#15 - Love Me Naked

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I was having that toe curling, grabbing on the pillows for dear life sex. That heart racing, angry, passionate sex. Bryson was hitting it from the back so rough, I thought he was mad at me or something. And I was here for that shit.

We started off slow, but then homeboy quicken the pace all of a sudden. It was still sensual, as I gasped at each stroke, begging for more. Trap music blasted from Bryson's iPhone, and I smirked as 21 Savage sang through the speakers. How many times did I cum within the last two hours? A lot.

Bryson grunted and yelled a phrase of explicit as he released, slapping my ass with great force. He chuckled happily, resting back on the bed and stretching out. Licking his lips, he gave me a wink, and I knew it wasn't long before his ass fell asleep.

It was only nine in the morning and I was eager to get the day started. This resort had so much to offer, and I was ready to attend everything. I rolled my eyes at a drifting Bryson, and pulled the covers over him. I was going to enjoy our stay, with or without him.

Bouncing up, I prepared for the day, being careful to not wake Bryson. This husband of mine disappeared late last night to do only God knows, and returned early this morning with a vast amount of energy. I shook my head and smiled as I stepped out of the shower to see Bryson fast asleep, snoring just a bit. My pussy had power in it, no one could tell me not.

A curious, yet puzzled expression left me as I bent over to pause 21 Savage's rapping on Bryson's phone. He had a notification which was a message from his long time friend Mac. My mind told me to leave the phone, but my fingers were doing otherwise. I slid the notification to view it and proceeded reading. Bryson knew better than to take my finger print out of his phone.

I stood there in complete questioning, trying to piece together Mac's message. I honestly was going to ignore the message. It for sure wasn't my business. And I knew that I would be on ten if Bryson went sniffing through my phone seeing all the shit I got going on. But Mac's message started with the words 'last night', and I knew Bryson wasn't going to tell me where he disappeared to. He came back this morning stating that he was busy planning something for me, and as much as I was in love with him, I knew better than to buy that bullshit.

According to Mac's message, Bryson and him needed to finish a meeting that transpired from last night. There was no previous messages from Bryson or Mac, which only grew my suspicion more. Bryson shifted in his sleep, and I placed his phone down exactly how he had it. The last thing I wanted was to be caught in the act, and having to explain myself.

Mac's message followed me all the way to breakfast, even though I was trying to erase it from memory. Mac McClean was no good. Although I wasn't a fan of none of Bryson's friends, he was the one I couldn't stand the most. His whole being was off, and he brought a sinisterness with him. I knew a lot of bad shit went down in the drug game, but I hope my husband wasn't in anymore dumbass shit.

I chomped down angrily on a piece of bacon, getting annoyed with myself. Why the fuck did I read that message? My mind was swirling, and different thoughts of what Bryson could have possibly gotten himself into boggled my brain. The morning started out so great. I was having extraordinary sex with the man of my dreams, absorbing all of this resort's air and energy. And now Mac decides to ruin it with all his cunning and deceit. I swear I can't stand his high yellow ass.

A mimosa and two men playing the steel pan was enough to calm my nerves, but it only lasted for a few minutes. The island instrument brought me some tranquility for a few moments, but it was sadly disrupted by a huge scream, frightening visitors of the resort. The music came to a pause, and there was a rush of staff running to one of the pool areas. People were nervously chattering, while more staff emerged trying to control and comfort their guests. Whatever it was that just went down, it had Mac's name written all over it. Why his ass was even here at this prestigious establishment was beyond me.

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