should we do silver like the wedding, or switch it up and do it different?"

I glared at the napkins Bryson was showing me. We were in the mix of planning our vow renewal, and here I was thinking about how to detect my husband's shadiness. I held up the two types of napkins, making it look like I was deciding. I honestly could care less, but I had to play my part.

"I think we should stick with the silver." I responded. "I feel like this revival should be like a part two to our wedding. Changing the theme would be seriously switching it up."

Cheryl nodded in agreement. "I'm with Nova on that one. And can I just say, I'm so happy that you guys are taking another step at commitment. This renewal is going to be amazing. Such a cute couple you two are!"

Bryson and I smiled politely as Cheryl excused herself to go look at more fabrics. Sighing, I played with some charms on my bracelet. My mind and soul really wasn't about this happy occasion. I needed to find out where Bryson's head truly was. And what else he was planning to do. I couldn't keep this charade going on. But opening up that conversation was hard, and I was honestly scared of what the outcome would be for our marriage.

"She's just all happy that she's getting more money outta us." Bryson joked, laughing. "You okay with everything so far, baby?"

I nodded in response, and forced a smile. Why was he so good at this? I'd feel better if he showed some type of anger or aggression even. It would let me know that he felt wronged, and then we could possibly try to work on forgiveness, hopefully. But this fake shit right here? Nah, this mess was for the birds.

I did think about coming clean to him, and then dealing with his reaction. That would be easier, right? However I couldn't find the balls to do that. And I didn't even know if Bryson really knew. John Watson could have been playing mind games with me as well. And then I'd ruined a sealed deal with his firm. I sighed restlessly, and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. This was so confusing.

"You okay, babe?" my husband asked. "You seem a bit off."

I turned to look my husband full in the face. His handsome facial plastered a gentle smile and his brown eyes looked so kind and heartwarming. Could this man really be hiding all of this hatred, resentment and animosity within his interior? I wished I knew. I crossed him by doing business with Watson, it was a very bold move. I hated what I did, but still I wouldn't change it for nothing. It sounded so selfish, but I felt like I fought so hard and for so long to be in the position I am today. The Watson opportunity presented itself to me not once, but twice. And I knew I'd be a fool to say no.

"I'm fine." I answered sweetly. "Just a little tired. I haven't been sleeping well for the past few days."

"I realize." Bryson responded. "Is there something on your mind that you wanna get off your chest?"

I smiled at my husband wearily. Oh, hell. What the fuck was that supposed to mean? I glanced around Cheryl's beautifully designed office space. Ain't no way I'm about to start a pending argument in public. That ain't how Nova rolls.

I shook my head, and Bryson's phone rang the same time. He quickly excused himself, and that left me in a state of paranoia. What if it was Samuels snitching on me and letting my husband know I was in contact with Watson? I sucked my teeth and frowned. I needed to get a grip, fast. If that man I called a husband was really conspiring behind my back, I had to be just as vile and take it like a G. My soft sensitive side needed to go take a nap.

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