#3 - Comprehend That

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Going out with the girls was now a must. It's been a couple of days since my meeting with that gorgeous ass probation officer and Bryson still hasn't come home. I've been blowing up his phone and leaving risky, threatening text messages but my husband was clearly taking me for a joke. And Nova was nobody's fool. If he wanted to go out and do his thing, so could I.

It was easier said than done of course, because I wanted nothing more than to be cooped up in the house, hoping for Bryson's arrival. I felt like I had just gotten him back in my arms, and now he's dragged himself away from me again. I tried so desperately to tap into the bad bitch Nova. She was the one who didn't give two shits about a man's whereabouts or that man in general. But I just couldn't, especially seeing what the stakes were when it came to Mr. Bryson Harding.

Shuffling through my closet, my mind came to ease as I picked out the perfect skin tight dress for this evening's occasion. One thing that could surely turn my frown upside down was finding a cute little outfit, getting all dolled up and looking on point. There was nothing I liked better than getting dressed up and making myself feel good. If I wasn't a striving accountant, a wardrobe stylist was the next option. Clothes gave me an energy I didn't know I needed.

The doorbell rang twenty minutes later, and I knew it was my babies, Chloe and Divine. Those two women were my bestest of friends. We all met in high school and the bond was unbreakable. We've been each other's rock and shoulders to cry on for so long, I couldn't imagine life without them.

"Damn bitch! Bryson's letting you walk out the house like that?" Divine exclaimed once I opened the door and gave a small twirl. "You gonna have all the men on you."

"Girl screw him." I responded, locking the door behind me and following my girls to Chloe's car. "He don't know what he's been missing."

"Uh-oh." Chloe replied, starting up her Audi. "Trouble in paradise already? Didn't he just come home?"

"Yep." I answered. "And won't stay home, girl you know how it is. But enough of him, where are we going?"

"Sis, we are heading over to Aces. It's the new comedy/strip club duo that just opened." Chloe squealed happily. "My baby Hakeem's showing his moves tonight as well. I'm excited."

"Girl, I don't see why." Divine shot back. "Your man's dick is literally going to be in other bitches' faces. I would not approve of that shit."

"Well that's the difference between you and me. I celebrate my man, and I support whatever his life choices are. You should take some notes from me, maybe you'll be able to keep a man then." Chloe snapped.

"Yeah, I'll keep him and get played in the process like your dumbass. Nova, can you believe her?" Divine laughed.

I shrugged and flung my hands up, making it clear that I was not about to be involved in their stupid bickering. Who was I to speak on any other woman's decisions when it came to her man? Shit, my own choices when it came to Bryson was quite baffling. 

I slid back into the tight knit vehicle and watched the beautiful scenery as we passed. The city was astonishing at night, I don't think enough people gave it the credit it deserved. I shook my head as thoughts of Bryson filled my mind, and reoccurring dates we had in this large town came crawling back to me. I needed to forget about him for at least tonight, his ass probably wasn't even thinking of me.

"And we're hereeee!" Chloe sang as she paralleled parked on the street.

"Damn." Divine sighed. "You mean to tell me this club don't even have good parking? This is gonna be shitty, I can already see it."

"Man, would you shut the hell up and give it a try?" Chloe groaned. "I'm so tired of your Negative Nancy attitude, take a break."

I couldn't help but laugh at these two, and I wrapped my arms around them both as we waited in line to get into the club. These two women could go back and forth forever if there was no one to stop them, but I knew it was all love. We looked out for each other in different ways. Divine for one was much harder on Chloe and I for our selection of men. She felt as though we gave too much, and far too quickly. I eyed my phone, and realized that I had zero messages or calls from Bryson. Sometimes I feared that Divine was right.

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